He still was not sure why he had given that nurse permission to use her traditional methods for his son's treatment. But his hands were tied here. He was not ready to imagine how his son would handle the news of not being able to walk again. The kid liked to run around and indulge in mischievous activities, such news would suck the life out of him and Dante hated the thought of his son living like a shadow of himself.
"I feel like she's trustworthy."
The voice of his friend dragged him out of his reverie. He blinked, focusing back on his friend, Luke.
"I mean, not too many nurses will go the extra mile like this. She's literally risking her career to give your son a chance to use his legs again." Luke continued. "Plus, from what you have said, Elon has a special connection with her. I think he's in good hands."
Dante sighed, leaning back on his chair. "I just hope whatever she does actually works."
"We all do, Dante. Remember, I am here to support any way I can." Luke's assurance did something to calm him down. It was in moments like this that he felt really lucky to have someone like Luke in his life. Amidst all the constant chaos, being around Luke always felt like a breath of fresh air.
"Thank you." He did not say that often. But he felt the need to do that now. Somewhere within him, faith grew and he could actually picture his son walking.
"You're welcome." Luke's lips spread into one of his usual bright smiles. "So can we get back to work now?" He asked, reminding Dante of why he had originally shown up in his home office.
"Of course, yes." Dante reciprocated the smile, even though it was more like a lopsided grin.
The boy had been smiling more often lately. At least, around her. Perhaps, it was because she had brought him out to the garden today. It was his first time outside since his accident.
He tilted his head to the side, his big smile still on his face. "You have a pretty face."
She giggled, getting compliments from the kid was nothing new, but she was still not used to it. "Thank you, El."
"Do you have kids?" He asked out of nowhere. And for a moment, she wondered why he was asking her that. He asked a lot of questions, but why did he have to know if she had kids or not?
"No, I don't." She answered truthfully, shaking her head.
"Hmm." He nodded, seemed to be thinking of something. Now, she wished she could read minds, she needed to know what was going on in that little head of his.
"What are you thinking?"
"Nothing." He shrugged, smirking at her. "Absolutely nothing."
She sighed, giving up on getting in the boy's head. She was just going to do her job and let him do his thing.
"I would need a home teacher, wouldn't I?" The boy threw another question at her. "I mean, I can't go to school like this, can I?" he gestured to his legs, a frown etching his face.
"That's not a discussion for this moment, El." She was trying her best to avoid having that conversation with the kid. "Let us focus on your treatment."
"I'll not be going back there in a wheelchair, Jenny." He said to her firmly, holding her gaze. "I've heard enough since I lost my mother."
She grimaced. "What? You get bullied at school because of that."
He sighed and looked away. He was quiet for a few seconds before he responded, "yes."
"Why are you just saying this now, Elon?" That was not Genesis speaking, neither was it the kid. She looked back and that was when she saw Dante standing not too far from her, hands in his pocket and his brows knitted.
As he approached, Genesis's heart rate increased with every footstep. She did not like to be around him when he was upset. There was this stillness that came with his anger, it made her very uncomfortable.
"Since when has this been going on?" He sat beside her, facing his son. It was almost as if he did not even notice her sitting there.
"Since Mom d—" the boy cut off his own words. "Since we lost Mom."
"And you did not say anything at all?" Genesis had to move to the extreme of the bench as Dante now seemed even more upset. "Do you realize that you could have been hurt?"
"I was handling them pretty well, Daddy." The boy was not even fazed by his father's anger. If anything, he looked irritated.
"You were handling them well? Elon, can you hear yourself?" Dante sounded like he could not believe his ears. "Tell me, what are their names?"
The kid eyed his father grimly. "Why do you need to know that?"
"Are you really asking me that right now?"
"Daddy, whatever actions you want to take, they'll not be necessary. Just get me a home teacher and I'll be good."
The father and son were quiet for a while, staring at each other. Dante looking in disbelief while Elon now looked quite relaxed.
"So you want them to get away with everything they did?" Dante finally asked.
"Yes." Elon responded. "I forgive them."
Dante sighed, shaking his head as he rested his back. He was staring at his son like he was looking at a complete stranger. Even Genesis was a little bit surprised at the boy's judgement. At the moment, it did not feel like she was watching an eleven year old's encounter with his father.
Perhaps, certain experiences within the last few years of his life had forced him to grow up faster. And if she was being honest with herself, she had reasons to believe that the kid was more emotionally intelligent than most adults she knew. It was quite sad that the boy could not just be a kid like most of his mates.
At the same time, she was proud that he did not let himself stay in the shackles of malice. She smiled to herself at that thought.
"You forgive them." Dante spoke like he was trying to make sure he heard his son properly.
"I do." The boy nodded.
"Alright." Dante sighed, getting up to his feet. He adjusted his tie before he said, "I'll see what I can do to get you a home teacher then." And with that, he walked out of the garden and disappeared back into the mansion.