I sat on a stainless steel stool with a round leather seat before the dressing table and stared at my reflection in the clear mirror.
Zeenat Aunt had given me an olive green and gold Lehenga to wear for my Nikah. An olive net veil was placed on the top of my head. Long gold earrings hung in my ears. A golden choker with sparkling green jewels was fitted in my neck as well as a lengthy gold necklace. Golden bracelets chained to the rings in my fingers were hooked around my wrists.
Aaliya did my makeup and braided my hair. She’d pinned a gold Maang Tika and Passa Tika in my hair, and painted my lips and nails dark red.
As I stared at my reflection for a little longer, I realized I never looked this gorgeous ever.
Perhaps, this was how every bride felt on her wedding day.
“You’re looking like a perfect Muslim bride.” Aaliya smiled at me through the mirror. She was dressed in a lavender Lehenga with sparkling tiny diamonds.
“A little correction here.” Aunt smiled. She was adorned in a ravishing maroon saree. “Inaaya is looking like a perfectly elegant Muslim bride.”
“Oh, yes!” Aaliya giggled. “Ahaan’s jaw is going to fall on the floor seeing your unbelievable beauty.”
My cheeks smudged cherry red. I was nervous for my soon-to-be husband to see me in the bridal getup. Would he react the way Aaliya said?
Ahaan… he was downstairs, waiting for me at the living hall, with Zehaan and the priest.
“C’mon, Inaaya. Let’s go.” My sister helped me to rise on my feet.
“It’s time?” I turned to face her.
She nodded.
“Zehaan just messaged me to bring you down.”
“I’m nervous,” I blurted. My heart hammered against my ribcage. My palms sweated slightly so I had to wipe them on my skirt.
“Every bride is nervous on her wedding. So was I. Take a deep breath and calm down” Aunt advised and I exactly did what she said.
She pulled down the veil till myneck. I wasn’t able to see anything unless I peeked from under the veil.
They held me from either side and escorted me downstairs. My heart beat fast again and my fingers fidgeted with each other.
When we reached the living room, I was made to sit on a couch. I peeked a little only to see golden curtains separating my side from my soon-to-be husband’s.
The bride and groom weren’t allowed to see each other until the wedding was over.
I gasped silently when I heard the priest’s hoarse voice. “Do you, Ms. InaayaMansur, daughter of Mr. Aasim Mansur, accept Mr. Ahaan Agnihotri, son of Mr. Kailash Agnihotri, as your husband?”
Nervousness held me back from answering. I was scared of my decision for a moment. I felt multiple emotions at the same time such that they made me numb.
Aaliya nudged me in the waist. “I-I… I do,” I said softly then repeated it twice.
Footsteps traveled to the groom’s side. It was his turn. “Do you, Mr. Ahaan Agnihotri, son of Mr. Kailash Agnihotri, accept Ms. Inaaya Mansur, daughter of Mr. Aasim Mansur, as your wife?” Priest asked.
“Yes, I do.” Ahaan’s voice was clearly confident. He was sure of what he was doing. He repeated hisanswer two more times.
A marriage contract was placed down on my lap. Aunt whispered in my ear to sign those papers and I did wherever it was needed.
The same contract was given to Ahaan as I heard the priest telling him to sign on those papers. “Now, I pronounce you husband and wife.”
Finally, I was married. I was Ahaan’s wife. He was my new life now.
A minute later, I felt someone occupying the space beside me on the couch. I guessed it to be of my husband’s. His presence accelerated my heart beats once again.
“Ahaan, I tell you Inaaya is looking so gorgeous—your jaw’s gonna hit the floor.” I heard my sister say.
Ahaan chuckled throatily. “Oh, if that’s the case—I can’t wait to see her.”
My nervous fingers tugged the veil a little more down. How would he react when he sees me?
“Darling, I’m placing a mirror on your lap. Smile for your husband, okay?” Aunt’s sweet voice reached my ears.
I just nodded.
The mirror was placed. I had my eyes shut at the start but I gradually opened them and pressed a soft smile for my husband.
“You’re glorious, Inaaya.” My heart skipped a beat at his alluring voice.
My husband praised me for the very first time and I was delighted about it.
“Praising your wife, huh?” Playfulness trickled from Zehaan’s voice.
“So, what? She’s my wife. I have right on her.”
I have right on her... Mmmhmm, he did have right over me.
