Sparsh’s eyes widened and tried to search for an exit but obviously, Natasha and her minions surrounded her fully.
“You were saved that day at the party by Ayaan’s friends. But who are you gonna call today? Hmm?”
She started to push her shoulder that Sparsh started to stumble. And after a couple of pushes, she fell down.
“You know, I was humiliated all because of you as you were taken away by your friends and I looked dumb in front of my friends. It was the first time I was looked down on because of a petty girl. Do you know how bad it is for my image?”
All this while Sparsh was not at all able to move as she was frozen at the spot. As if her father has come back and the violence has started again. The way Natasha glared at her with disgust made her feel further inferior. Natasha took a dust bin lying near her on the premises and was about to empty it on Sparsh… but she was stopped immediately by Ashita. When the garbage bin was taken away from Natasha’s hands and she grabbed Sparsh’s arm while strode towards their class.
And that was like a Knight in shining armor saves the damsel in distress, Ashita came at the right time to fetch Sparsh away from Natasha. Wait, Ayaan was supposed to be that knight… why is he even standing at the corner and staring at the whole situation as if it is not his problem? Oh yeah, He actually wanted to go and do the same but something felt off… the way Sparsh was frozen at the spot had his heart skip a beat painfully. How is it possible that she didn’t react and simply endured what that Natasha doing?
“Ugh! Maybe I should stop overthinking about her.“
Ayaan shook his head and left for the Vice chancellor’s office with his phone to report Natasha.
“How could you be so timid? You should have slapped her right away. Sparsh, she wasn’t treating you right at all. How could you tolerate it? I literally felt the urge to kick her ass way bad and post it on social media. How can you be so helpless Sparsh? This is not the way it should work. Today I took you away from her, at the party, I informed Ayaan at the right time. How many times will you be dependent on someone to help you out? What if I didn’t come there at the same moment? Huh, Sparsh? What you would have done? Tell me Sparsh.”
Ashita snapped at her so badly that Sparsh started to bawl her eyes out. Ashita immediately felt bad and she hugged her.
“It’s okay, you just have to be strong and you have to… really have to give a back answer no matter what. People can’t treat you as a doormat.”
The way Ashita hugged her and consoled her, the comfort she felt was way beyond anything. As soon as she calmed down she excused herself to go to the washroom so as soon as she came out of the lecture hall, there he stood… crossing his arms over his chest waiting over for her. When she tried to ignore him, he held out his arms and engulfed her in a bear hug to her discomfort.
“Leave me...”
Her muffled voice made him laugh all along. As he broke from the hug, he ruffled her hair and laughed at her annoyed face.
“Well don’t worry, Natasha kinda people think that they can throw such stunts without anyone watching them. But thanks to social media and this sweet phone of mine, her crime is revealed. So, from now on, don’t be scared… pretty girlfriend.”
He flicked her nose and left while thinking that she will be grateful to him that he saved her but Sparsh is clueless about what he said. She is already annoyed that she is his fake girlfriend with a contract and then he served some more trouble on the plate that she could never stomach. She went to the washroom and washed her face. By the time she came back to the lecture hall, Ashita informed her that The vice-chancellor had asked her to go to his office.
As soon as Ayaan posted that video on social media, it became viral and people started to gossip about Natasha. He showed the video he recorded to the dean and vice-chancellor first and then he made the post but he got amused how people love to poke their nose in someone else’s business.
WHen Sparsh reached The vice chancellor’s cabin, A furious Natasha threw a variety of death glares on her. Sparsh shook her head and focused on the task that she was given.
“Uhh… sir-”
“Oh yes, miss Sparsh. Please take a seat.”
Sparsh took a seat away from Natasha in a corner while she clutched her sling bag in a vice grip. Then the sound of the door being open took everyone’s attention and as it opened fully, Ayaan grinned and waved at Sparsh whose face turned red at the same time.
“Sorry VC I am interrupting but I don’t want my girlfriend to get threatened in any way.”
The vice-chancellor’s jaw dropped at Ayaan’s statement as he was speechless. Ayaan took a seat next to Sparsh and he pointed towards Natasha who was still glaring at the couple.
“Umm… okay, I called you both women because of the incident, which had been in social media… I cannot believe that such incidents like bullying happens in this institution. And also some people are having pleasure abusing the use of gadgets...”
“Blah… blah… blah… come to the point. I am pretty sure you have more work than lecturing us.”
Ayaan interrupted after getting so impatient.
“RIght… umm miss Natasha Soonawala, you are suspended for a week I have sent notice to your parents, so you have to co-operate-”
With a growl, she slammed her hands over the desk and left the cabin. Sparsh heaved a sigh thinking that she is not in trouble at the moment. She relaxed a bit while breathing in and out while Ayaan couldn’t help but stare at her. “What are you trying to hide within Sparsh?” Ayaan couldn’t help but question her but in his mind. This lady in front of her has literally cast a spell over him-
“Both of you can leave my room… I mean, I have work to do.”
As soon as the vice-chancellor said that both of them scurried off the room. She didn’t waste any time and hurried towards her lecture hall while she could still hear Ayaan calling her out. Either way, thanks to Ayaan Singhaniya, her life has been a roller coaster ride. Ayaan never thought that she could easily dismiss him and leave while she is frozen like a robot when it comes to someone else raising their voice. Ayaan went back to his lectures just like how she did.
In the canteen during the lunch, Sonal took her peanut butter sandwich and took a seat at the table where Nikhil was doing certain motion on his phone. He then jumped and started cursing loudly.
“Okay, big boy stop cursing and have some food. And stop playing in that phone Nik.”
Nikhil sighed and left the phone aside while he rubbed his palm eagerly waiting for his meal. While Sonal hadd everything on her plate lightning fast.
“What? Babe, how come you didn’t leave me a piece?”
“Well sorry, I was not able to have any breakfast, I just downed the chocolate milkshake. So I am hungry like hell.”
Nikhik chuckled and went to the counter to order a proper meal for his girlfriend while Sonal spotted Ashita searching for a table.
“Hey, Ashie… here.”
Ashita hesitantly tried to leave Sonal but she kept on calling here all along so she didn’t had any other way than come to the table where Sonal was sitting, at the same moment Nikhil came with her meal.
“Why are you avoiding us so much? What happened?”
Before Ashita could answer Ron and Ayaan came towards the table and ashita rushed out in a lightning speed that everyone in the cafeteria were just staring at the door where she exited.
“What’s her deal?”
Ayaan asked Sonal for which she shrugged and Ron looked unfazed and started muching chips which didn’t get missed by Sonal.
“Hey guys...”
Deepali joined the table with full enthusiasm and everyone were in pin drop silence.
“What happened?”
Ayaan shrugged while Sonal Nikhil and Ron were busy with munching their food.