"I think this guy wants to kidnap me," I told Jace, while half hiding behind his back.
The Alpha growled when he noticed my movements and glared at Jace.
"I was going to tell you yesterday, but now is a good time as well. Leila wants to join the pack," Jace told the Alpha.
"Actually, I'm leaving later this afternoon," I said, while staying behind Jace.
"The hell you are!" The Alpha yelled, before Jace could open his mouth.
"What? Why?" Jace asked me, holding my hands in his. The Alpha moved to stand between us and ripped my hands from Jace's hold.
Jace looked between the Alpha and me with a shocked expression.
"Dylan, she's- your mate?" Jace slowly asked him, keeping his gaze on me.
"Yes, and I will not allow you or any other male to touch her," he replied to Jace, in a commanding tone.
"Understood, Alpha," Jace said, nodding his head and looking at me with a defeated expression.
The Alpha, Dylan, grabbed my hand in his and started walking away.
I yanked my hand from his hold, catching him off guard, and stayed in place.
"I came here with Jace, and I am only leaving with him," I told Dylan, with my arms crossed and a defiant look on my face.
Jace was shaking his head with a disapproving expression. Dylan cocked an eyebrow, looking amused.
"Feisty. I like it. But you're still coming with me." Dylan tried to get a hold of my hand but I stepped back.
"No, I'm not. And whatever you're selling, I'm not interested." With that, I made my way around him and walked away.
I made it out of the mall and into the parking lot without getting stopped. I felt their presence behind me, but didn't dare look back.
The first step I took in the road's direction and a hand around my waist brought me to a halt.
"As entertaining as that was back there, I won't allow it anymore," Dylan said to me. His hold wasn't rough, but it easily kept me in place.
"I wasn't aiming to entertain. I was merely passing through here, and now that I see there's nothing of interest, I will be out of this place," I sourly replied.
"No, you won't. You are staying here, with me- where you belong." He started dragging me to his car but I was putting up a fight.
"Stop that, or I'll carry you. Either way you will end up in my car." I stopped my fighting and Dylan looked satisfied.
The only thing I was carrying was my wallet, which was safely tucked in my back pocket and secured with a chain. I walked by his side keeping up with his pace.
Dylan started talking to Jace. I used that as a distraction and made a dash for it. I sprinted as fast as I could through the parking lot and onto the main road.
It took them a moment to react with what I had just done. I felt them start chasing me shortly after.
I ran like I never had in my life. I considered shifting into my wolf, but didn't for two reasons. One, I would be too exposed. There were cars with people everywhere.
Two, my wolf wanted to stay and follow Dylan's orders. It would be hard to make her run away from him.
Even with Dylan being an Alpha and Jace being a Beta, they were taking time to catch up to me.
I had Beta blood in me, but what helped the most was that I trained all my life, and my size made it easier to run away.
I felt Dylan gaining on me right before I neared the woods. I kept running, hoping to make it in time and shift. It would be hard to overpower my wolf wanting to stay, but it wasn't impossible.
Before I cleared the short space that led into the woods, someone swiftly tackled me.
I put my hands in front of me, trying to block the sure crash my face would do with the ground.
Seconds before landing, he switched our positions. Dylan landed on the ground, taking the full force of our crash while I landed on top of him. We were facing each other, his hands on my waist, while mine rested on his chest.
Dylan was looking intently at me, not bothered by the fall.
"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked me. I nodded my head, not finding words to speak.
"Good, we're going home to my pack. One more problem from you and I'm tying you up," Dylan said seriously while standing us up and getting my elbow, leading us to the mall's parking lot.
Jace followed us in his car. He hadn't said a word to me or even looked in my direction. Dylan forced me into the passenger seat of his car and made me drive back with him.
We were headed to his house.
"When did you get here?" Dylan asked me during the way.
It would be a long drive, but I didn't mind the silence. I was mad, and honestly, a little scared of Dylan.
I stayed silent, and didn't look his way. I found the scenery very interesting and focused on that.
I hated how happy my wolf was with Dylan's presence. It was embarrassing how low she wanted to stoop for him and to get his attention.
"Answer me!" He demanded, using his Alpha tone.
Everyone was supposed to bow down to that tone and his Alpha title.
Everyone was supposed to bow down to that tone and his Alpha title.
I smirked, still not looking in his direction- finding interesting how much I was able to defy him.
