Belle's POV
I feel like I'm floating. My heart is pounding hard. I have never felt this feeling ever before. What is happening to me?
A wave of heat rushes up my face when I noticed that he's also looking intently towards my direction.
All of a sudden, I feel something's tugging my skirt down. I was snapped from the euphoria when I realized that a little boy maybe four or five years old is the one tugging my skirt. Where did this kid come from?
He's mumbling something while yanking my skirt down. I looked up again and glanced at the most beautiful man in the world while trying to play it cool.
To my utter horror, I felt something cold and wet on my left thigh. When I looked down again, I realized that the kid is actually licking my thigh like it's a lollipop.
Nikolai's POV
I have to meet with Dimitri and fix the mess that Marki left. That bastard deserved whatever happened to him. I trusted that piece of shit and this is how he repays me.
"Boss, Dimitri has been waiting for you. "
"Where is he? "
"In the living room."
"Let him wait in my office."
As soon as I stepped out of the car, my eyes locked on the familiar face right across the street. That's her. My angel. The virgin. She's holding a bouquet of red daisies, the exact favourite of Yelena.
She really is beautiful.
Wait a minute, what the fuck is that tiny fucker doing to her leg?
Belle's POV
The kid's name is Jacob. He is really cute minus the licking part. His mother took him off of my leg after I kissed him on his cheek.
While I momentarily lost my attention, the most handsome man in the world is still looking at my direction. Has he been looking at me? Omg. I hope I'm not blushing.
I looked around just to make sure he's actually looking at me. Yup. He's definitely looking at me.
I smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back at me as well. What are you doing Belle? Run! Ahhhh!
Oh wait, I still have one bag of sweets and he's technically my neighbour so--seriously Belle? I just laugh at my silliness.
Okay. I'll go there and introduce myself just like what a good neighbour would do. Yes? No. I cant do it. I just can't. But wait, I can do this.
While I was glued to my position and struggling with an internal strife, I saw him closing in on me. Omg! Shoo! What are you doing? I'm going to freak out.
"Hi." He greeted, his voice low and hoarse. Gahd he's too handsome.
He has a smirk plastered on his face as he looks at me from head to foot which instantly made me feel uncomfortable.
I glanced around the second time just to be perfectly sure that I am the one he's talking to. Yup. It's me he's talking to.
I feel like everything around us turned surreal. Electric current run down my spine as I continue to glue my eyes on him.
Now that he's close enough. I can see that there's a tattoo peeking from his collar and his right wrist which I must say added to his overwhelming godlike charm.
"Hi." I greeted back. Oh my god he has the sexiest green eyes ever!
"I see that you're quite popular with the boys." He said in a teasing tone. He has this very sexy accent I could not specifically identify.
"Ha! Very funny." I replied.
"I'm Nikolai. I live there. And you are?" He pointed at the huge apartment building right across the street while his other hand is in his pocket.
"Hello I'm Belle, I live there." I pointed at my apartment's direction. "I just moved here a few days ago."
Geeez.. too much sharing of personal info Belle, shut up!
"Really? Well, welcome to the neighbourhood Belle."
"Thank you, Nikolai. You have a very nice home." At this point, I don't know how I can still manage to speak sanely to him.
"Thank you." He replied.
"Oh, by the way, I've got some sweets from back home." I said interrupting the awkward silence that was about to happen.
"Really? Wow. Thank you Belle."
When he took the bag from my hand our fingers touched and in an instant, volts of electric current run through my body causing waves of tingles inside my heart and abdomen. What in the world is happening to me right now?
"Please come inside. Have some tea or coffee maybe?" Nikolai offered still not removing his eyes off of me.
"Oh, maybe next time? I kinda had a long day today. But thank you for the offer."
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I feel like I'm running out of breath.
"Okay, next time then."
"I have to go. Nice meeting you Nikolai. Bye."
Nikolai's POV
Fucking hell! I can't believe she said no to me! This is the first time a girl said no to me. Fuck.
Belle's POV
Chat conversation between Amy and Belle.
