Hania's POV.
I opened my eyes saying La ilaaha illal'lah. Jumping out of my yummy bed, I removed the curtains of window and the beautiful sun rays fell on my face giving me a curved smile, SubahanAllah, indeed his every creature is beautiful!
I moved and cleaned my bed then quickly removed my clothes and ran to washroom with a towel. After a coldy hotty shower, I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the washroom. I applied baby oil on my legs and hands, putting my simple kamiz and divider, I wore a dark brown color burkah with matching hijaab.
Taking my phone I opened the door of my room and gave a bigggggg Salam.
"Assalaaaaaamu Alaaaikummmmm haaaaabiiiiii ....."
"Yaaaaa Allah, you will kill me Aapi, huh, Walaikum Assalam "
Kinza replied taking both her hands on her chest making me laugh.
I ran to the dining table and took my sit while she is busy in kitchen.
My house is very small, with 2 bedrooms and a hall with kitchen. What would I do with a big house and no soul living on it? Abbu ammu left me few months ago, and so, I left Pakistan...
And ask who's kinza???? She's the only one whom I love a lot.
After coming here, london, I found kinza, a Pakistani as me, at a night, sitting beside road. She's 3 years younger then me. She is also a orphan like me, she escaped from an orphanage.
In these few months, I didn't realize when she became like a sister to me.
"In a thought of your future hubz??" Her kidding voice knocked my head, I turned to her and gave a shipish smile.
"Yes, thought of hubzz, but yours...not mine."
She laughed and offered me a sandwich on a plate full of salad, but she brought Aaloo paratha on her plate.
"Kinza, these oily things aren't good for you, especially in the morning."
"Ohhh Aapi, I have 0 figure naturly, if I eat all these nothing will happen. Hell those actresses stay without eating only for slim figure. They should take advise from me."
She spoke proudly making me laugh. I slapped on her arm and took a sip of my orange juice.
"So you mean I also eat all these raw onion and tomato for slim figure?" Raising my eye brow, I asked while she rolled her eyes on me.
"Allah go. I can't win over you ever in words. Move away."
I feel happy that she's so free with me. Her heart is really so pure. May Allah always keep her blessed and in peace.
*Idrisi Mansion*
Writer's POV.
"Yousraa..... don't go baby, mama is sleeping."
While cooking fried rice, Zeneeya looked up and saw her 2 years old daughter running toward the room of her beloved mama.
It's a hotty cold morning with smoky air and hot sun rays.
Yousra laughed at her mum and started running, she opened the door of her Mama's room and controlling her laughter, jumped on the bed.
Amaan is in a deep slumber, even if any storm hits him, he wouldn't get up but more dangerous creature is gonna hit him.
She went closer to him and removed the duvet from his face and kissed on his cheek.
She loudly called and just then Amaan pulled her into a hug.
"Again my ammu came and ruined my sleep eeerr...." He started giving sweet kisses on her tiny hands while she blushed and moved back.
"Bek fast. Come???" She asked and he nodded. Next moment she left his room walking speedily.
He left bed and ran to washroom for taking shower. After his morning works, he stepped in the room with only a towel wrapped around his lower waist showing his hot figure.
Taking a white t shirt with black sweater and black trousers, he got ready and recited Surah Yaasin.
Hania's POV.
Hurry upppp.... please please run run eeee....waaaallahi..... Yeyyy..
"Manyyyy I come in sir???" I asked in the sweetest voice to get permission to enter, as it's my first class but I did late to come on time.
Uhh...40 mins late!
I looked up and saw the new teacher busy on board, woh! Is he deaf?
"May I come in, SIR?" I asked louder but yet he didn't look at me, while all other students are looking at me like I'm any alien.
Uhhh my legs are paining.
I may not kill that man!
"Excuse me Mr. Whatever, can't you see me?? Are you deaf?"
"Stay out of my class, leave."
I can't believe! How dare him to say so huh????ohh but I myself did late. But does that mean he will act as a deaf? Bloody nerve of him!
Without choosing to argue back, I turned to the opposite and decided to leave. But then my ears rang.
"Hey, come in." Shockingly I heard, and so entered.
'If you had to allow me then what was the need to show attitude!!'
I whispered and looked up to choose a sit for me. So I sat in the middle raw and took out my note books from my bag.
"Assalamu Alaikum....may I know you?" I asked the girl sitting beside me. She looked at me surprisingly rolling her eyes.
"Mmm hi? I'm Iliyana..." She replied making me realized that she's a non Muslim.
Ohh my little mind, she clearly looks like a Christian yet you gave her Salam? well, I wished peace for her!
"And you?"
"Ohh I'm Hania...." I replied and she turned her back to me. Am I alone here? Geeezeeeee....
"Hey Hijaabi Girl, stand up." The teacher spoke and I moved my eyes here and there. Why he's looking at me?
"Can't you hear? Stand up." He again said.
"Mm..Mee???" I asked and he gave an irritating expression.
Just then again I looked at my surrounding and wished myself a very happy realization.
There's not even a single girl in hijaab without me in this whole room! How's it possible ?
"I think now you really should leave my class."
Yaa Rabb, guide me. This mind of mine always keeps me busy with her thoughts, making me ashamed of everything.
excuse me, now reply to him before he kicks you out of his class.
Ohh it's my class now on too!
"Hey? Can't you hear? Sir's calling you." A boy asked helping me to come in my sense.
"Sorry sorry...coming..." I literally ran to him and was about to fall but Allah blessed me! Astagfirullah, what will happen to me?
"Who's deaf, it's clear now!!!" He said with a smile. Ohh he smiles too?