"You're attitude might slip through right now, when it's just you and me. I dare you to act that way in front of our pack, and find out what happens."
My wolf loved when he said 'our pack'. But I laughed at his threat. Dylan growled not appreciating my take on things.
He roughly brought the car to a stop and parked on the side of the road. Jace barely stopped before hitting us. His car swerved but he managed to control it in time.
Dylan got out and walked to my side of the car. He opened the car door and got me out with force.
"I dare you to behave how you just did," he challenged me, while holding me by the waist.
I stayed silent but didn't drop my gaze. I held my glare at him, while he looked at me, tauntingly.
"Dylan, calm down man. What are you doing?" Jace asked with a worried look.
I turned toward Jace's direction and he finally looked at me.
"It's fine Jace, we had a misunderstanding. It's all cleared up now," I said, with an overly nice voice.
Jace kept his eyes on us while Dylan stared at me. I turned back to face Dylan and smirked. He growled, but helped me back in the car.
The rest of the way to his house was spent in silence. He didn't try to make conversation, avoiding another confrontation between us.
"I live alone. My parents' house is a few ways down there." Dylan pointed toward a direction in the woods.
We were in front of a stunning two story house. What amazed me most wasn't the size, but the structure.
It was creatively designed and gave off a modern look, despite it being in the middle of the forest.
"I want to leave," I told him, leaning my back on his sleek black car.
It looked expensive and I'm sure his house cost more than your usual salary as well. With him being Alpha, it didn't surprise me much. Alphas and Betas were known to be extremely wealthy.
"You wouldn't get away from my lands before either I or someone from my pack stopped you."
Dylan walked up to me and placed his hands on his car, enclosing my waist.
"You are aware that this is kidnapping? I don't want to be here, with you." I glared at him.
"It's not kidnapping if no one finds out," he replied. I pushed him away, but he slammed me on his car to keep me in place.
"Stop disrespecting me! As of right now, you officially belong to this pack," he told me, with an evil smirk on his face.
I felt his wolf taking over and my wolf was responding to him.
"I don't belong to anyone's pack," I said, not backing down.
Light pain was coursing through my back from when he shoved me, but it was already fading away.
"See, that's where you're wrong," Dylan said as he caressed my cheek softly.
He walked away from me and started heading for the door to his house.I turned to look out into the forest.
"Don't even think about it," Dylan warned. I turned to look at him and started making my way toward his house.
"Where is Jace at?" I asked Dylan as I took a seat on one of his couches in the living room.
"Stop worrying about Jace! I'm your mate, not him!" Dylan growled as he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.
"Uh... Jace has my shopping bags in his car," I told Dylan with a disapproving look. He stayed quiet, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Oh. I'll call him over so that he can drop them off," he replied, hesitantly letting go of me.
"Do you plan on kidnapping me for a long time?" I asked him as I got comfortable on the couch.
"You're my mate, I'm not kidnapping you," Dylan said, frowning at me.
"You are kidnapping, but whatever. My things are at the hotel I was in. I would really appreciate it if you ordered someone to get them," I told him, when I finally settled happily on the couch.
Dylan raised an eye brow and looked at me weirdly.
"What?" I snapped.
"Don't talk to me like that," he complained.
I smirked, enjoying his outburst. Even though I was now trapped here, with my mate, I felt free. It was a feeling I had been lacking for the last couple of months at home.
If I ever behaved at home the way I was behaving with Dylan, for sure I would've been backhanded more than once. We are never to disrespect the elders, and especially the Alpha.
"I'll get Jace to pick your things up from the hotel room before he drops off your bags," Dylan said when he calmed down.
Trying to get another chance of freedom, I came up with a new plan.
"Hmm... I think we should go and get them," I told Dylan, walking my pointer and middle finger on his chest. He was sitting down next to me, so it was easier to get close to him.
Dylan's expression changed and I saw lust in his eyes. They started shifting from their nice shade of blue into a darker color.
I tried my best at giving him a seductive smile. The closest I had been with a guy was with Alpha Nicolas. With him though, I didn't need to do anything. He was amazed with any little thing I did. Even then- I had only ever kissed him twice.
Dylan narrowed his eyes, and looked at me suspiciously.
"I think it is better if Jace gets your things. I wouldn't want for you to accidently get lost on the way," Dylan told me, looking pleased with his idea.
"Okay, I guess you'll let Jace pick up all my clothes. Make sure to tell him I left a pair of panties on top of the sink and my bra is somewhere in the bathroom as well," I told Dylan casually, while examining my nails.
