The boys decided to go to the shop and it just so happens that KC and Bernard are also there. And as usual, each of them ride their own vehicle except one, Alain and Edrien. Alain likes to be accompanied by someone inside his car whenever and wherever he's going to. He said that he did not want to be alone in his car. He even told them that he doesn't like to have no one to talk to that makes him bored.
The three almost cancelled going to the shop when the heavy rain suddenly fell, but they manage to go there convinced the King.
"The staff's working here are getting younger and younger eh? Nevertheless, I can see that they are more hardworking." Diether agreed to what Edrien said.
"Yes, of course. They're almost at our age."
"Good morning Sir." A staff greeted them nervously. Diether smiled at him.
"Is KC already upstairs?"
"Yes sir. He's with Sir Bernard who just came a while ago."
"Okay, thanks! Let's go bro."
"Hey wait, I want to order something" Diether stops Edrien.
"A cup of hot chocolate for me and I would like to add four croissants." Diether said while looking at the menu.
"Mine's latte and blueberry cheese cake." Edrien added.
"What about yours?" Alain was just looking at the deserts.
"White espresso and two slices of triple chocolate cake. Please do follow up the order because I'm starving" he said seriously that scares the staff. They head their way upstairs.
"Don't be such serious Alain when you're talking to our staffs. You almost scared that guy earlier hahaha" Diether laughed.
"Why? I didn't even do something that'll scare him. How come that a good-looking person like me be scary?" he said sarcastically.
"I almost think you wouldn't come because of the weather. How are you guys?" KC greeted them.
"I may not stay here for so long. Our training for the Collegiate League has already started. Coach wants us to be at the school in the afternoon." Edrien said. He's the team captain of the basketball team.
"No problem with that. By the way, where is Bernard?"
"He's taking a bath. He rides his motorbike under the rain haha. I even ask him why he didn't bring his car since it's obviously gonna rain."
The boys stop when a person knocked on the door.
"Come in" KC said.
"Yummm! Maybe it's our orders"
"Sir, here is the order of your guests" the staff put the tray of their orders on the table.
"Hey, where is mine? I also ordered a while ago. Where is my order?" Alain said with an irritated voice.
"To follow Sir. I'm sorry for the delay." Alaim did not answer and the staff just left.
"Hey KC! The food you're serving here is really delicious! Looks like anyone who eats this cake will agree with me too!" Diether said while eating his order.
"Bro, those are four croissants. Doesn't that will affect your figure?" KC laugh as he noticed what Diether is eating. Diether is a swimmer, he actually have the best bodybuilt among the five of them.
"It will never gonna happen. I do workout everyday.".
"Hey KC! Where's the one I ordered? I'm really starving!" Alain complained, and there's a knock on the door.
"Oh there it is." KC just laughed.
"Sir, here is ..." they instantly turned to that familiar voice.
"Arielle.." they said in chorus, as Bernard suddenly came out of the restroom.
"Woooooh! Why is it too cold?"
Bernard looked at him and smiled.
"Hi Arielle, is that for me?." He smiled and walk towards Arielle and took what he ordered.
"Wow! Thanks! You're the best!"
"Wait, you know each other?" KC asked them.
"Yes" Edrien, Diether and Arielle responded, while Alain said no.
Arielle is holding one more tray but he doesn't know who ordered that. So he walk towards KC to give it to him.
"Sir, here's your order" he said while wearing a bright smile.
"Thank you. But I did not order that."
"Oww. I'm sorry." . Arielle faced Alain who is sitting beside his boss.
"So this is yours. How unlucky I didn't put any drops of poison." Arielle said sarcastically that makes Alain mad.
"Shouldn't you also call me Sir? I am a close friend of the owner of this coffee shop, and actually, we're co-owners of KC. You should call us Sir, too." Arielle got pissed off because of Alain's answer.
"Is this the extent to which you practice the rudeness of your behavior? You even argue to our staff, how childish you are Alain" Bernard joined the discussion.
"The better thing you can do rathen than sticking your nose to a situation that has not to fo with you, na just wear any top. Look at him? He's already salivating and drooling because you're shirtless." Alain insulted Arielle while pointing at him.
"I'm sorry SIR, if you think I am drooling over your friend. I'm sorry if you think I'm a flirt, whore, bitch, as what the fvck in this world you want to call me. I'm sorry." Arielle tried not to cry even though he wanted to. But he can't stop his tears from flowing down. He's crying, because of Alain.
"I'm sorry Sir KC. I'll get back to work downstairs." Arielle did not wait for him to answer and he left the office. They're all speachless after he left.
At the door closed, they all looked at Alain. It seems like he just doesn't care about what happened and what he have said. He seems to be playing with what he ordered and looking at it carefully.
