Emily pov’s
“Mommy why not Uncle Evans stay with us”
I heard Eva’s little voice said and I turn Swifty to look at her with a hard glared on my face which she ignored purposely and pouted her lips.
“Whattt”I heard Evans say
I stared at Eva on my laps in disbelief.
“what is wrong with this child of mine” I thought as I looked at her once more.
“Eva baby uncle Evans can’t stay with us” I said with a hard voice glaring at evans
“Why mom?” she asked and feigned tears and I was astonished at her behavior.
All this weird behavior is because of Evans.
“Damn” I feel like hitting him so badly but I can’t cause I put him in this condition.
“But mama he has no one to take care of him why can’t we?” she asked again.
“Well…. Because.. “I stammered and she raised her head to look at me waiting for my reply.
“Well because I don’t know” I huffed angrily at her and I heard the Evans guy chuckled lightly.
I turn around to stare at him and I made sure to give him a hard glare.
“Quit asking me questions eva, I doubt if uncle Evans would like to stay with us” I added looking at Evans sternly.
“Let’s ask him mom’ she said
Evans pov’s
I gulped hard after receiving several glare from Emily .
I didn’t say anything wrong it was Eva who brought up the idea not me.
“ why is she glaring hard at me” I thought vividly.
It not like I did this to myself, she was the person who put me in this condition do she should take responsibility for it.
I thought in finality as I heard a voice which jolted me out of my thought.
“Uncle Evans who you like to stay with us?”I heard Eva tiny voice
What do I say now
I mean I have no one to take care of me, if I stay home all day I won’t be able to work and I can’t pay my bills if I don’t work.
What do I do I can’t help myself alone, I really need someone to aid me with things.
And this lady is going to kill me with I glares if I should think of staying.
And I like her, I would like to know her more especially her cutie of a daughter as u smile at my thought
“You better forget about staying” my subconscious said to me.
“Stay Evans, it wouldn’t be that bad another stated.
I kept hearing voices in my head.
One asking me to stay, the other saying I shouldn’t stay.
What did I do??
I thought about it for a while …
If I choose to stay I will be close to emily maybe she would love me I thought
“But this look on her face is scary
Oh God help me” I prayed silently
I felt a little tap on my shoulder and I was snapped back to reality
“Ermm What were you saying cupcake” I asked little Eva.
“Uncle Evans would you like to stay with us till you’re better” she repeated giving me her cute puppy face I couldn’t resist.
I couldn’t resist that cute look on her face
“Yes cupcake I will like to stay” I said smiling widely at her.
Yayyyyy!!! Uncle Evans is staying with us she sang and danced happily.
Eva pov’s
Yayyyyy!! Am happy my plans are working.
Gosh I hope mommy doesn’t punish me for making him stay.
But I like uncle Evans and I think he would make a good daddy right?
Oops did I say that….
Forget I even mentioned that..
Emily pov’s
He agreed I can’t believe this
“Ahhhh” I mentally screamed looking at him furiously
“This is a better way to teach him a lesson for spilling ice cream on you” my subconscious said
“Yes” I agreed.
“Show him who the boss is and teach him a lesson he wouldn’t ever forget” I smirk at my own thoughts.
“Get ready Evans you would regret this” I thought again with a smirk on my face…
We arrived home with Evans late at night.
And Eva couldn’t stop squealing and smiling happily like she’s won a trophic.
Gosh!! I shouldn’t have brought her to the hospital this wouldn’t have happened.
She totally ignored me in the car and sat with Evans’s laughing and discussing like I didn’t exist .
We got in and I instructed a maid to take him in the guest room
She bowed and left with him
I got to my room pulled off my shoes and fell on the bed
“Ah what a day” I exclaimed as I pulled of my heels.
I got into the shower enter my jacuzzi and had a warm bath
It was so refreshing and it helped to calm me down alit.
“Hmmmm” I moaned as I enjoyed the bath.
Evans pov’s
The house was bueatiful from the interior decorations to the furniture ….
Mine!! Everything here screams money
She fu*cking rich damn!!
The maid directed me to my room
Omg there was a tv set, a center table and a king size bed
*Mama Miya*
This room is like three times my apartment.
There’s was two other door in the room
One was the closest filled with pjamas and some shirts which looks like my size.
The other was a bathroom which had a jacuzzi tub and a shower
O m g the place is so spacious
I thanked the maid and she winked at me
Okay what was that for????
Can she even fall for me I thought
She’s way out of my league
Oh God
**At night**
I was feeling a bit thirsty so I decided to walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water..
I was at the cabinet looking for a glass to use
When I felt a presence behind me and I was startled
I turn around to know who the person was..
But I missed my step and was about falling when I grab the person with me
We both crashed down on the floor with her lips on me
I stared at her face in shocked and looked at the lips on mine
Oh on Emily.