Days were kept on passing speedily. The bruise on Anaaya's chin has been healed to some extent. She felt extreme anger after seeing Sonia joined the class.
Because of her, she got a scar on her chin. Today, Anaaya was wearing a black simple dress, with a red shawl, and black sandals, making her look more prepared than usual.
Today, Zaviyaar was going to give them back their tests which he conducted in the previous week. Anaaya hadn't written a single word, so she had already expected, she got a zero number.
"Sonia got maximum marks and Anaaya got minimum." She immediately turned furious after listening to the name of Sonia as she wasn't expecting this clever fox could be an intelligent student.
After finding everyone turning back their heads towards her, she rolled her eyes in anger.
"Anaaya, you will write this quiz five times." He said solemnly, putting the paper in front of her with a loud thud-making voice. Making a sore face, she looked at the paper.
She wasn't interested in writing the quiz five times. Since her beginning, she has been lazy in her studies. She took admission in a small university so that she could complete her master's degree easily and successfully and that too without studying.
But where does she know she is going to face a ruthless man like Zaviyaar?
"Ok, professor." She said, biting her lip and making a forceful smile. Zaviyaar glared at her on making a fake smile. In response, she gazed at him, arching her brow like asking, what's the problem?
Zaviyaar shook his head, walking forward. After giving Sonia her test back, he also made some aacolading remarks for her. On the one hand, if Sonia squeaked in happiness after hearing it, then on the other side, Anaaya, fuming in anger, became jealous.
Being furious, she tightened her grip on the pen holding in her hand and turned back, looking at Zaviyaar with burning eyes. Zaviyaar, after handing over the test of Sonia to her, strides forward.
Sonia winked at Anaaya, passing a mocking smile at her. Anaaya, like a raging bull, can't take it anymore. Sensing her losing temper, she picked up her bag with a jerk, twisted the paper in her hand and rushed out of the class.
If she had stayed there anymore then she would have pulled Sonia by hair. Her hand abruptly went to the scar on her chin, which she was extremely hating. She finds it really ugly on her face.
Controlling herself, she went to the library to do her assignment. In her mind, now she has a firm intention of taking revenge from Sonia.
After delivering the lecture, Zaviyaar came out of the class. He was extremely angry over Anaaya for abruptly leaving his class. He shook his head and strides towards his office.
Today there was much hustle and bustle in the university, which was quite contrary to usual days. He was well aware of its reason as the chairperson of the university was coming back.
He had been waiting for this moment for a long time and finally, the day had arrived. The fire of revenge running inside of his nerves was rising at its peak. He had already made the whole plan for today, to finish the chapter of life of the chairperson.
Now he was just waiting for the night. After the arrival of the chairperson, he had a meeting with the whole staff. Zaviyaar was also included in the meeting.
Zaviyaar was acting with patience after seeing the Chairperson, Waqar Zaka's meeting and laughing with the staff members. It's just a matter of a few hours and then he will finish his breathing.
Because of everyone meeting with the chairperson, forcefully, he also had to shake hand with this bastard. He kept himself extremely normal and composed while smilingly shaking hand with him. In his attempt to act with patience, his eyes turned extremely red.
Right after the meeting ended, he walked out and took class according to his schedule, then he went back, sitting in the car and left for his apartment. He changed his dress, wearing a black shirt and trousers and covering his face with a mask, he took out his guns and hide them in his jacket. Pulling out his race bike from the garage, he climbed and ran to his destination.
Shades of darkness spread everywhere. After watching the time, he dialled Aalam's number.
"Aalam, start your job." He informed Aalam after fixing the Bluetooth in his ear. Along with that, he stopped his bike in the street situated on the back side of the university and climbing on the wall, he jumped down.
"I have activated sleeping gas. He is unconscious." Aalam informed him about his job. A few days back, Aalam fixed a small device in the office of Waqar Zaka. From that device, sleeping gas spread in his whole office.
"This idiot made our job easier. He already forbade the peon to not disturb him for drinking alcohol." Aalam smiled, informing Zaviyaar. In the midst of the university students, while hiding his face, Aalam was darting towards the chairperson's office.
"Ok, I reached. From near the office, you keep on monitoring the surroundings and stay alert." Zaviyaar talked with him in a low voice, looking here and there and wearing gloves on his hands, he quickly entered his office. He locked the door of the office from inside, and took long strides, he approached him.
After seeing his calm face drowning in sleep, Zaviyaar was extremely irked. How comfortably he was sleeping, after ruining the peace of other people.
