The house wasn’t big yet she approached cautiously, weapons drawn. Her stomach roiled as she checked each of the three rooms, personal memories almost too staggering to keep on. She ignored the chills and gathered the children at the table, which had deep grooves cut in it.
“Where will we sleep?” Jon asked.
“You and Stephen will share a room. Olivia and Ester will share one, and Crissy will get the final.”
“What about you? Where will you sleep?” Crissy inquired.
She gestured to the sofa in the living room. “There.”
Thunder rumbled, and she lifted her head. Not good. If there were a storm, she would have a harder time hearing any intruders. She forced a smile. “Let us see what we can do about fixing beds then we will eat.”
Thankfully, they helped instead of hindering. For the most part, the three youngest got bored easily. So they played on the floor during the work. With Crissy and Jon watching the kids, she made her way into the food larder.
Cold chills exploded along her skin as the unpleasant memories surfaced. Ignoring the manacles and chains on one wall, she used her recollection of the layout to grab some dried meat, only to put it back. The kids deserved a meal, and she recalled he had a way to hide the smoke.
Items in hand, she hurried back up to hear the pitter patter of rain on the roof and windows. The kids were in a world of their own, playing pirates, dealing as only children could. She grinned at the image of them with eye patches and little sticks for swords.
Well aware Mr. Stanton had been here a day ago, Sabeen wasn’t worried of the food being rotten. In a short time, ham was cooked, along with some biscuits.
The day had been long, and they were all tired. The young girls went down easily, as did Stephen. As she drew the covers up over Jon, she stared at him in the candlelight.
“Keep the window shut, Jon.”
“Are we still in danger?”
“Yes.” She wouldn’t lie to him.
“What if we cannot all go to England? Will you leave us behind?”
“No. Westick together.”
“I know how it works, Sabeen,” he said soberly. “It is about them, not us. I saw how Master and Mistress Stanton treated you.”
Everyone saw, except his own children. She shrugged. “He is not me. And, I refuse to leave anyone. Understand?”
His nod was hesitant, but it came. “Good night, Sabeen.”
She kissed his forehead. “Sleep well, Jon.” Candle in hand, she went to peek in on Crissy. The child had already fallen asleep. Moving closer, she pulled up the blanket and winced at the dried tear tracks on Crissy’s pale face. After watching her sleep a bit, Sabeen left and went to the main room. Barring the door, she settled in for the night, weapons at hand. Her sleep was sporadic, at best.
Rain had ceased by morning’s arrival, and she had biscuits cooking by the time the children woke. Once they’d devoured the meal, they went to play outside, along with her warning of caution. No one had ever heard herscream here, but she wasn’t about to take chances with the children.
Alone, she searched and found his stash of money. Unsure of how much passage to England was, she couldn’t figure out if it was enough. Regardless, it was a start.
“Sabeen! Sabeen!”
Her heart stopped before beating twice as fast.
Fear lanced her, and she tucked the money in her shirt as she ran for the door, sword drawn.