I catch my breath inside my car as I shut it down. I’m in the parking lot of my apartment building, head leaning against my car seat. I’m stressed out of my mind due to the overtime I’ve been working at the hospital.
Today is Monique’s birthday and I have to be there for her. I unlock my car, with the cake and my handbag in my right hand and the birthday present on my left as I shut the door with my foot.
I walk into the lobby, greet the doorman, and head straight to the elevator. I press open the elevator as I step inside and press my floor button. The elevator rides up as I lean against the wall, tapping my feet on the floor impatiently. The elevator slides open and I step out, almost running into someone.
“Shit.” I curse.
“I’m so sorry.” A masculine voice says.
I balance the things I’m carrying as I look up. Tyler stands in front of me, dressed in his signature bad-boy clothes.
“Hello, Tyler,” I say, plastering up a small smile.
“You’re just coming back from work.” Isn’t that obvious?
“Are you guys having a party?”
“Not really. It’s Monique’s birthday today and I got her a cake. We are probably gonna have a girls’ night together, nothing big.” I say, trying to sidestep him, but he moves to stand in front of me.
“I’m sorry, Robyn. I just… I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now and I know you’re busy with work. I just… would you be free tomorrow Saturday?”
“Sorry.” I smack my lips, feigning disappointment. “I’ve got work.”
“What about Sunday?” He asks, licking his bottom lip.
“Still gonna be at work,” I mutter, stepping to the left, but he moves to stand in front of me again.
“Can you get out of my way, Tyler?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He runs his fingers through his hair and moves to the side.
I roll my eyes and walk past him toward my apartment. I can feel Tyler’s eyes on my back and it just creeps me out. Tyler stays in the building, right on my floor. I don’t know the type of job he does and it has never crossed my mind. He goes out in the morning sometimes and comes back in the evening and how do I know that? We always see each other in the lobby, the elevator, and even the parking lot.
Tyler moved in two years ago and ever since then, he’s found me interesting and I don’t even know why. Each time we cross paths, he always stops me and tries to start a conversation which is always awkward. Tyler is attractive, but he’s not my type. And like I said, relationships are the last thing on my mind and even though I want to give someone a chance, it’s definitely not going to be Tyler.
I pull out my key, unlock the door, and push it open. I step inside the apartment and shut the door with my foot.
The house smells nice like someone just made dinner. Monique isn’t supposed to be at home until 8 in the evening, at least that’s what she told me.
“Robyn.” I spin around at the sound of my name, my heart already dropped to the floor.
“Monique, what the fuck?”
She smiles, her eyes scanning the things in my hand. “Oh, Robyn, honey, did I startle you?”
“Oh, fuck off.” I turn around and head toward the kitchen with Monique on my tail.
“What are you doing here? You said you won’t be back until 8.” I say, placing the items on the countertop.
Monique stands on the opposite side as she leans her arms on the counter, her eyes on the already-wrapped present.
“You got me this?” Monique asks, a big smile on her lips as she reaches forward to grab the gift. I swat her hands away.
“Don’t touch. You gotta tell me what you’re doing here first.”
“I left early. It’s my birthday, duh.”
“Right. I got you cake. We’re gonna light up a candle and you’re gonna make a wish.” I say.
“Can I open my present first?” Monique asks, giggling like a teenage girl.
“Yeah. Knock yourself out.”
“Okay. I’m already flattered trying to open it.”
“Stop being a baby. It’s nothing huge.” I wave her off, walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
I shut the fridge and lean my back against it as I watch Monique rip out the wrap. As dramatic as always, she slowly picks up the jewelry box as she opens it, mouth wide open and her eyes widened.
“You got me this?” she asks, giddily, picking up the necklace as she places it on her left palm. “Oh, my god, Robbie. You bought me this? I mean you remembered? And you even got it customized.”
I smile. “Of course. Well, you won’t shut up about it, but it’s nothing.”
She surprisingly wraps her arms around me in an embrace. “You’re a darling. I mean I love you so much, you can’t begin to fathom.”
“Nah, it’s okay. It’s just a gift.”
