"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" A man, voice full of authority, spoke from behind us. I nearly jumped up at his sudden appearance.
It was an aged man in a blue suit frowning at us. I didn't know who he was but as I looked back to Zayn sitting beside me, I noticed he wasn't even looking at him. I stood up knowing I shouldn't be in between whatever was going on between them. Zayn noticed me standing up to which he finally turned his head to the man.
"I don't understand your role here miss, it'd be better for you to return to the event", the man said. I assumed he was in a good post for ordering people around like that. He was right but I knew if I left Zayn now, I would leave him altogether.
The reality was starting to set in, I was going home tomorrow. Away from everything, away from everyone, away forever. I was scared that if I left now, I'd never see him again. I'd never know what his sorrows were nor what was tearing him apart. I was drawn to him.
But I was a quitter. I knew even if I wore a dress worth thousands and walk in between celebrities, I'd still be me, a loser.
"I am sorry," I started walking away towards the door as something struck me.
I looked back and found the same pair of brown eyes looking at me. As our eyes met, I searched his face.. and I swear when I looked back at Zayn, the corner of his lips turned just the tiniest bit into a smile or it was just my imagination but it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
I walked out of their sight but not out of the situation. I kept in the shadows and peeked at them because I wanted to know what was going on. Zayn was still staring in the direction I disappeared when the man took a few steps forward.
"You owe me an explanation," the man said.
"I owe you nothing," Zayn replied. The man looked annoyed at his words.
"Of course you do. You've been holding up just fine because of me and if you don't follow what I tell you, you know the consequences," the man said. Zayn stood up to face him, his face looked angry.
"Whatever I've done in my life, I've done myself. I never needed anyone. I don't even need you," he walked up to the man and stood face to face with him.
The man's face fell, he shook his head down as Zayn stormed out using the path I pretended to use. I never knew things in his life were so intense. I always saw him, sang his songs out loud, thinking he was happy. Like he was content with his life. But not all that glitters was not gold.
I head straight for the washroom after enquiring if Ms Anna was here yet. They said she'll take another 15 minutes.
I entered the washroom turning towards the mirror. I was shocked that everything was intact. Hair, clothes, make-up, perfect.
Then I heard something. Someone was sobbing, a girl. I gasped a little with fear. Gathering all my courage, I knew I was in for another life-changing event. Gut feeling.
The voice was coming from the washroom in the corner. I headed towards it and then gently knocked once on the door. When there was no answer, I slightly pushed the door, it was open.
To my surprise, a girl, 4-5 years younger than me was sitting on the floor of the washroom crying. Her make-up was all over her face from crying. I freaked out thinking something might have happened to her.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" The girl looked up at me.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE," she said, annoyed.
"You can tell me. Trust me I'll help you out," I said. She opened and closed her mouth, this time she was less rude.
"What will you know, you're an outsider. Stay out of it!"
I should've left long back without having to deal with her but I wanted to help her.
"Look, I'm an outsider, you're right. And just because I'm an outsider, you can trust me, with your secret and not fear it being leaked or something if that's what you're afraid of."
The girl scanned my face for a few seconds then she started sitting up. I helped her and then joined her sitting face to face with her. She hesitated at first but then she started opening up.
"Shelly Peterson.. she's my mom. She wants me to make a speech in front of more than 1000 people." She said. "I can't face people, I'm too introverted to do these things. I don't want to do it... She never understands."
She started sobbing again. She reminded me of me in high school. I was just like that.
"You know what? I was like you when I was your age. I used to hide away when I should've stepped up. When I could have stolen the spotlight, I escaped. But life is all about facing your fears. And once you face them, they'll no longer be your fears. It is not about you dealing with this situation today, it's about you... walking out of this washroom, walking up the stage with your head held high, and just be yourself. So don't be so fussy about it, you weirdo."
The girl looked like she was getting my point but the last line cracked her up. She giggled to my relief and then nodded her head.
"Don't stress yourself, now come on, let's get you cleaned up," I helped her up and took her out to the huge mirror where she almost screamed looking at herself. I fixed her dress while she used the tissue papers for the face.
"Thank you. I'm Della though." The girl smiled.
"I'm Raelynn! Now go."
I run back just in time Ms Anna step out of her limousine and walked in. She recognised me then and there.
"Raelynn, pretty girl." I smiled at her compliment.
"Thank you so much, Ms Anna. They told me the event is starting, should we proceed?" I tried to sound as professional as possible. She smiled and nodded at me. As we were entering, I looked all around but I couldn't find the person I wanted to see. Where was he?
The event went on and it was awesome. I was having the best time of my life because watching these celebrities from so close was like a dream come true. I was sitting in the front row, speechless.
Della was amazing at her speech. She did so well. She spoke her mind, so confident and flawless that my eyes started filling with tears.
The event came to an end and I became restless. I kept looking around, distracted from whatever was going on, but he was nowhere to be found. Ms Anna was doing interviews, posing for pictures, talking to people and I was following her. When she was doing an interview, I sneaked around trying to find Zayn everywhere.
How can he just disappear?
Tomorrow I was turning into the same coward I was. But only this time I felt stronger. This time I felt confident like if I believed in myself, I could do it.
I was lost in my thoughts when a gentle tap on my shoulder woke me up. I turned around to find a woman standing there smiling sweetly at me. She was a brunette, in her 40s and gorgeous.
"Hi, you must be Raelynn," the woman said. How does she know my name?
"Yes, it's Raelynn."
"I'm Shelly Peterson, Della's mother," the woman's words made me remember her instantly. Della told me about her mother.
"Oh Mrs Peterson, Della told me about you, we actually met-," she cut me off.
"I know what happened and that's why I'm here. Thank you so much Raelynn. It is all because of you, my daughter was able to give the speech and also excel in it. I never even expected she'd be so amazing at putting herself out there." She said and I smile at her. I'm just so happy for Della that she did face her fears.
"Please don't say thank you. Della is a great girl." Shelly held my hands and looked at me.
"Thank you isn't enough for what you did, I cannot force you into accepting something from my side but..," she dug through her purse, "..here's my card. Please call me if you ever need anything, any help at all. I'll be waiting for your call." She looked at me expectantly so I took her card politely.
The rest of the night went equally nice. I met Della and congratulated her. Met some people with Ms Anna. Posed for some photos.
And then... I ran into him again. I accidentally bumped into a man near me.
"S-sorry," I looked up to see Zayn's unpredictable gaze on me. He stared at me for a few seconds and then leaned into me.
"You apologize too much, Raelynn Taylor," he smirked a little and then he disappeared just like the wind.
I wanted to meet him. Because I was leaving tomorrow. Maybe forever. Even if I'd never had such a chance again, I wanted to do all I could to find him again.
Before I knew it, I was waving goodbye at Sherri, the city and the night that changed my life. I was flying back home with a deep feeling in my heart. But more of determination.
If fate didn't land me into my dreams, I'd make a way.