I know I’ve already hurt her. Broke her, even. But I can’t help it. She is so damn beautiful, a temptress. That’s what she is. The moment I set my eyes on her, my cock hardened, and I had to use all the self-control within me to watch her perform.
It was such a torture to wait till the zipper ‘malfunctions.’ She feels the zipper getting undone is a mistake. If only she knew it was a well-calculated mistake to have her in my bed without using force.
No one can blame me for wanting to plunge my length into her pussy. The mere movement of her butt got me imagining how I’d feel if I buried my cock inside that pussy hidden down there.
Hakeem did a good job recommending her to me, and I guess I can pardon him for his errors now. After all, she is his peace offering.
I finally see something interesting in this boring town.
Even though she’s more beautiful than Latifah, in all aspects, I still can’t get the memory off my mind. She reminds me of that two-timing bitch so much that I allowed my anger to take the better of me.
I rarely get angry, but when I do, even I cannot control myself. I guess she already got her fair share of my anger before I got to calm myself down.
Gosh! She’s such a tease, and I don’t think anyone has ever turned me on this way. I detest this feeling of not being in control.
All the time I pounded into her pussy, the only person that occupied my memory was Latifah. How could I allow myself to be fooled by another temptress after what I’ve experienced?
Carla turns me on so effortlessly that all I want to do now is punish her for controlling my body this way.
I want to punish her so much, but seeing her virgin blood on my bed suddenly calms the beast in me. It’s not every day that virgin strippers come my way, after all.
I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because, unlike Latifah, she is untainted. I can teach her everything I need her need to know.
“I’m sorry, Carla Dawson, but I am not letting you go. I cannot allow any other man to swim in your pussy-not after what you did to me. You belong to me now.”
As if on cue, her soft and full back rubs against my cock, and I know I won’t get a wink more of sleep if I don’t ravage her body to my satisfaction.
Since I want to keep her longer, I don’t think it’s necessary to torture her anymore. I’ll be gentle this once. If she doesn’t appreciate it, she can’t blame me for what happens next.
“Fuck!” I grab her ass and grope her butt gently, loving the soft feel of it. “Mmmmhm” I let out a guttural moan.
I draw closer to her, and seeing her curled up in the fetal position, my heart skips a beat.
“I will not hurt you anymore, little fox. Hope you will not make me regret my decision.”
I rub the tip of my cock against her butt, and oh my… All I want is to plunge my length into the tight walls of her pussy. But that can wait.
I must make her enjoy the process, or she might never overcome the fear.
I slide my right hand down her thighs and find her pussy already wet. It’s exactly how I want it.
When my index finger finally enters her pussy, I feel her tense in my arms. I guess I scared her shitless.
Why else would she stiffen at my touch if not because of fright?
“Master… Please…” Fuck! She looks so scared already.
“Little fox, calm down. You will enjoy every bit of it. I promise to be gentle.”
Even though she relaxes a little, I still feel her trembling.
To calm her down, I move my finger up and down her pussy, and when she flutters her eyes open, I bring my hand to my lips and suck her juices.
Gosh! She tastes as good as she smells.
“You taste so good, little fox. I’m going to enjoy devouring this pussy.”
Before she can register the feeling of fear, I thrust faster and deeper, finger fucking her wet pussy.
“Mmhhhmm” she moans unconsciously, and I feel her loosening up.
I grab her firm breast with my left hand and capture her left tits into my mouth.
“Awww!” My little member is dying to be buried between her thighs, but I need to wait. I need my pet to on the same page as me.
When I finally turn her into a moaning mess, I part her legs a little wider and admire the sight of her perfect body.
Her pussy is dripping wet with her sweet juices, and I dove right there for a taste.
Damn! She smells so good.
I part her pussy lips gently and suck on her sensitive bud.
“Aaahhhh! M…aster” She calls out in a daze.
“Little fox…” I call her, still with my head buried between her thighs.
“Tell me how you feel when I do this…”
I lick the walls of her pussy gently, causing her to squirm and moan. I push my tongue into her pussy, and she loses it, clutching onto the bedsheet.
“M…as…ter, it feels so go..od.”
I continue to worship her pussy until my pet begs for mercy… “Master, please...”
I assault her pussy further and watch as she raises her hip and tries to escape from my torture.
I have sucked and finger-fucked her till she’s aching for the real deal, my cock.
However, I need her to beg for it. It’s the only way she would overcome my earlier roughness and truly enjoy her first true orgasm.
I prevented her from cumming all this while. She only needs to cum around my cock, and she needs to feel me inside her, pounding her pussy as she cums, moaning my name.
“Please, what? Little fox, what do you want?” My question seems like a tease, but that’s what I want- to hear her beg me to ravage her pussy.
“Master, please… fuck me.”
As if an edict, I quickly rub my shaft at her entrance, and she moans louder, “Mmm!”
Her juices meet my shaft, and the feeling is magical. “Mmmm” I give another throaty moan as I push my length gently into her pussy. I pause briefly, feeling her walls pulsating around my cock.
I give her nipples enough attention to feel her dripping wetter around my cock.
“Master… Master”
She keeps calling out, but I don’t hold back. I continue to push out and slam my cock back into her pussy until her third orgasm.
When I feel my release coming also, I slam harder, faster, and deeper into her sweet pussy. Finally, I emptied my load into her womb, the thought of pulling out not crossing my mind in the slightest.
Why should I pull out of that sweet pussy when it feels like just the right place to empty my load?
Gosh! Carla tastes so good. Addictive.
I see her breathing heavily, panting.
Now that I have shown her how it feels to enjoy being fucked, I only hope she makes the right choices.
I even feel less stressed about this whole Latifah bitch’s betrayal. Deep down, I feel lighter after deciding to give my new pet a chance.
She does not need to be treated like Latifah just because they both turn me on effortlessly.
“This pussy is now mine, little fox. You will be punished if anyone else touches my property. Do I make myself clear?”
I need to drive my message home. It would kill me to put a bullet in her head. I like this pet, and I need her to accompany me for as long as I’m in this city.
Though still dazed, she doesn’t hesitate in the slightest when she responds, “Yes, master.”
Now, that’s my pet. My little fox.
Taking in her scent, I capture her in my arms, feeling the serenity.
Shit! Why the fuck is Hakeem interrupting me? For his sake, this had better be urgent. Else, I’d raze Velvet Steam to the ground.