"You've improved a lot Tina." Hans grins as he hands me a water bottle.
"Thanks pal." I smile and open the bottle. I'm sweating after the fifth fight.
"Are you still interested in the job?" Hans asks as I wipe my face with my towel.
"Yes, I'm still struggling to find any decent jobs at the moment so if you could recommend me, I'll be happy." I smile.
"Sure, I'll let you know when we get a request. You're one of our best fighters, I am sure you will definitely get recruited soon."
"Thank you Hans! I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye Tina."
After showering in the shower room, I go to the locker room and open up my locker. Changing into my casual top and jeans, I stare into the mirror.
I have Alopecia areata (AA) where my hair falls out in patches when I stress. To save time, I keep it short. My hair reaches just below my ears at most.
Since I have been struggling to find a job, my hair seems to be in worse condition. Hopefully, Hans will find me a good job soon.
Packing my bag, I leave the locker room and walk out of the building.
As I walk down the street, my shoulder bumps into someone. The man is tall and with the contrast of his long dark hair and blue eyes, he is a handsome fellow.
"Hey! Stop and apologise! Don't you have eyes?" He shouts after me as I walk pass him.
I roll my eyes. So he's the type who ruins his good looks once he opens his mouth.
"What do you want? You bumped into me too so you should apologise." I say. He clearly bumped into me whilst on his phone so why is he blaming me?
"Are you picking a fight?" He says as he walks up to me and puffs his chest out.
Holding back my laughter at his attempt to intimidate me, I reach up and flick his forehead as hard as I can before running away.
What kind of rotten personality does that man have? If I ever meet him again, I will definitely turn him into mince meat.
As I prepare the dinner for tonight, I hear my parents arrive home.
"Something smells good." My mother says happily.
"Is my son cooking again?" My dad teases.
I laugh as I bring the dishes out to the dining table.
"Dad, I'm still a girl. Or do you actually want Mint to cook?" I laugh. My younger brother has no talent in cooking and only ends up burning things.
Mum helps me place the plates as I put down the bowl of rice and curry. I usually eat a lot of protein foods to build up my muscles and energy.
"Still no luck in finding a job?" Dad asks.
"Same old." I say as I eat. "Employers are too fussy nowadays. How many interviews have I been rejected from now?"
"Maybe you should look for a different way. Find a rich boyfriend." Dad jokes.
I flick the rice at him, "Daaaad!"
"Table manners Tina, how many times do I have to remind you that you are a lady." Mum scolds.
"Dad's fault." I say.
"Your brother should be home by now. Have you heard why he is still not here?" Mum says worriedly, glancing at the clock.
"He didn't mention anything." I say. "But I know where he will be." Mint is always out at his favourite nightclub after work.
"Will you be able to bring him back Tina? He is becoming more and more irresponsible."
"Sure Mum." I stand up and go upstairs to grab my keys and a jacket before leaving.
"Drive safely darling." Mum calls from the dining room.
"Yes Mum." I say before leaving the house.
I climb onto my motorbike, wear the helmet and insert my key as I rev it up. Time to search for my most-likely-drunk-brother.
As I drive down the lanes on my Harley, I smile as the adrenaline rushes through me. I used to secretly race in the past and the joy of it still hasn't left me.
I park up and take off my helmet outside the nightclub Mint usually frequents. He is probably here.
Ignoring the stares of the women as I walk inside the club, I scan the area. Where is that fool?
All of a sudden, a woman trips in front of me and I instinctively reach out my arms to catch her. Fortunately, she falls into my arms and I help her back onto her feet.
She seems flustered as she looks at me. "Th-thank you for saving me."
I smile, "No worries."
"Hey! Why did you touch my friend? You want a fight?"
Turning around, I see a very angry man who looks familiar. Have I met him before–
"Ah, what kind of jinx is this?!" I say loudly as I remember him from earlier. It's that same rude handsome man.
"Pan, it's okay. He saved me." The woman says, trying to calm him down.
"No, thugs like this guy have ulterior motives." The man says, still glaring at me.
I laugh, "You really want to fight me huh."
Without warning, he aims a punch at me but I dodge with my quick reflexes. This man really underestimated me.
"Tin?" I hear Mint's voice and hurry towards him, leaving the rude man swearing behind me.
"Mint! Mum and Dad are waiting for you." I say as I grab my brother by his collar.
"Wow Mint, you didn't tell us you had a brother this cool. He has stolen all the women's attention."
Rolling my eyes at his immature friends, I drag my brother away. It's not the first time that people have thought I am male. I usually wear oversized tops so my actual body figure is hidden. I just find the bigger tops more comfortable.
"Clean yourself up a bit before we go home." I order him and push him into the men's toilets.
I decide to wait outside for him. It's too suffocating with this smell of alcohol here.
Heading to my bike, I groan as someone pulls on my shoulder. What now?!
"You really want to fight me? Fine!" I say in exasperation as I punch the man squarely on his nose.
He aims for me but he must be really tipsy because he suddenly falls and the pressure of his full body weight pushes me onto the ground.
What is this thing on my lips?
My eyes widen as I see his face on top of me and the squishy thing on my mouth.
"Get off me!" I scream and push him away.
The man looks just as disgusted as me and wipes at his lips frantically.
If I wasn't the victim here, I would have laughed.
Damn you, you foul mouthed man!