"Are we almost there yet?" I groan, staring aimlessly out of the window as trees continue to surround us. We've been driving for the past few hours yet it seems like I've been inside the car for days.
"Ruby, you've asked that seven times in the last ten minutes, shut up." Dad says, looking up at me through his mirror. I stick my tongue out at him and narrow my eyes and he mirrors my exact face, both of us chuckling at how ridiculous we look.
"Are any of your friends staying over?" Mum asks me, looking up from the book she's reading. I scowl at the book in her hands before answering.
"Just Tori," I reply, scrolling through my phone. I reply to a few text messages from Tori and grimace as I read the ones sent from Austin.
Austin - I really like you Ruby, can we give this another go?
My face remains emotionless as I text him back. This boy sure does have separation issues. We've only been official for four weeks but I'm just not feeling it anymore.
Me - Sorry Austin, I'm away for the weekend. Can't talk, see you in school.
His reply is almost instant. I want to hit my head against my phone and throw it out the window but I don't. I simply turn it off and stash it inside the backpack next to me.
"Are you okay cupcake? You have a face like thunder," Dad asks me, a slight frown on his face. I mask over my features immediately, the usual cheeky sparkle returning to my eyes.
"Is that your subtle way of saying my face is permanently angry? Because Mum has the exact same face, you're insulting both of us."
"Jake, leave our faces alone," Mum scolds him without even looking up from her book.
"I didn't do anything!" Dad protests, turning to glare at me. I return his glare but can't help giggling. "You are unbelievable Ruby Melvin."
I scrunch my face up in disgust, shaking my head. "Don't call me Melvin, it's Wentworth Dad."
The car grows silent as the tension rises and Dad shifts uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding my burning eye contact with him. Mum places a hand on his arm, speaking softly.
"Don't argue against it Jake, it's her choice."
"I just don't see why she doesn't want my surname. It's the one on her birth certificate," he mumbles in protest, turning into the forest trails. The car bumps slightly but I remain seated forward, listening to their every word.
"You guys are doing that thing again where you're talking about me as if I'm not here. I mean, cmon. How can you miss this beautiful face?" I say sarcastically, glancing between the both of them. They ignore me and Mum continues to look at Dad, having some sort of silent conversation solely through their eyes. I exhale deeply and throw myself backwards into the seats, rolling my eyes.
"Dad, it's no big deal! I don't ever see your side of the family anymore and after Uncle Tobias practically abandoned us, I prefer Mum's surname."
A stab of pain hits me in the chest as I mention Uncle Tobias. I grit my teeth angrily and stare out of the window incase my parents see the emotion in my eyes.
"You never see your Mum's family either," Dad says quietly, his gaze fixed on the roads ahead. "Out of the two, I prefer Wentworth Dad," I tell him for the millionth time.
"Uncle Tobias didn't abandon us honey," Mum says softly, turning around in her seat to look at me. I shrug my shoulders, my face emotionless.
"Yeah, he did. I'm almost sixteen Mum, you don't need to treat me like a baby. I know when I'm being abandoned. He doesn't ever see me anymore and the very few times he did, Dad almost took his head off."
At the mention of the almost killing my family member moment, Dad clears his throat.
"That was a mistake, violence is never the answer Ruby," he says firmly. I let out a scoff, my eyes widening in disbelief.
"Oh my god, you hypocrite!"
"Ruby, don't speak to your father like that," Mum frowns at me, using her stern voice.
"I'm just saying! Both of you act like I don't have any hearing. I know what the entire town says about you. All of my friends parents remember you when you were kids! Both of you kicked ass regularly and now you're telling me violence is never the answer."
Dad slams his hands down on the steering wheel, causing me to jump. He turns around, his jaw locked as the car comes to a halt in the middle of nowhere. Beside him, Mum is equally as angry, her eyes narrowed at me.
"We did what we had to do, okay?"
Dad's tone is firm, serious. He's using his 'don't fuck with me' voice and so I nod repeatedly, chewing the inside of my lip.
"Everything your father and I did was for you. To give you the best life possible, to keep you away from danger and keep you safe. Everything we have ever done is for you Ruby. You shouldn't listen to rumours, there's always two sides to every story." Mum says firmly, her brown eyes fixed on mine.
"Sorry Mum, sorry Dad." I mumble under my breath, pulling my knees up to my chest. Another awkward silence falls upon us inside the car and I simply stare out of the window for the remaining part of the journey.
"Yooo, what's up T-Dog?" I grin, slamming my shoulder into Tori. She giggles loudly, stepping back as she waves goodbye to her parents. They drive off, leaving me standing with her outside the cabin. She turns back towards me and grips me into a deathly hug, crushing my body against hers.
"Ruby, don't speak like that," Dad scolds me, his eyebrow raised high as he pulls the suitcases out of the boot. I shrug my shoulders, walking a few feet away from him and dragging Tori with me as I go.
"I broke up with Austin," I reveal to her in a hushed whisper. Her large green eyes widen and she lets out a small gasp —
"No way! Aw, poor Austin. He'll be heart broken. How did he take it?" Tori asks me, flipping her bright red hair over her shoulder. It's long and always curled at the ends. The teachers at school don't allow brightly coloured hair but Tori swears it's all natural. . . It's not.
I've known her since she was five. Five year old Tori has mousy brown hair, not fiery red. But I like the red so I agree with her. Plus, she's my best friend. I swing my arm around her shoulders and waltz towards the cabin door, a wide grin on my face.
"He wants to give it another go but I don't feel the spark anymore. Is that normal?" I ask her, frowning. I really did like Austin to begin with but now. . . I'm not so sure. I want to feel excitement when I catch a glimpse of him in the crowd, I want to feel alive when I'm with him.
"It's normal Ruby. It just means you haven't found someone you're crazy about. Plus, Austin is kind of a douche. That's a major turn off."
I nod my head, agreeing with her.
"Will I ever find anyone that I'm crazy about?" I ask her, playing around with the curls at the bottom of her hair. She hates it when I uncurl them but I can't help it, I have to have something to constantly fidget with. I can't sit still for longer than 3.5 seconds, trust me when I say my parents have tried.
"Yes you will, hopefully. In the meantime, work on getting your kissing technique down for Mr Perfect," Tori grins, waggling her tongue at me. I snort and slap my hand over my mouth, giggling behind it.
"I'm already a great kisser," I state, giving her a teasing glare.
"Please, I've seen you kiss multiple boys. It's like a leech with a tongue, gross." She pretends to gag and I laugh loudly, shoving her softly.
"Excuse me, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?" I tease her. A sparkle flashes through her eyes for a brief second before she masks it over however the smirk plays on her lips. I let out a gasp, bouncing up and down as I stop her from walking any further.
"I know that look! Tell me! Tell me everything!" I scream, my excitement getting the better of me. I'm a very hyper active child, I blame my father. Tori grips my arm tightly, hissing under her breath.
"Shut up Ruby! I don't want the whole world finding out!"
I raise my brow and glance around at the multiple trees surrounding us.
"Erm, hello? We're in the middle of the woods right now. It couldn't be more private if we tried."
"Oh yeah, my bad." Tori apologises, glancing around. She leans towards my ear, her cheeks flushed a little pink as she begins to fill me in.
"Please leave out any over PG details. I'm still a minor," I warn her and she scoffs, looking exactly like me as she does it. It's why I love her, we're so similar.
"A minor? Puh-lease. If only Daddy and Mummy knew how corrupt their little cupcake actually is." Tori teases me, pinching my cheeks. I swat her hands away, a wide grin on my face.
"Double fool, I still love you though."