Amy_Lee143: What's up bitch? Are you enjoying New York yet?
Red_daisyBelle143: I miss you Cruela de Vil! You changed my ringtone. You'll pay for this.
Amy_Lee143: For as long as you are a thousand miles away, you can't do that so...Yah, Hahaha! *evil laugh*
Red_daisyBelle143: I met your brother, he's really nice unlike his devil of a sister.
Amy_Lee143: OMG! You had sex with my brother?! You're not so virgin anymore arentya? own brother!
Red_daisyBelle143: What? Crazy bitch.
Amy_Lee143: So you guys did not do it? Wow, that's a change for my brother. Well, I forgot to consider that you are the Queen of Prudes, I believe you.
Red_daisyBelle143: I'm not a prude!
Amy_Lee143: You're a 26 yr old virgin. Need I say more?
Red_daisyBelle143: Can we stop talking about my chastity now?
Amy_Lee143: Okay so spill it.
Red_daisyBelle143: Well--
Amy_Lee143: Well what? OMG! We're not talking about Dylan here right? I warned you about him!
Red_daisyBell143: No! Omg. Dylan is really nice okay, he's hot too...
Amy_Lee143: Eww...he's my brother.
Red_daisyBelle143: Hahahaha!
Amy_Lee143: Soooo omg the suspense is killing me!
Red_daisyBelle143: Well I met this guy... He lives across the street. He's .....he's like...uhhhhh I can't even begin to describe him!
Amy_Lee143: Did you feel like your underwear was getting wet and your bra unhooked on its own when you met him?
Red_daisyBelle143: What?!
Amy_Lee143: Kidding. But seriously answer the question--
Red_daisyBelle143: Amylinda Cabezares Lee!
Amy_Lee143: Yes, Mary Arabella Galves?....*batting my lashes*
Red_daisyBelle143: You have no hope, you know that..*sticking out my tongue*
Amy_Lee143: Okay fine, then describe what you felt when you met him.
Red_daisyBelle143: That's the point. It's indescribable. I can't find the right words. My heart was pounding so hard when I met him. It felt like the world stopped revolving around us. I'm confused A. I wish you're here with me right now. I'm miserable.
Amy_Lee143: Don't make me cry now B.
Red_daisyBelle143: I guess I just miss you. No one's gonna snap me out of this insanity.
Amy_Lee143: Oh B. I can call Dylan to give you a huge smack in the head. He's good at it you know, he's doing it professionally.
Red_daisyBelle143: :(
Amy_Lee143: That's it! I'm flying there tomorrow.
Red_daisyBelle143: Don't be silly. I know Ana is still sick. I'm sorry A.
Amy_Lee143: It's okay.
Red_daisyBelle143: I'm sure she will be fine. She has the best, most badass Nurse taking care of her.
Amy_Lee143: You know it! Sooo what about the hot guy. Does he have a name?
Red_daisyBelle143: His name is Nikolai.
Amy_Lee143: Nice name. Well, maybe what you are feeling is puppy love?
Red_daisyBelle143: Haha you're funny.
Amy_Lee143: I can feel you're grinning like a retarded seal.
Red_daisyBelle143: yeah yeah I am. Thanks, A! So what now?
Amy_Lee143: Well, just try to enjoy the feeling. Maybe it will just disappear tomorrow. Sleep it over. If its still there tomorrow. Well, it's really puppy love. Haha!
Red_daisyBelle143: Thanks A. I miss you soooooooooo much!
Amy_Lee143: I miss you too. Love you!
Red_daisyBelle143: Love you! See you soon k?
Amy_Lee143: K bitch.
Red_daisyBelle143: Slut. Xoxo.
Amy_Lee143: Sleep it over and don't have sex with my brother. I'm out!
Amy_Lee143 is now offline.
Dammit, that bitch didn't even give me the chance to get back at her. I closed my laptop and tossed it on my bed.
Amy's right. This feeling will eventually go away. I'm gonna meet with Lily and some of the teachers from St. Mary's at a club called Blaze. This will be a good distraction.