She pulls back, hands on my shoulders as she stares at me. “This is not just a gift. This is what I’ve been secretly admiring and this cost more than ten thousand grand. Where did you get that kind of money?”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s your birthday present and you deserve it.”
Monique smiles warmly and hugs me again. “Thank you so much, sis. I love you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m starving. Is there any food?” I ask.
Monique steps away, keeping back the necklace inside the box.
“I didn’t make anything. I just entered not too long ago when you showed up.”
“Right. I’ll just order.”
“Great. Did you stumble upon Tyler in the hallway?” Monique asks, smirking as she wiggles her brows.
“Ew. What’s that look?”
“It means Tyler is hot and you’re single. There's nothing wrong with giving him a shot. I mean I know he lives in our building, and you’re the last person who would date a man from our building, but dude, he’s a charm.”
“That guy looks like a fucking serial killer. Like he creeps me out.”
Monique raises her eyebrows. “Seriously? You’re the only person who’s ever said Tyler creeps you out.”
“And look at his name. Tyler.” I groan. “Names of men that will cheat on you and break your heart, Tyler tops that list. I don’t like him.” And that’s final.
I’ve never been wrong about anyone before, it’s part of my superpower. And I mean it when I say Tyler creeps me the fuck out. He’s charming, sure. Attractive, obviously, but he’s not even my type.
“Yeah, whatever,” Monique mutters. “Also, you’re not gonna believe what happened today.”
“Well, you know about my recent gig. How I’ve been modeling for Didi & Morgan, AKA D&M. The jewelry company.”
“Yeah, I know them.”
“Well, there’s this party tonight. Not just an ordinary party, but a really big party. You know the type, right? There are gonna be important people there. Well, my publicist talked to the person in charge and they did me a birthday favor. I got two invites. One for you and one for me.”
“No shit.”
“Yeah.” Monique chuckles. “You’re in, right?”
“Damn, right, I’m in. It’s your birthday, we are doing whatever you want.” I say.
“Thanks, Robyn. I know how you’re with parties like this, but I’m glad we are doing this tonight. You’re not gonna regret it.”
“I know I won’t,” I say, but yet I don’t trust the words that just left my mouth.
I'm definitely going to regret it.
My parents are ballers. Back at home, my family and I were always storming parties. Parties that shake the city. Parties where billionaires are present. The minute I came here, I tried to stay away from parties like that so I wouldn't accidentally bump into a colleague of my parents or an acquaintance. Monique and I frequently visited clubs on the weekend to burn away some steam and stress from our jobs, and on some other weekends, we would drive outside the city sightseeing.
Tonight is something different and a part of me is telling me I would regret it.
Monique and I first met three weeks after I got my apartment, this apartment. It wasn’t luxurious but it fitted my new identity. It had everything I wanted and it was just perfect. I wanted a roommate, someone I could trust. I had put up several ads online looking for a roommate and I got a few. I didn’t like any of them.
Then one morning when I went outside for a run, and I stopped by a cafe to grab coffee, that was when I met Monique. It was clear like it happened yesterday. Monique was sitting close to the translucent window as she toyed with her cup of coffee while constantly staring outside. Her braids were in a bun and her skin was like chocolate, brown, and rich. Instantly, I knew we were going to be best friends.
I walked up to her table and asked if I could sit. She didn’t mind. There was a big luggage bag next to her and it looked as if she was on tour. We’d talked and I asked her about her bag, joking about her being a tourist, but she laughed and said she just got into town and she was in desperate need of an apartment. And just like that, I offered her to stay and not pay half the rent. Monique insisted but I didn’t let her.
Later she told me she was into modeling and she moved to New York to secure better gigs. Monique started small, begging to be featured even if it was for free. But now, she’s the model behind top brands in the city and there are billboards of her in every corner of the city. I’ve never been this proud of someone else’s achievement before. Monique is beautiful, a bit taller than me by three or four inches, compared to my 5’6 frame. Her skin, unlike my olive skin, is a beautiful brown. She’s slender, with little curves in the right places and long-toned legs. Compared to my size 8 body, I have more curves than Monique. Monique and I may come from different backgrounds, but we share similar interests.
