"Hello dear " Liam greeted cheerfully as he came out of his apartment and beheld Diana coming into the compound. She was coming from one of her usual hookups. Liam wondered why a beautiful and intelligent woman like her would venture into such promiscuity.
"Yeah hello" She shabbily answered as she made for her apartment.
"Hope you had a splendid night" Liam went on
"Oh I'll appreciate if we don't interfere in our businesses, thank you! She said while banging her door after her.
She was serious when she mentioned that she wouldn't want to have anything to do with him during his stay In her place. He knew she meant what she said before . but he did not expect her to be as rigid as this.
He went back in, took some medications and called on his yoga instructor. His doctor had recommended mindfulness for his ailment.
"Hello Mr Barker" he hailed immediately the receiver picked.
"Hi Liam Maxwell".
"I was about calling you" the receiver responded.
"Hope all things are ready, I'll be at your place by six thirty. "
"Have a nice bathe and one more thing, do not have breakfast".
"Wow, okay, got it" Liam agreed with mixed thoughts.
He was confused on why he did not need to eat before the exercise. At least this wasn't his first time doing it and the times he did, he ate.
"Well I'll just have to keep to instructions"
"Maybe my instructor would explain to me when he comes"
Mr Barker was a renowned yoga instructor, he learnt the profession from a guru in India. So he knew his craft well. He always told his students to stay away from food some hours before yoga.
Reasons being that a heavy body would take long to transport to the spirit realm. He taught them a lighter body was very sensitive and is easily connected.
Liam was scrolling through instagram when he heard his bell rang.
"Yeah who is there?" He asked as he wished it wasn't his instructor, he was cut up with some really interesting reels.
"It's me Mr Barker" the instructor answered while surveying the environment.
"You are expecting me, remember?" he joked a bit.
"Oh I'm really Sorry" Liam laughed.
" I just wanted to be sure you where the one at the door" He had opened the door by now.
"how are you doing Liam Wilson" The instructor greeted.
"I am very well at the moment" Liam extended his hand for a handshake.
"Please come inside" He invited, as he locked the door after them.
"Have a seat please" Liam showed his guest to the first sofa in his house.
"So how have you been feeling recently" the instructor kindly inquired.
" Well I do feel numb without warning signs"
"and there are times when I feel like my eyes and knees can't carry me" Liam explained further.
"You'll be fine in no time" Mr Barker assured him.
"Hope you are consistent with your medications"
"Yes I am, I set a reminder for evertime I'm supposed to take them" Liam responded
"should I get you something? "
"Maybe Coffee or a fruit juice drink? Which do you prefer" Liam asked making sure not to include beer In his options as he knew the instructor was a protester against beer.
"No I'm fine" Mr Barker responded
"We are both doing the exercise you know? " He smiled.
"And an empty body is a free soul, hope you have not had anything this morning " he added, quite inquisitively .
"No not at all"
"One of my core virtues is Obedience " he jokingly said and they both laughed.
"Okay let's get down to business " Mr Barker said putting on a business charisma.
"Where are your materials, your Mat, Water bottle and towel"
"I can see you are already dressed" he stood up signaling that it was strictly business time.
"Let me get them right away" Liam dashed to his bedroom and in few minutes he was out.
"So we would use the sitting room right?" Liam asked as he was about spreading the mat.
"No, no ,no, I do like the air in the yard. His instructor informed.
"Alright your wish is my Command" Liam made for the door.
As they got to the front yard, Mr barker took the mat from his client hands observed the compound and nodded his head as if he saw exactly what he wanted. He then placed the mat in a particular spot,, he placed his own mat too by its side.
He chose that spot because it was under a natural plant. He knew the breeze it was gonna bring would be of help to their exercise.
He Sat down and beckoned on Liam to sit down the way he did but Liam was not getting it right. Diana who was going out to get groceries stared at them a bit before she left, she was interested in what she saw.