Finn's standpoint
"Sounds like you met The Wind, those ladies are…"
"Rubbish," I muttered, I had no idea why I was listening to that in the first place. I stood up abruptly, causing my chair to scrape on the floor. I walked to the counter, maybe the barmaid would know someone who was willing to risk her life for a good sum. I leaned on the counter with a plastic smile, folding my arms under me.
"Oh, sir, h…h…h… Are you done with your drinks? Do you need anymore?" She stammered unnervedly.
"Yes, but it's kind of a shame how I didn't get to have you to go with those drinks. It would have been more enjoyable that way."
She stared at the counter sheepishly, her cheeks turning into a bright shade of pink, index finger drawing a shy circle. "Sir, I'm still working, and I'm not cutting any shift tonight so…?"
"Hmm, that's sad, I was looking forward to a splendid holiday here on the island, with you by my side, of course." I picked up the cup on the counter and played with it. "Are you sure you can't change your mind? Even if I wiggle my brows?" She giggled, catching herself with a cough.
"Well, I'm sure we can work something out. I have an early shift tomorrow, so by evening, I would be free. Will that be okay?" Could her face get anymore pink? I shook my head, all ladies are the same. All humans are worst.
"That, milady…" I took her hand making the circle and planted a light kiss at the back of it. "Would be perfect."
"Then I would meet you where?"
"Before that, I have a question for you, a question I'm sure only a lovely miss like yourself can answer." She raised her eyes, her big blue curiosity filled eyes to look into mine, only to avert them not less than a second.
"And what would that be?"
"I'm set to sail to a sacred place to fulfil a noble ritual soon, but I need a pure hearted woman or women, to help me. Only pure females by heart or virginity can touch and open the gates of the temple. I don't suppose you know anyone who would carry out that simple task for a handsome payment, would you?"
"What if I do it?" She asked lowly, running her eyes over the ceiling. I tried to look into her mind, backing away quickly once I saw what she was thinking about. Humans are both irritating and yet so blissfully amusing. Already planning a wedding with a stranger whose name she doesn't even know. How hilarious.
"Are you pure hearted, my dear?" Leave it to her to be ignorant to my scornful tone.
"Guess not," she muttered.
"I will pay you for seeking one out, you ought to know someone since you see a lot of things here. At least that is what I think."
"If the pay is indeed good, you can get The Wind to do it," that name again. I arched a brow at her.
"The Wind? Is she a person or a sociality?"
"Three sisters, their work is secretly known throughout the three Mego Islands. They are pure, alright, I'm sure of it."
"And why do you think so?" I sneered. How can thieves be pure-hearted? That's ludicrous.
"No man has behold the beauty of their faces or even touch the locks of their hair. Maybe they have when they walk around normally, but you will never know. They are like their name, unseeable and untouchable like the wind. They don't associate with men, their only duty in life is working. I cannot vouch for their virginity, that would be ridiculous, but I can vouch that they are pure of heart. They might be thieves, but their hearts are purer than everybody here put together." She explained with full certainty, one that made her relationship with them apparent. She knew their through identity. I indeed struck gold.
‘Claudia is going to kill me for this,’ she worriedly uttered in her head.
"If that is what you think, then it is so. Do you think you can connect me to them? Bring them along when coming tomorrow?"
She sighed heavily and returned her eyes to the counter. "It is not as easy as you think. I might know them, but I can never find them. No one can. You don't find them, they find you." She spoke the truth.
"Are you sure they are humans? They sound too…"
"Mystical and elevated to be real?" She completed. "That is exactly how they like it to seem. I will try to reach them or find a way to get them to find me, but I can't assure you that tommorow will be the day. It will take a while."
A small smile made it way up my lips. "please, take your time." One way or the other, those gems would be mine. I'm one step closer to you Dainty, just hang on.