An angry Dylan grabbed me by the waist and roughly sat me down on his lap. His fingers dug into my waist as he looked at me furiously.
"Mine!" Dylan growled while bringing me to his chest and nestling his head in my neck. He inhaled my scent a few times, trying to calm his wolf down.
I unconsciously placed my hands on his chest, not knowing what to do.
Minutes passed with him keeping me close, his head not leaving my neck.
"We'll go into town right now, and then we'll pick up the rest of your things from Jace's house," Dylan said, pressing me closer to his chest.
It was hard to describe how happy my Wolf was. She fed on Dylan's touch.
Dylan had calmed down. His heart was beating at a regular rate and his hold on me softened. I felt him nuzzling his nose against my neck, inhaling my scent every so often.
It would be a bad moment to anger him, so I simply sat on his lap, enjoying the feeling of having him close.
We went to go eat at a restaurant in town before heading to the hotel. Everyone we came across looked at Dylan with respect. I noticed many Wolves around us. They all lowered their head when Dylan passed by them.
Dylan had his hand securely wrapped around my waist. To others, we looked like a loving couple being so close to each other. In reality, his reason for doing it was so that I wouldn't run away.
It wasn't like I could outrun him if I tried to escape. That plan had proven to be a train wreck the first time I tried it.
People from his pack looked at me curiously, probably wondering who the strange She-Wolf was.
Our meal was mostly silent. Whenever Dylan attempted a conversation, I would distract myself with something and ignore him.
Once he got fed up with my 'childish behavior', as he had called it, he made us leave the restaurant.
I tried to play the guilt card on him when we got into the car and drove toward the hotel.
"So you're embarrassed to be seen with me?" I asked him, pretending to be hurt.
His eyes were on the road, but he turned to look at me when I spoke.
"What?" Dylan asked, sounding confused.
"You hurried me while we were eating. It's like if you were humiliated by me. Dylan, do you not want people finding out I'm your mate, or what?" I made my voice crack during some words, hoping he would believe my act.
Dylan parked the car in front of the hotel and unbuckled his seat belt.
"I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with you. Are you kidding? You're beautiful. Why would I not want to show off my mate to everyone?" Dylan said, softly caressing my cheek and looking at me like I was the best thing in his world.
I almost forgot about my plan and fell for Dylan's touch and words. Key word there was almost.
"Then why did you want us to leave so soon. Do you have a girlfriend or something?" I asked, pretending to be outraged. The thought of him being with someone else, really did hurt me.
"Of course not! You're the only one. I only want you," Dylan said, tugging on my hand, trying to get my attention.
"Then why did you make us leave?" I asked, even though I already knew the reason.
"Didn't you want to get your stuff?" He asked me softly.
It was a sneaky way to reply to my question. I knew he thought I had warmed up to him, so he didn't want to get me angry. I also knew he had made us leave the restaurant because the Wolves from his pack were seeing my cold attitude towards their Alpha.
"I do, but I was still hungry. I hadn't eaten all day today," I told Dylan, pouting. He grunted in his seat and ran his thumb over my pouting lower lip.
He was looking at me lustfully. It was just too easy to control this boy.
He brought his other hand to my waist and moved me forward to him. He teasingly bit my lower lip. I let out a moan and he went out of control. He started kissing me hungrily, with a hand gripping my waist and the other around my neck.
I could feel the domination he had over the kiss and I allowed him that. After all, I wasn't planning to do that ever again.
His lips moved roughly against mine, desperately trying to have all of me with just that one kiss.
I pressed me hands on his chest softly pushing him away. When he stopped kissing me, I placed my hands around his neck, while his remained on my waist.
I was looking at his lips, not really having to pretend to be distracted by them. It was obvious we had been making out, with how red and swollen his lips were.
"I should go get my stuff before it gets any later," I said to Dylan, sounding out of breath.
"Okay. We'll stop by for some take out on the way home, yeah?" Dylan asked, short of breath as well.
I nodded my head and leaned forward to kiss him again. He immediately responded and started devouring my lips with his. I pulled away from him again and looked into his eyes which were once again a dark coal color.
"I'll be right back," I said, pecking him on the lips. He nodded his head and reluctantly let me go.
I got out of his car and grinned as soon as I was facing the other way. It had been too easy to escape. I only had to play nicely.