Even before Jared knocked, the door opened, and the girl from his nightmares appeared. Her eyes were serious, and when the street light lit them, pools of dark and light blue started swimming in them. Her lips were pulled in a thin line. She knew why he was here.
Amely quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him inside. She closed the door behind him and stared.
Jared's heart was clenching in negative emotions. So many things went through his body when he saw her. But one thing topped them all—contempt. He opened his mouth to say something, but she interrupted him.
“We need to talk,” she said, her big eyes fixed on him with certainty that put him on edge and ticked him even more.
Jared barely kept his surprise from showing on his face. Even in situations like this, she still remained confident and strong. So impudent. Amely had always been the one pulling the strings and deciding when and what happened.
He followed her to the living room and realized how big the place actually was when it was not packed with drunk people. However, he didn't let his eyes roam, he wasn't here for that.
When Amely stood in front of him, her friend also entered the room, looking as calm as ever. What was she doing here? Had she come to listen and find a new topic to gossip about with Amely later? Why? He was sure they always shared everything with each other, either way. They were together all the time.
Jared cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
Realizing he was waiting for Amely to begin, he mentally slapped himself. He was making a mistake. He came here to be the one talking, not she.
“How could you...” he began through clenched teeth. “How could you go to the police and insinuate that I did something to Maria?! What kind of person do you think I am?! No, what kind of person are you?!” he seethed and straightened his back, standing on his full height.
Amely's eyes were glued to him, but now, they became teary and a tiny part of their confidence disappeared. She touched her forearm as if to protect herself. Jared felt like laughing. For once, she was speechless and didn't have anything to say.
“Aren't you going to say something?!” he screamed, a vein starting to throb on his neck. His nerves were about to blow up.
“I... I'm sorry, Jared,” she said and looked at the ground.
Jared glared at her and swallowed bitterly. It was always like this with her. When he wanted to have a serious conversation, Amely put walls around herself and avoided his eyes. And now, she had even brought Mila in.
So that was her answer. Why did he even bother?
He scoffed and whirled around, ready to leave. It was no use. He had no business here. He had never had a place in her house or in her life.
It was about time Jared let go of everything; let go of her and move out from this hellhole. This war was over, and he had to accept he had lost. It was time for a new beginning. He was going to forget all the ache and longing he had experienced through his life here and this toxic relationship with a heartless woman.
“Stop.” Mila's voice echoed through the room, and Jared twisted to look at her. Who the fuck did she think she was? Amely's speaker in emergencies? This was preposterous.
Mila stepped in front of his... ex... or whatever Amely was, and raised her chin, her black wavy hair falling around her shoulders. Jared huffed. Why was she butting in now?
A small grimace started twitching on his lips, and he continued walking towards the door, determined to cut all ties with this town and the people in it.
“Jared... Don't go,” Amely breathlessly whispered. The vulnerability, bleeding from her voice startled him and made his heart stutter for a moment, but on the outside, he didn't even bristle. It was over.
Suddenly, the big commode next to the door slid in front of it, blocking it in the process, and Jared jumped. It had moved on its own! He blinked and swung around, staring wide-eyed at the two women. Had he seen things?! They were both stiff and silent but not even nearly as startled as him.
“Sit,” Mila ordered and pointed to the armchair, which also miraculously moved towards him.
Jared jumped back, his heart pounding in his ears. Was he dreaming? Or had he been given something spoiled in the arrest? His chest haphazardly moved up and down, short breaths entering his system. They were barely enough to keep him on his feet.
“Listen to her. Please, Jared,” Amely asked, her expression holding so much emotion that for a moment he froze and just stared at her.
Fine, if they wanted him to sit, he was going to listen. What could it cost him? He was leaving anyway. This was his last compromise.
He couldn't deny a very small part of him trembled with curiosity.
When Jared looked at them and saw them sitting on the sofa, he slowly asked, “What are you?”
“A human,” Mila answered, and a lock of her curly black hair fell in front of her eyes. She looked at it and, magically, as if pulled by an invisible force, it moved back to its rightful place. “A human that knows a few tricks.” She shrugged with a shoulder.
Amely glanced at her and then said, “I'm a werewolf.”
Jared's brows shot up and almost hit his hairline. His eyes widened. First, the one insinuated she was a witch and the second claimed she was a werewolf. Were there vampires too now?
“Pfft.” He snorted and put his hand in front of his mouth. If he didn't stop himself, he was going to eat his own lip in nervousness. “And what does that have to do with me?”
“You're my mate,” Amely said and looked at him. Her dark blue eyes were determined and slightly wet. They held him hostage for a short moment.
Letting his brain work over the words, Jared burst out in a hysterical fit of laughter and closed his eyes, causing them to water in amusement. He hit the arm of the chair he was sitting on and bent forward, barely catching a breath.
“Hush!” Mila scorned and looked towards the second floor of the house.
Her remark made him halt, and he frowned, looking at her from behind his brows. Then he slowly straightened his back and lifted his head. Next to Mila, Amely looked like she couldn't stand still and kept shuffling, her hands clutching her skirt.
“You're crazy!” Jared stood up and waved his hand, screaming. “Are you on drugs or something?! Why are you playing with me like that?! Haven't you had enough?!”
Amely ran to him and tried to touch his arms to calm him down, but he pulled back and gave her the deadliest glare he could ever muster.
“Don't. Touch. Me! Ever again!” he threatened, his anger making him flush.
Amely gaped at him and clenched her jaw. For a second, it looked like her cheeks reddened a bit.
“Is that why you reported me to the police? To play such a stupid prank on me? We're not in high school anymore, Amely! The time for jokes has long passed!” he shouted, his eyes feeling like they'd burst from the pressure he was experiencing.
“I'm not lying to you, Jarr! I'm telling you the truth! You can't leave!” Amely begged in a loud voice.
Jared stiffened. Using his nickname was like a blow in the gut. Amely always did it when they were alone and were gentle or kind to each other. Now was not one of those moments. They were long gone. And they were not returning.
“Don't call me that!” he yelled and narrowed his eyes. He was shaking, unable to stop the involuntary movements of his body. This was cruel. Too cruel.
“Shut up, you two!” Mila scolded, and suddenly, they froze.
As if commanded by something invisible, Jared walked to the armchair again, and his body automatically sat on the soft cushion, feeling as relaxed as ever. It was the total opposite of his crazed mind. Was... was Mila controlling him?
Amely also sat back in her place.