“I think we should put off the wedding.”
Erin paused mid-stride and turned to stare at Nicky. “What?”
Nicky shifted from her perch on the sofa and met her cousin’s gaze.
“I think we should put off the wedding,” she repeated in hushed tones, face scrunched in worry. “With your dad in the hospital and this thing with Ethan -”
“No!” Erin’s voice was firm as she crossed the room to the sofa where her cousin sat.
She grasped Nicky’s shoulders and gave her a firm shake, determination glinting in her eyes. “The wedding will go on as planned. If we put it off, you can be damned sure that bastard will think he has won and I’ll be damned before I let that happen.”
That was the last thing Erin wanted. For Ethan Lachlan to think that he had succeeded in throwing the family into a panic. Her jaw set as she recalled the scene at his office yesterday and once more her blood boiled at the memory of that arrogant bastard throwing those words at her. She let go of Nicky and returned to the French doors that led to the balcony and stared out through the pouring rain at the Chicago skyline.
He was such a hypocrite! If he wanted Nicky, he should have fought for her all those years ago, rather than let his damned pride get in the way and then wait five years before carrying out some warped vendetta against her family.
Her lips curled in derision at the thought. Ethan Lachlan was a coward, nothing more, more less.
“Why target the hotel?” Nicky moved to stand beside Erin. “Your father had nothing to do with our break up, so why is Ethan doing this. I don’t understand his motives for doing this, Erin, it’s all so confusing.”
“He is insane, that’s why,” Erin replied. “A mad man who needs to be locked up in a padded cell and have the key thrown away. Men like him don’t need a logical reason for doing the stupid things they do sometimes, it’s just pure madness and misplaced testosterone driving him.”
She resumed her pacing, her mind going through a million possibilities, searching for a solution to this irritating problem. One thing was certain though, she had to find a way to get those shares back even if it meant stooping to the same sleazy, underhanded level Ethan had used to acquire them in the first place.
“I should go and talk to him,” Nicky said. “I could try and reason with him somehow. What do you think?”
A memory of Ethan’s insults rose up in Erin’s mind and she shuddered. Heaven only knew what he would do to Nicky if she went to him. She wouldn’t put it past him to humiliate her cousin in the same way he had attempted to humiliate her.
“That’s not a good idea, Nicks.” Erin replied, raking a hand through her disheveled hair, the limp brown locks flopping over her forehead in an untidy disarray.
She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror and cringed.
Crap! Erin thought, wincing once more. She looked a mess in the worn, white dressing gown over equally well-worn pajamas and fluffy, pink flip flops. Face bare of any form of makeup, and hair flying every which way.
She eyed Nicky’s reflection and sighed. In glaring contrast, Nicky looked perfect in tan pants and a white silk blouse, blonde hair expertly cut in a sleek bob that framed her beautiful, oval face.
Right now, that face was scowling at her in confusion.
“Why?” Nicky asked, folding her arms across her chest, expression defiant. “I’m the one he wants to punish, so I should talk to him at least.”
“Trust me, Nicks, that would be a very bad idea.” Erin turned from the mirror and faced her cousin. “You know how Ethan tried to blackmail me. What makes you think he’ll go any easier on you?”
Nicky bit her lip and turned away, shoulders tense. Finally she sighed.
“I don’t know.” she admitted in defeat. “But I have to do something, this is my fault after all.”
Erin’s phone beeped, cutting off her reply. She strode to the coffee table and picked up the phone, reading the text message.
“Ah damn!” she swore, checking her watch. Nine forty five a.m.
The message was from her father’s secretary, reminding her of the emergency board meeting in fifteen minutes. Erin had completely forgotten about it, completely preoccupied by the crises with Ethan. As it were, she could barely squeeze in a shower and a few minutes to get dressed before heading down to the conference room.
“What is it?” Nicky asked, watching Erin scramble about in panic.
Erin paused on her way to the bathroom and shot Nicky a quick look. “I have to hustle or I’ll be late for the board meeting.”
Ten minutes later her hair a damp mess, she reached into her closet and grabbed the first outfit she could find.
Ethan studied the faces of the people gathered around the conference table and smiled to himself at the discomfort and hostility clearly written on their faces.
His gaze moved to the three empty seats at the opposite end of table and he checked his watch, his brows drawing together in a frown. Ten minutes past ten, and there was still no sign of the formidable Ms. Gosling.
How ironic that the same woman who had raked him over hot coals for arriving late for dinner all those years ago was now the very same woman guilty of the same offense. He leaned back against his chair and wondered what excuse little Miss Snob would give for coming late.