“Yes, son. She’s all yours and you’re all hers. There is a sacred and special bond between you both,” Aunt stated then instructed, “Now, lift the veil up and place it over Inaaya’s head.”
I chewed my inner cheeks as my veil was set over my head. I slowly turned to my side only to find my husband smiling at me. I coyly smiled back at him. He was decked out in an intricately embroidered olive-gold Sherwani. His luscious raven hair was neatly parted on one side, and he had shaved off his stubble.
This man looked angelically handsome. How did I get so lucky to marry him?
“You know what—I’m your fan now, Ahaan!” Aaliya exclaimed. Fangirl!
“My soul can rest in peace,” Ahaan laughed and then his eyes connected with mine. “Inaaya? Are you my fan too?” he lifted up his brows.
“Stupid! She’s your wife and not your fan!” Zehaan, outfitted in a white Sherwani with silver embroidery, smacked Ahaan’s arm.
I could be his fan too…
“Fine, asshole!” Ahaan rubbed where his friend hit him. “Stop smacking me, okay. It hurts.” Oh Allah, is Ahaan very hurt?
“Feed barfi to each other.” Aunt handed Ahaan and me a silver sheathed barfi each.
Shyness stuck to me like an octopus on my face. Somehow I stretched out my hand to his mouth and he took a bite. I watched his sculptured jaw chew on the sweet as I pulled back my hand.
Accordingly, he brought his hand near my mouth and I coyly had a bite. It was a cashewnut barfi and tasted delicious.
“Picture, please!” Zehaan plucked our attention. He had a phone held horizontally in his hands. “Sit closer, smile, and hold each other’s hands.”
Ahaan closed the distance between us. I tried not to flinch at his touch, unlike last time. With a deep breath, I calmed myself. His large warm hand reached for mine. His touch shot sparks down my spine. He gently laced our fingers and placed our hands down on his thigh.
The intense proximity between us heated up my cheeks. A man had never held my hand. He was the first.
When he mouthed to me if I was ready, I just nodded. And we smiled for the camera.
“Picture perfect! You both make a beautiful couple!” Zehaan remarked, shoving his phone in his jeans pocket.
Do we really?
“Inaaya.” My head turned to my husband. Our fingers were still intertwined.
I studied him. He came off to be serious.
“Inaaya,” Ahaan began in his silvery voice. “Whatever happened between us so far... our marriage… I promise I won’t leave your side and would protect you from those who are behind you. No matter what is waiting for us in the future, I’m still going to be with you, okay. I’m going to make sure you’re safe and sound.”
I was amused and touched by my husband’s precious words. Moreover, I was content. Heart and soul content. Allah had chosen the right man for me. A man so genuine and exemplary.
Ahaan took out a delicate rose-gold necklace that had a small round diamond pendant. He leaned close to my face, and thankfully I didn’t flinch away. His hot breath stroke my skin as he clasped the necklace in my neck. His gifted necklace was already sacred for me.
“As long as I don’t take off your necklace, I will never leave you and always safeguard you.”
He had left me speechless. I stared at him in absolute admiration.
Somehow, my voice was found. “If you ever feel to end our marriage… you’re free to divorce me.”
“I respect your point. But I also know what marriage means in a woman’s life. I know it’s value, trust me. I won’t leave you unless you want me to break ties.”
Something flickered in his sincere blues. A pain. I don’t know why but there was an unknown pain.
“I can’t believe this is Ahaan Agnihotri speaking!” Zehaan amazed.
My husband rolled his eyes.
Aunt smiled softly. “Ahaan is mature, but he rarely shows.”
Ahaan kind of shied away. He didn’t like to show off his rare side, I guessed.
Honestly, his rare side, his pure soul, enticed me more than his good looks.
“Mega glad I chose you for my Inu” my sister cheered, and he softly smiled at her.
I made a promise to myself. I promised to be always there for him. In his good times, as well as, in his bad times. I surrendered to him. To my accidental husband. Nothing would matter more than him. My happiness would always lie in his. And I’d try my best to fulfill the role and duties of an ideal wife.
I didn’t mind our marriage being hidden or accidental. It wouldn’t change the fact that he was my husband. I was going to try to know him and one day fall in love with him. I promised myself
I was going to spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Inaaya Ahaan Agnihotri.
The hidden accidental wife of a Megastar.