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Sylvester Ho looked at the tiny lady in front of him and realized just how much he'll love to see her crumble in front of him, begging for mercy and regretting her decision of accepting death as her favorite option.

He was supposed to be angry, yet, he was puzzled at the sudden decision of his dove.

Sylvester had seen her in his Mansion once and when he asked the court lady, she had replied with an answer that he wasn't sure of.

He needed something from her and in every way, he'll get it!

"I'll choose death, My lord" She repeated the second time, affirming her decision. Desire knew picking this option might first subject her to suffering but still she'll do just that. It's easier to die once than always.

Sylvester Ho was well known for his Lucifer's attitude, he showed no mercy to whomever he met, this made him the king's favorite subject through the years. Not even his father got the privilege to be that close to his King.

Sylvester became the Prime Minister two years before Desire was brought into his house, he was eighteen when his father died and that made the King declare Sylvester as the new subject of his.

Through the years, Sylvester has shown his dark side to the king and won his heart through the various heartless decisions he has made for the kingdom.

But no one knew what the metal went through before it became a sword.

"Well, I see what you're running away from" His words were dark and this sent shivers down her spine.

"My lord.." She couldn't find the right word to say.

"I receive your answer, Dove but I just won't accept it. You chose death and death is what I'll make far away from you. You'll live but you'll always beg for death and death will not come. I'll make you beg for that which you wish for"

Fear crept into Desire's heart and tears streamed down her eyes, she knew she could have gone for the better option but she didn't regret her decision. She looked up at her Master and when their eyes met, she saw an emotion different from what she had expected.

He was sad and before she could look further, the sadness turned to fear and then to anger before she looked away.

Sylvester hated the fact that she wanted to get away from him. He wanted to punish her and make her regret her foolish decision.

"That leaves us with two options, Harem or personal maid?"

Desire looked up in surprise and she couldn't find the word to say, why is he doing this to her?

"My lord?" She asked with blurry eyes. He smiled at her and she knew it would be difficult to make a decision.

"It appears to me that you need time to think about it, well till then, why don't you stay at the Harem till you're officially qualified to be a House-maiden. Maybe your decision will be clearer when you get back"

That was when Desire realized his smile was sinister and nothing like a normal smile.

"Please, My lord, Don't do this, I beg of you, I'll rather die than stay at the Harem '' She cries out, begging for his mercy.

"I do not have a choice other than taking you to the Harem and before I do that, let me feed you first" Slyvester said, ignoring Desire's call for mercy.

She was rather too skinny for his liking and he knew he had to fatten her up before sending her away like that.

Even though she's stubborn, he just wouldn't succumb to her wishes and be just as stubborn as she is.

"I do not wish to eat, my lord" she declared through tears.

"Your opinion was never needed"

Later on, while still standing, Desire saw one of the maids walk in with a large tray of food.

She almost salivated at the sight of it but she controlled herself even though her stomach rumbled.

"Eat up, little Dove" Sylvester proposed but Desire couldn't eat. Not only because her hands were bound with her legs but also because her heart did not wish for her to feed.

Tears streamed down her face, she looked back and forth between her master and the food.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Dove. Sit and feed" He commanded, 'losing his patient with her.

Even though Slyvester was not the type to be patient, he never loved his decisions or demands being thought through before fulfilled, he didn't have a choice than to wait and watch himself being fascinated with this little one.

"My lord…" She started, unable to get herself to talk.

"Food or dungeon?" Slyvester asked.

Why is he so full of options? She asked herself.

"My lord.."

"Make your decision quick, my dove" He walked towards her and looked into her eyes as Desire tried to not look into his.

"Dungeon, My lord" Her reply stopped his movement and yet, he was surprised again at her decision.

She was stubborn and he would love to see how far she could go with her stubbornness before finally yielding and submitting to him totally.

"Dungeon, it is" He walked towards the door and instructed the guards to move her to the dungeon.

"You'll stay in there for two days before going to the Harem, the same place you belong and until it pleases me, will I ask for you to be returned back to this place" He roared angrily at her.

"Okay, my lord" Desire trembled at the hard tone he used.

"You're aware of the different sort of atrocities going on in that place, right?"

Sylvester Ho knew what the Harem was used for and he couldn't imagine such an innocent girl going through such a life.

Knowing he couldn't let his guard down and show the girl mercy, he still stubbornly made up his mind about the difficult decision and looked away from her as she was dragged away to the dungeon still bounded legs to hands.

On getting back to the dungeon she realized it was empty, the rabbit was no more in its hole.

Sandra, the tiny beautiful girl had disappeared and there was no one to ask about her whereabout.

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