"You do not have what it takes to appeal to me in a sensual way." He wanted to pick his words carefully but at the same time, he didn't want to be soft on her. "You probably know my spec of women and you darling are not in any way in their league."
His word stung her heart but she beared it, she wouldn't be here without a reason and there was no way she was going to tell him the real reason why she willingly to sell her body to him.
Arthur was not done yet. "And besides, I get to decide on who becomes my women, my women don't have the luxury of coming to me at will just because they want me"
"So you're saying I just conquered your routine?" She asked founding her voice. She was looking him with so emotions written on her face and she saw his eyes flickered. She found him so cute.
"I'm saying you took a dangerous and foolish step, I might harm you and nothing will happen you know." He caught her staring at him suspiciously.
"Yes I know it was dangerous but it was my decision to take the risk. Come to think of it, aren't you an accomplice to my dangerous and stupid step like you claimed?
"How do you mean?"
" You could have given me to your security team as an intruder but you didn't do that, you rather saved my ass"
"You're impossible." Arthur shook his head.
She seems to be having the upper hand in the conversation and she was willing to keep it that way, the tide of her bad night could change for better if he agreed to her proposal. It was now or never.
"I have to tell to take my leave now, I have other commitments tonight."
"Like hooking up with your celebrity girlfriends?"
"Look, I didn't turn you down because you're no celebrity. I turned you down because I don't want to take advantage of you. The earlier you realize this, this better for you."
"Are you saying it's okay for you to take advantage of them?"
"Stop questioning me, how I choose and how I deal with my women is none of your business." He raised his hands in the air. "Are you a journalist? You keep trying to pry into the type of women in my life."
"Probably I could learn a thing or two from them."
"Why do you want me?"
Bella was speechless. "You see you keep giving me silent treatment, for someone like me who is vocal and social, my type of woman is the one that active, stable and sexy."
"What do you mean by stable?"
"You see, you keep asking me questions upon questions but you keep evading mine. Why should I answer your question?"
"Because I just might be the missing piece of your life."
Arthur gave a quick laugh. " When I'm say a stable woman, I'm talking about a woman who knows what she wants and go for it. You don't even know why you want me." He paused for a millisecond to see if he still got her attention, being satisfied with demeanor. "I can tell you're a gold digger who wants to leech on my wealth, unfortunately, I don't run a charity." He had decided to not go harsh on her earlier but eventually made a U-turn at the last minute.
Another blow hit Bella, she wasn't going to just sit down there and allowed Arthur hurled insults at her. She was already close to tears and there was no way she was going to break down in his presence.
"Thanks for the meal, I really think we really should call it a night." She stood on her feet to take her leave.
"Other than running away and throwing yourself at wealthy men, what else are you good at?"
"Painting and dancing and I do it a lot better than your chain of women." She hoped she was able to hit back on him even if it was just little.
She walked to the door and heard a button beep, she tried to open the door but could not open it.
"I'm still talking to you."
"You ain't talking to me Arthur, you're insulting me." Bella raised her voice a bit, she was a lot closer to tears now.
There was something about the way she called his name and he loved it.
"Can you do it?"
"Do what?"
" I'm asking if you're bold enough to change the narrative? He was going to push her to the wall. Is there you could convince me?"
"Of course, there is. Let me ride with you." She said reminiscing on the scene she had accidentally stubbled on.
"Ohh give it a trial, hopefully you'll have a soft landing. All the best Bell. " He winked at her before resting on his couch to see what she would do next.
She walked towards him swinging her waist left and right.
Arthur noticed she was clumsy but she was also fun to watch.
"Maybe a little music will help." He took the remote control and pressed a button and the room came alive with music.
Now that she has his attention and the needed motivation, she was going to give it her best. She took off the heels that she'd been wearing. She felt a wave of relief sweep across her, the heel had been hurting her and had been hindering her performance.
She swayed her hips matching the tempo of the sound from stereo.
Arthur was completely mesmerized by her waist fluidity. She could easily pass a dance audition and be a super star if she had the right connection. The music ended and so did her dance steps. He noticed her bruised feet.
He stood up from the couch giving her a standing ovation. "Wow, wow, wow. I'm speechless, I must say you're quiet the dancer." He said walking close to her. He bought her body close to his. "What about I take care of you now?" He asked tracing her body with his hands and in one swoop, he lifted her from the ground.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking care of my woman"
"Does that mean I passed."
"It's means you're on probation." He placed her on the couch and went into the restroom. "You shouldn't ignore bruises, you're Arthur Lorenzo's woman now."