Jane's POV
"What?" I called out in disbelief. "You can't do that."
But he had gone deaf as he gets off the bed slowly and heads for the door.
"Come back here!" I screamed but he is already out of the room leaving the door unclosed.
This had to be a dream. It felt too unreal. How everything had changed all in one second.
I got down the bed slowly. The room was different for what it had looked like last night.
Last night it was a dangerous den full of shadows and my captor. Now it was a bright well furnished room that was warm and fully giving off vibes of Billionaire luxury. I couldn't ignore how clean it was. It was amazing.
"Ma'am." I hear a voice by the door and I turn to see Emily standing with folded hands on her skirt.
"I'm here to get you ready before breakfast. Please come with me."
I allowed my eyes to sink backwards into their sockets in frustration. The fact that she was acting so cool like nothing was unusual about all of this made me even sicker.
I followed her back to my supposed room where she urged me to take a bath. I sure needed it to cool down my rocketing temperature right now.
As expected she had left out a dress for me on the bed. I picked the blue velvet gown from the bed and stared at it. I gave the fitted strapless gown a glare of disapproval before dropping it back to the bed.
"I'm not wearing this."
"I'm not wearing that!"
"El jefe wants you to wear this and meet him downstairs for breakfast."
"And what if I chose not to?"
"He'll be very very angry, ma'am, if you don't do what he wants."
Do what he wants? Who exactly does that jerk think he is? First he kidnapped me and claimed he was going to marry me and now he wants to decide what I'm going to be wearing.
"Anyway." I pick up the dress. "I'll be leaving here very soon." I say to myself bedew going into the dressing room to change.
Following, Emily's lead, I walked down the stairs, heading for the dinning room.
The dinning hall was big and at the center of the large room was an elongated oval shaped table that was made of black glass. The table looked like it was meant for an entire family but at the end of the table opposite the entrance, there was only one person seated and it was him. He sat with his back sinking into the chair with his face lowered.
I bet he can hear me as I walk in but he leaves his head bowed with both of his hands folded on top the other on the table.
I could see that the table was set for two. My position apparently the one closest to his seat.
I clutched my dress by the hips and gazed down at him with a hateful frown on my face.
He finally raises his head up to see me. His eyes squint up and his lips twist into a soft smile.
"You're finally here."
"Because your maid made me."
"She's your maid not mine." He says while staring at his gold wristwatch with his right hand adjusting the rim. "Have a seat." He says after returning his gaze to me.
I roll my eyes before I settle into the seat.
"You look beautiful by the way "
"Look, you have to let me go! I'm not staying here for another day."
"Are you asking me to let you go?"
"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you! You kidnapped me on my wedding day!" I yelled. "How is that even cool?"
"I don't care! You're with me now."
"You have to let me go."
"If you're worried about your mother, you should know that I have sent the money she owes and she has been released."
"And I'm supposed to believe that?"
He takes a soft sigh and beckons on his guard who walks forward with an iPad.
He clicks the screen and passes it over to me. I can see a payment invoice of seven million dollars which he had sent to Fernando. My eyes went wide in disbelief as I see the sum. He even added an extra.
"How do I know that this isn't fake?"
I did as he asked and I saw a videotape of my mother as she is walking out of the cell. Then I see her getting back inside the house. My heart begins to beat faster and my fingers are shuddering. He really did it. Fernando has set her free.
He draws the pad away from me and hands it back to the guard who returns to his post.
"So what?" I frown again. "You think this is going to change anything? Fernando won't stop finding me. He would want to pay me back for going off unannounced and disgracing him on our planned wedding. He could harm my mum if he doesn't find me. Fernando is a very dangerous man."
A smirk draws at the corner of his lips and with both of his arms on the table he leans forward. "I am even more dangerous than Fernando."
Saying that, he sounded like it for the first time. When he leans back, he picks his fork. "I have eyes on your mother now so he can't try anything crazy at her and that also means that if you try to run away or you do not cooperate, you have her in danger."
I couldn't believe that he was saying. Was he blackmailing me?
"Why are you even doing this? It just can't be because of what you said earlier."
"That's true. You see, Lucia and I had a deal going on. She holds a strong influence to the group that I am expecting a powerful alliance from. Although not everyone knows she's no more alive. Still, with her absence everything has fallen apart. But not anymore. Now that you're here."
"How am I supposed to help in all this? Even if I look exactly like her, I am still not her."
He places his utensils back on the table and leans back so that he gazes deeply at me again. His blue eyes get intense as he stares deeply into my face. "Then you'll have to be her."