"Is this safe to eat? Are you sure this is clean and have no poison?." he said jokingly but the rest were still looking at him seriously. "See? He brought the wrong order. I've ordered two slices of triple chocolate cake, it's just one here."
"Why did you say that? You are hurting him." Diether said and he was very disgusted.
"You don't know anything so just shut up."
Bernard stood up and put on his clothes.
"I'm just going after him." he said and left immediately.
"KC, please order me a new one. It may be poisonous, or it may have potion, drugs or whatever." Alain said again.
"The food here are clean. Now if you don't want to eat it, don't eat it." KC stood up and moved to his table.
"If you just don't want give it - -"
"Shut up Diether. It's mine. Aren't you already satisfied with how much you eat?." Alain even lifted the cake and pulled it away from Diether. Edrien laughed silently. He know Alain very much, he is very fond of chocolate flavored foods especially desserts.
"It's about 10 am. I need to go to our training. I need to leave." Edrien said and as the same time as he stood up, Diether's cellphone rang.
"Guys, I need to leave too. Mama will go to the grocery store. No one will drive for her."
"How about you?" Diether asked Alain.
"I have nothing to do at home. So even though I don't want to be here, I need to stay here." He seems enjoying eating the cake he was cursing a while ago.
"Hey, lemme borrow your car." Edrien just remember that he went to the shop with Alain so he doesn't bring his own vehicle.
"Don't you remember? I didn't bring my own car." Alain thought for a moment.
"Okay" He threw the key on Edrien, when Bernard suddenly arrived.
"Arielle fainted." Bernard said anxiously. He is carrying l Arielle, bridal style. Alain thinks he was just pretending his faint because he knew Bernard would carry him up.
"What happened?" the three approached Bernard as he carefully lays Arielle on the sofa.
"He's hot. He's got a fever. Maybe that's why I noticed he was a little pale, and I also noticed that he was hot earlier" He explained.
"Wait, you're with him earlier?" KC asked.
"We went here together earlier. He also got wet in the rain, so maybe that's the reason why he fainted."
"Wait, did you say you went here together?" Edrien asked. Alain just pissed off.
"You mean, he rides on your motorcycle?" Diether asked.
"Yup. But why are you asking. Think of we're we going to do" Bernard complained.
"You should take him to the hospital. Maybe his disease is contagious." Alain commented. Bernard got mad and almost shout at him.
"Can you please shut your mouth if you have nothing to say good about Arielle?"
"What did you say?" Alain also raised his voice.
"Can you please argue outside my office" KC also got mad.
"The hospital is a bit far from here. The rain is still heavy outside. It's definitely traffic." said Edrien while using his phone. He's informing his coach that he will be a bit late.
"I guess,¨eÀÿÿÿe Arielle's temporary doctors." KC agreed to what Bernard said.
"So how do we start?" Diether asked.
"When Edriel used to be sick, Mom wiped him with a towel soaked in lukewarm water." Edrien mentioned his younger brother who died a couple of years ago.
"All right, I'll get some towel and I'll bring some medicine too." KC said as he left.
"Get a pillow, blanket, and extra clothes if possible. His uniform is fitted to his body. He needa to get changed to feel comfortable." Bernard said as he's about to undress Arielle.
"Diether please turn off the aircon, he might feel cold." and he instructed Diether that makes Alain feel irritated.
"Try to involve me and I will punch you."Alain told himself.
"Here is the towel and lukewarm water." KC has returned, at the same time as the two arrived.
"So what's next?" KC asked.
"We should take his clothes off."
"Let me do it for you guys, its my forte." Diether volunteered with a meaningful smile. They all looked at him.
"No. I'm not sure if you will do it right and not because of your dirty mind. The best thing is, go now your Mom, isn't you're about to drive her to the grocery?"
Suddenly there was a knock on the door at the same time as Edrien's cellphone rang.
"Sir, Maam Stephanie is downstairs."
"Oh! I just remembered. I'm about to go to the mall with my girlfriend. I can't watch ovwr Arielle. Who can do it for me?" KC thinks of someone who can watch over Arielle.
"I volunteer myself!" Diether's turbulent volunteering of himself.
"No need, I'll do it. You should go now. "
"If possible, I can watch over him but Coach doesn't want me to be absent at practice. By the way, I'll pick up his brother no later. I'll pass by their school before heading home from training." Edrien volunteered.
"All right, come on, let's go down, Steph's waiting downstairs. Bernard, you take in charge of the coffee shop first. If there is a problem, just call me." He looked at Alain at the same time.
" I can manage the coffee shop by myself." Bernard said, looking at Alain with a raised eyebrow.
"All right, all right. We're leaving. You take care of our princess first haha" they laughed in chorus.
And the three of them left. And as KC said earlier, Bernardo was in charge to manage the coffee shop. There's a lot of costumers so he was downstairs to manage and assist everyone. While Alain is left upstairs, alone with Arielle