Isabelle is born for a reason. She is born to become the Prince's bodyguard. Training her whole life, she has no idea wh...
"Will she be enough?" the king's advisor asked the king. The advisor had a bundle of blanket in his arms but buried inside was a little baby girl who was born only minutes ago.
"Yes. With training, she will do," the king said with confidence but the advisor felt uneasy.
"We can easily find a boy to replace the girl. I'm sure there would be many trusted ones who would give up their sons to you. The girl can work in the kitchen with the others," the advisor suggested. He thought he was saving the poor girl from the harsh life she would have. Certainly the kitchen would be better than what the king had planned for her.
The king shook his head.
"No, I'm sure this is the right person for Zander. She will do great," the king smiled.
"She's younger than Alexander by two years and she's a girl your highness. She won't be any use as a bodyguard," the advisor told his king. The advisor looked at the green eyed baby wrapped in thick wool. Even as a baby he noticed the good sharp features she must have inherited. The advisor had a slight feeling that she might have the potential, but that was a risk he would not take.
"No. She will be properly trained and ready by the time Zander is nineteen. That is when he will be ready to choose a bride and my time of retirement. She will be his body guard." The young king's smile reached his eyes as he spoke of his brilliant plan to his trusted advisor. The advisor shifted back and forth, uneasy and confused.
"Why pick the hard way, sir? Isn't it easier for everyone if a boy is chosen instead?" the advisor tried again. He tried everything to give the girl a proper future. It was unheard of a girl having such a rank as what the king was suggesting, but the king seemed to have a plan in his mind. No matter what the advisor thought, he knew that in the end, he trusted the king with his own life.
"No, I have already decided," the king spoke with finality. He looked at the delicate baby, a sorrowful but hopeful smile. "She will be trained to be his bodyguard." Although the advisor was clearly against it, he nodded his head and carefully pulled back the blanket to reveal the baby's angelic face. She was half asleep, her eyes halfway open, but the king could tell the sharp electric green eyes underneath the half closed lids.
"She was unnamed when her mother died giving birth and the doctors say that the father was unknown. What will be her name?" the advisor asked. The king stepped down from his throne and made his way to his advisor who bowed as his king approached.
"The girl," the king trailed, observing her delicate but sharp features. The king pitied the girl, but there was something inside of him that wanted this girl to become the best bodyguard for his son and his intuition never lied to him. The king looked at the girl one last time and then up at his advisor with a confidence he had never felt before. "The girl will be named Isabelle."