Zaviyaar slapped him tightly on his right cheek, making him awake. The impact of the gas lasted only for half an hour. Chairperson Waqar Zaka opened his red eyes filled with sleep and looked at Zaviyaar, still, not understanding the situation that what just happened. Once again, Zaviyaar landed another tight slap on his face.
"Wh….who are you?" Slowly and gradually he came to his senses, asking Zaviyaar.
"Your death." He answered in a dead cold voice. Waqar was fully awake now, losing his sanity. He tried to shout, but Zaviyaar was quick as he put his hand on his mouth and taking out an injection from his pocket, he pierced it in his arm.
"Wh…. What did you do?" Waqar asked in a lifeless voice as Zaviyaar took away his hand from his mouth. He felt he was going to lose his life. His face turned like a white sheet after feeling his life drifting away from him.
"I will give you a horrific death." Zaviyaar covered his mouth with a tap while speaking in a cold voice. He fetched out a cigarette from the pocket of his jacket and lit it with a lighter.
Waqar Zaka's eyes went wide when Zaviyaar rubbed the burning cigarette on his cheek. Because of pain, he was squirming badly. He wants to shout, but because of the tap on his mouth, only the muffling voice escapes.
Zaviyaar rubbed the cigarette on certain places on his face. He was feeling strange relief after seeing cigarette marks on his face. After blowing out the finished cigarette, he disposed off it back in the pocket of his jacket and fetched out another one.
"Have you remembered something from this cigarette? Your nasty act, you did two years ago…" On Zaviyaar's announcing, the face of an innocent girl flashed in front of Waqar's eyes. He remembered how she was sobbing in pain, begging for his mercy.
"From your face, it seems you remembered who I am talking about," Zaviyaar said, clenching his jaw. The lost and drained colour of his face, made everything aptly clear to him.
"I will forsake your life. I just want to know who else was with you." Zaviyaar asked in cold voice, piercing his eyes in his eyes. Waqar quickly nodded his head.
"If you tried to shout, I will shoot you in the skull." He made himself clear to him while very harshly pulling out the tap from his mouth and pointed the gun at his head.
"SSP Faraz, MNA Shafiq, and his niece Fayaz. Th..they all were there. There was another man, b….but, I don't know him. He…he came in last." Waqar quickly told him.
"You were six people. You just mentioned three names." Zaviyaar asked, hitting his forehead strongly with a gun.
"I…. I don't know others. I quickly went back." He instantly answered him. His breathing was dried after sensing the shadow of death lurking over his head.
Zaviyaar quickly grabbed him by the collar and punched him with a force on his face. His heart really wants to pluck the heart of this man who happened to pluck the life of an innocent soul.
"Y…. you said, you will leave me." He requested, wriggling in pain.
"Wild and nasty people like you are supposed to die from my hands. How did you thought I will forgive a rapist, who is someone's killer." He roared, attacking him and beating him like a maniac on his head. From somewhere very far, he was feeling a sweet giggling sound in his ears.
Getting wild in anger, he hit his head hard on the table, making Waqar's body lifeless.
"Zaviyaar, quickly finish your work from here. Anyone can come to this side at any time." After listening to the voice of Aalam, Zaviyaar quickly put a silencer on the gun, and taking the point of his head, he finished him off by shooting him several times. After ensuring himself, he emptied all the bullets of his gun inside of him, he felt a great surge of relief that ran inside of him.
"Miss get up, it's time to close the library." Anaaya opened her eyes as someone called her. With a jerk, she straightened, looking at her surroundings.
After seeing the librarian standing in front of her, she remembered she had come here to do her assignment, but ended up sleeping.
"Ohhh shit, I didn't came to know anything." Quickly she collected her things, putting them in the bag, and came out. After calling the driver, she went to the washroom to freshen up herself.
Soon she came out of the washroom after getting fresh and taking long strides, she was walking towards outside but turned to a statue after seeing the man coming in front of her.
She knew this man. He was the same man, who was talking about Zaviyaar and he was the same man, who slapped her on the face. She became nervous and quickly ran towards the other side of the corridor, but still she noticed the man was chasing her.
While running fast, she looked back and saw the man running after her. Zaviyaar, who after being done with his job, was walking fast and going through the corridor when Anaaya straight came to his front, and ended up bumping with him.
"Help me…" Without looking at the face of the person wearing a black dress and standing in front of her, she asked. After glancing at Anaaya, Zaviyaar looked in front where he saw a man standing in front of him.
His face was hidden behind the mask.
Anaaya raised her eyes, gazing at the deep blue eyes visible behind the mask. She can recognise these eyes from very far.
"Z…. Zaviyaar…."