And storming high-end parties isn’t part of that similar interest.
“What are we gonna wear?” I ask Monique, pulling out my phone to order pizza.
“Yeah, about that. We have to look like we belong.”
“Yeah, well, there are a few dresses in my closet that I haven’t worn since I got them. I could pick one from the flock.” I flash Monique a smile as I walk out of the kitchen, with Monique on my tail.
“Yeah. I could check my closet for a dress. I’m sure there’s something to wear in there.”
I pause to look at her. “You’re serious?” I smile and shake my head.
“What?” Monique asks, throwing her hands in the air exaggeratedly.
“If you don’t mind me asking. What are the kind of people that are gonna be there?”
“Billionaires, millionaires, maybe a few actresses, and businessmen. You know what I mean.” Monique wraps her slender arm around my shoulder. “You’re gonna like it. And if you don’t, we are gonna leave there immediately. I promise.”
“Great. And just so you know, I don’t have a problem with parties like these like you like to put it. I just don’t like being in the same room as these rich assholes who feel like they control the world and everything in it.”
Monique drops her arm. “In a way rich people actually control the world.”
“God, I fucking hate you.” I groan, heading toward my bedroom as Monique follows, chuckling.
“And if we get lucky, we might actually get some tonight,” Monique says. That stops me right on track.
“What are we getting, Monique?” I ask, crossing my arms as I give her a judgemental look.
“Robyn, you know what I mean.” She smirks.
“I’m not hooking up with a stranger.”
“Who says anything about hooking up? You’re not a baby, Robyn. And in case you’ve forgotten we’re both fucking single.”
“For me, it’s by choice.” And that’s true.
“That’s not the point. That coochie needs some. You’re starving it.”
“Ew. Who still says coochie, by the way?” I ask, chuckling. Monique smiles.
“Robyn, you need a man,” Monique says, her arms crossed as she stares at me like my mom would every time I’d fuck shit up.
“Monique, I don’t need a man. Why does everybody think I need a man?”
“Have you maybe sat down for a second and thought about why everyone thinks you need a man?”
I scoff and shake my head. I fucking hate this conversation and where it’s going.
“You don’t even have a man, Monique. You’re single, just like me.”
“Mine is not by choice. You know I’ve dated a few men…”
“And things turned pretty ugly the minute you started dating.”
“Stop being judgemental.”
“I’m not. I just want you to know that I don’t need a man. I’m happy the way I am.” I glare at her and continue my journey down the hall.
“You’re not dodging this conversation,” Monique says as I unlock my bedroom door and step in.
“Well, you’re wrong. I am.” I say and shut the door in her face.
“I hear you use your vibrator at night. You should get someone, even if it’s a side-piece.” Monique says from the other side of my bedroom door, chuckling.
I gasp. “Fuck you, Monique Palmer! And stay out of my shit.” I groan.
God, I hate it when she’s right. I’ve only dated one man since I moved to New York. His name was Damien. We dated for a year until I cut things off. He didn’t cheat, in fact, he was too loyal. I was always absent in our relationship because I was trying to graduate nursing school with good grades and I was always in my head. He was patient, and he tried to fix it even when I got a job at St. José.
I got bored. I wasn’t feeling it and I felt like Damien was too basic. He was too sweet for me and I knew in the end I was going to hurt him. So I had to tell him we needed to stop seeing each other. He didn’t try to inquire why I was breaking up with him, it was as if he knew I was going to break things off sooner than he wished. Damien had smiled at me after I gave him the news as he walked away.
I haven’t seen Damien ever since that fateful day.
I wasn’t a big fan of hooking up with different men because I wanted to get off. I could always get pleasure without seeking men. Monique thinks a woman should always seek pleasure from men now and then. But I think otherwise. And ever since I broke things off with Damien, I haven’t bothered to date anyone. I have hooked up with a few men and that was a year and a half ago and since then I haven’t been with a man. Men have asked me out on several occasions and even at my workplace but I’m not interested.
Relationships are overrated anyway. There’s always so much commitment that I’m not prepared for. After what happened back in Italy, I am not ready to risk getting into a serious relationship with anyone. Not now, not anytime soon.