A lover, perhaps? An image of Erin, lying spreadeagled on his bed, that pale skin flushed with lust as she stared up at him in longing, came into his mind and he felt a stirring in his groin.
Ethan shook his head to clear the image.
Erin Gosling was not the sort of woman he took to his bed, for one thing, she was far too curvy for his tastes. He liked his women slim, elegant and well endowed, not full figured little snobs, with nothing better to do than break up relationships.
The door to the conference room opened and the very object of his thoughts hurried inside, in a haze of pink. He raised an eyebrow at the tousled hair and ridiculously, bright pink dress she wore.
His lips curled in amusement at seeing her so disheveled. No doubt, she had been busy with a lover, too busy.
“I am so sorry,” Erin announced to no one in particular, completely flustered as she rounded the table without looking directly at anyone. She set the brown leather briefcase she carried on the table and shoved her bangs from her face, looking into the faces gathered around with an apologetic smile. Then she caught sight of him and stilled, mouth dropping open.
“You!” She recovered from her shock quickly, shot to her feet and glared at him. “What the hell are you doing here? This is a private meeting for board members only. Get out!”
Ethan shrugged and leaned back in his seat. “I hope you don’t make it a habit of arriving late to meetings, Ms. Gosling?”
Her face heated and Ethan had the pleasure of seeing her flustered.
“No, I don’t,” she forced out through gritted teeth, her eyes filled with hate as she leveled that brown gaze on him. “I was, delayed.”
“Interesting,” Ethan murmured, thoroughly enjoying her discomfort. He allowed his gaze to sweep insolently over her, lips twisted in mockery. “Must have been a splendid lover to make you forget your responsibilities.”
The other board members watched them with varying mixtures of fascination and intrigue but no one tried to butt in.
She gaped at him in shock. “I beg your pardon?”
“Perhaps we should carry on with the meeting,” A short balding man leaned forward and leveled a stern look at them both. “We are already behind schedule as it is.”
Ethan glanced at the man who had spoken. Norman Gammon, manager of the Chicago branch of the hotel, one of the the few people who had refused to sell out his shares. The man stared back at Ethan in defiance, as if daring him to say otherwise. Ethan decided to hold his peace.
For now.
“Very well.” He straightened and flipped open his laptop, demeanor all business.
“Excuse me,” Erin’s voice cut in. “We are not starting until Mr. Lachlan leaves.” She lifted her chin and glared at Ethan. “This is an executive meeting, and as far as I know, he does not belong here.”
Ethan smirked and raked her with his gaze. “On the contrary Ms. Gosling, I have every right to be here.”
Erin looked at the other members, seeking support.
Her eyes landed on her aunt. “Correct me if I’m wrong, Aunt Laura, but this is a management meeting, isn’t it?”
Laura shifted uncomfortably and lowered her gaze to the glossy surface of the table. “It is, but Mr. Lachlan put forward a very convincing argument. He now has a controlling interest and to all intents and purposes -”
“What Laura is trying to say is,” Ethan cut in, his patience at an end. “I now have a say in the running of The Gosling Hotels. However, if you have a problem with that, Ms. Gosling, I suggest you either leave now, or stay and take the matter up with your lawyer when we’re done.”
There was silence and Ethan watched the play of expressions on Erin’s face. Anger, hatred, and indecision passed and finally she sat down with a sigh.
“Good,” Ethan allowed his gaze to sweep over the group once more. “Does anyone else have any objections?”
Silence reigned. “Now, let’s get started.”
Erin drummed her fingertips on the table and fought the urge to storm out of the room. Just seeing him there, taking charge of the proceedings irritated her no end. Her plan to use this meeting as a means to discuss how they could buy back the shares from Ethan, had not taken into account that the bastard would actually appear at this meeting.
She glared at Ethan, hating the cool confident air he exuded as he listened to Norman, the lazy way he seemed to lean back against the chair, handsome face expressionless, the jacket of the deep blue suit emphasizing his impossibly wide shoulders.
Her eyes traveled up to his hair and even from her place across the table, Erin could see it’s smooth glossy texture that made her want to reach out and run her fingers through that thick mane, feeling the strands slide through her fingers as their mouths tangled in the sweetest of kisses, warm naked bodies moving together in a rhythm...
Whoa! Where had that come from?
Erin felt her face heat up in embarrassment. She shook her head in confusion, suddenly aware of how warm the room had become. Or was it just her? A quick glance around confirmed she was probably the only person feeling warm in the air conditioned room.
She reached for an unopened bottle of Evian water and drank deeply, grateful for the cool liquid pouring down her throat, her temperature returning to normal. She dismissed the brief fantasy as the manifestations of an empty stomach and nothing more.
