||Arlington Arlington||
Stirring the meat soup on the fire, I sigh repeatedly. It isn't that easy working as a maid Cook, more like a chef.
Who would think I'll get involved in this kind of job, I don't think anyone would. Yeah, my brother is stinkingly rich but mom doesn't want to get involved in his money.
Why? She believed his money is impure. But come to think of it, Money is money. Right? Pure or not. Un clean or clean. It doesn't matter anyways, or does it? To me, its not. All that matters is spending it.
"Arlington..." Jesse yelled my name like Its the cause of her misfortune. Yeah, she's the manager here but she act like she owns the restaurant, arrgh!
"I'm yet to finish. Can't you be more patient, huh?" I gritted my teeth trying to be nice cause I can't be any nicer than this. Jesse sure knows how to frustrate the daylight out of me.
"Yeah, I should be. Till you spend the whole day on soup only, chasing costomers away." She shot at me. I only groaned at her stupid reply, she's just a bitch who lacks manner of speech.
"Ranting again, right?" Min-hung chuckled behind me.
"Like she always did." I scoffs. "I wish I can spank her ugly face. Ugh, it pokes me."
"Everyone knows she's ugly, that's why she's harsh." Min-hung said.
"She should at least try adding a little smile to her ugly face, maybe it might reduce her ugliness." I huffed.
"She got a ugly smile too. Smiling would make her look like a lost beast." She said and we burst into laughter.
"You are both grounded." Jesse appeared from behind. "I just hope you don't..."
I cut her short. "Not that grounding us would make you look any beautiful, tch." I hissed lowly.
"I heard that, Arlington." Jesse seethes.
"Like I care anyways." I rolled my eyes at her before turning off the gas cooker.
"I need to attend to a customer." Mi-hung excused herself as she sighted a customer entering.
"Now that I'm done, maybe you can spare my name from your frustration." I said releasing the knots tied around my back from the apron.
"You...!" She growled.
"What?" I frowned deeply at her.
"I hate you with burning passion." She seethes.
"Oh dear! You don't have To hate me cause I despise you so much. So, why hating huh?" I pouts in mockery.
"I'll make you pay for this. Double grounded, you are doing two waitress duty at a time." She fussed clearly angry.
"Sure, why won't I? But don't forget to add that to my pay, dear manager." I winked at her. She growled but walked away.
"You sure know how to keep her at her place." Min hung laughed.
"I know, right?"
"Yeah. She already dismissed two duty waitress home, you know what happens after that." Min hung said concerned laced in her voice.
"That's her headache though. Since she'll be doubling my pay, do I have a problem here?" I toned. "No, I don't."
Everyone had closed for the day but here I am tidying the tables and resetting the table clothes. I'm exhausted already but I don't want to give Jesse the satisfaction she wants.
Just like the witch she is. "Look like the talking princess is tired, ugh!" She frowned tightly.
I glared at her but say nothing, no need in exchanging words with her, since she forcefully dismissed Min hung when she volunteered in giving me a helping hand.
"Look like her mouth is glued also." She pressed further. And that's it, she forced out the anger I've been bottling up.
I groaned deeply. " Don't make me do what I'll regret, Jesse."
"Oh, really?" she mused but keep quiet, good thing she's quiet, else. I sigh as I lay the last table cloth, picked up my bag and set to leave. Its past ten already and that add to my anger, she's sure gon' pay for this. I promise.
"What? stop staring at me like you will devour me." Jesse hissed.
"Maybe I would." I scoffs and walked out.
"Not even a goodnight?" She called after me.
"Yeah. Goodnight..." I hissed at her.
Usually, I should have meet people either walking in twos or three but tonight the street seems empty. I hate this eerie feeling I'm having, huh?
I clasped my fist tightly, Jesse, that ugly beast caused this. I pressed my lips in a thin line as I continue walking, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned abruptly but there'd no one and that added to my fear.
'Please save me...' I prayed within and like a lightening a hand grabbed my wrist forcefully.
"Someone please he-" I couldn't finish my statement.
"Sshh... Be quiet, will you?" A strange voice wrapped his hand around my mouth stopping me from speaking or yelling, maybe. I groan in protest as i struggled to break free but he seem a way too stronger for me, here comes the trouble I think.
"You just have to comply and you aren't getting hurt in return, that's a deal. Okay?" He negotiated in a hoarse voice. Seriously, I thought kidnappers are always forceful. Why is he trying to be nice here?
"Now, move silently..." He growled lowly as he pushed me inside a car, that i didn't notice was there all along. He moped my nose with a white handkerchief, strong smell oozing off it. I tried my best to protest but I'm no match for his strength. I didn't even get to see the guy's face.
Slowly, I started loosing consciousness but like a lightening a dark figure headbutted the stranger as he let go off my nose with the handkerchief falling from his hand. I tried holding on to consciousness but it seems I can't do that, the last I heard was series of smacks and groan before i finally passed-out
I just hope I'm not being saved from a small trouble into a bigger one...