As Erin lowered the bottle, she caught Ethan looking at her with an intensity that set her blood on fire again. A drop of water escaped her lips and ran down her chin and her tongue darted out to lick it up. His eyes followed the action, darkening in blazing heat that burned into her skin, and ignited fires Erin had not experienced in a long time.
She tore her gaze away and focused her attention on the pile of papers in front of her, unwilling to let her mind dwell on what had just happened.
“Erin?” Laura’s voice cut into her thoughts and she started, looking up at her aunt in confusion.
“Well? What do you think about the proposal for the new menu plans?”
What new plans? Erin was mortified to be caught daydreaming in the presence of her arch enemy. She frantically scanned through her papers, praying that there would be something to give her a clue as to what her aunt was talking about.
“Would you like some time to catch up?” Ethan’s mocking voice riled her already frayed temper again but she bit her lip and held back the scathing retort.
“No, thank you.” Erin replied instead, her tone as cold as she could make it. Just then she found what she was searching for and scanned through the document quickly. Her lips pursed in disapproval at the proposal to cut out a large portion of the foreign dishes and replace them with local delicacies.
Her head snapped up and she scowled at Laura.
“No. No, I don’t approve of this. A large number of our clients come from outside the US and we have always sought to cater to their needs by providing meals they are familiar with already.”
“An unnecessary venture.” Ethan replied smoothly. “American dishes are just as good as whatever else is out there. And if we have to go for variety, I believe a select, but limited number of the dishes notably popular with the guests should suffice.”
“We aim to provide a wide variety of choices.” Erin cut in. “Limiting our menu, will seriously affect out clientele.” She was angry at him for presuming to know more than she did. Who the hell gave him the right to waltz in and start proposing changes?
“The Gosling spends about three million dollars a year on these so-called foreign dishes. Money that can be channeled towards infrastructure and maintenance.”
“That figure has been approved and been in effect for the better part of four years. As far as I know, that expenditure has not in any way caused a fall in profits.”
Ethan glanced at his laptop, reading something off the screen then looked up with a mocking smile.
“Ah yes, four years ago will be when you took over from the previous vice president?”
“Yes,” Erin ground out, getting even more frustrated at his mockery of her abilities. “And in that time, we have had more profit than at any other time in the history of the hotel.”
His mouth twisted in a wry smile. “Kudos to you then. Still, it stands to reason that we consider a few changes for the future of this company.”
Erin shot to her feet, thoroughly pissed now.
“That decision is not yours to take, Ethan,” She spat at him. “My father remains the president of this establishment and you are merely an interloper.”
She had the satisfaction of seeing Ethan stiffen at the insult and joy ran through her. She took her seat, folding her arms across her chest and stared at him with a smug smile.
A muscle worked in his jaw and his eyes turned to ice. “You always have a way with words.” He said, so quiet she had to strain to hear him. “Opportunist, interloper. I wonder what you will come up with next.”
“Stick around long enough, and you’ll find out.”
“Oh, I intend to stick around for a long, long time,” he replied. There was a beep and he glanced the screen of his laptop then grimaced and shut it. He rose, buttoning up his jacket. “Much as I would love to spend time trading insults with you, Ms. Gosling, I must leave now.”
He bid them all good day and strode out, leaving them all in a flutter of varying reactions.
“Well!” Norman exclaimed, looking around the room. “What do you all think of this new development?”
Erin tore her gaze from the open door and faced the group.
“We have to put a stop to this,” she said firmly. “That man put my father in hospital, and now he’s trying to make ridiculous changes? We can’t let him do what he likes with our source of income.”
“What do you suggest?” Vincent Riesling, head of human resources asked.
“I will think of something. In the meanwhile, we need to keep our heads properly screwed on tight.”
She shoved papers into her briefcase and hurried out. She had to see her father in the hospital.
In the lobby, her heart sank at the sight that met her eyes.
Just outside, Ethan stood by the huge artificial waterfall, talking to a familiar blonde. Nicky’s back was to Erin, but she could see the impassive expression on Ethan’s face as Nicky spoke to him. A sleek black limo waited nearby and as Erin watched in horror, Ethan opened the door and Nicky stepped into the vehicle.
“Oh no!” Erin groaned, quickening her pace, frantic to stop Nicky before she made the biggest mistake of her life.
Just as she reached the revolving doors, her gaze met Ethan’s. He shot her an inscrutable look and climbed into the dark interior. The limo pulled away just as Erin reached the curb and she could only stare, helpless, as the vehicle joined the busy traffic.