After a month. She was sleeping in her room clenching his love's photo. Purab entered there with a plate of food. It has been his daily routine. Now he is the caretaker of his little sister and he doesn't have any problem in that.
Today he is not alone he came with his love, Alia. Purab put the food plate on the nearby table and Slowly Purab wakes Mira, She was sleeping. She opened her eyes to find Purab and his love Alia. Her face shows hate when she find Alia But she controlled looking at her brother.
"Purab, please tell her to go" Mira look opposite side in disgust.
" why Mira, why are you avoiding her? What happens to you? " Holding Mira's palm Purab asked.
" Purab, I don't want to answer, please say her to go out "
" Why should I go out. Its house is my to be husband house.." Alia said in a wave of slight anger.
" wait outside. I will come" Purab calmly said.
"No Purab, please what her problem in seeing me .its been one month she was behaving as this" Alia complained
" Mira, say what the matter we can clear it. And we can find a solution...."
" no solution is left..."
" How can you say like that just tell me the problem " Purab requested
Mira look at both Purab and Alia's face and said
" no Advi..... I mean....., no, Purab let's...let's forget it "
By saying she closed her eyes there a drop of tear fall from her eyes and she show a fake smile.
" Mira, have this. I made it especially for you "
Mira was about to take a spoon of it
" ..and I helped him in making this" Alia completed Purab sentence.
Mira suddenly hold the action of putting the food through the spoon and shaking his head she placed it back at the plate and
"I don't feel hungry Purab "
" but you were about to take this " Purab pointed
" that....." she shook her head smilingly and said "I don't want it Purab "
It's her habit if she doesn't want to say anything about any of her deed she smilingly shakes her head .it have two meaning ' she doesn't want to lie ' and 'it's not the right time '
" its ok take rest " Purab replied and went from her room.
Mira slowly fell onto that day when her love distrusts her.
"Don't touch me "Advik got up from the chair in which he was sitting. Mira startled at his scream.
Its been two days Advik was behaving differently. Mira thought it may because of his work stress. she thought to give him time to open up himself .but till today he didn't utter a word so she thought to ask himself so that she went near him and touched his shoulder.
"What happen Advi? Why are you behaving like this? …look at me.." She cupped his face only to throw her hand by him.
"I don't want to look at a cheater" Advik roared
"Cheater ...? What are you telling... I a cheater"She pointed herself and looked at him broken, it was something she never expected from him.
"Yes. You are a cheater ..cheater. ...cheater.." He repeated to make it a fact.
Tears start to flow from Mira's eyes. She looked at him for a while. There exist a complete silence.
" What...what I did you you are called me....' cheater'? " Mira asked finally getting some courage.
" Don't you know what you did to me ?" He holds her both shoulder in anger and continued
" Why are you acting so innocent. I came to know about your doings. so don't try your acting skill in front of me" he throws her backwards.
" What do you mean? Say clearly " She gets more confused
"You want to hear and.., that too from my mouth ?" He looked far for a moment and turn to her face and continued " ...then listen !! you are cheating me, you are having an affair with another person " He said with disgust.
" What?? ...What are you saying? I am having affair? Who told this lie to you??" Wiping away the tears she looked at his face.
" Lie ?... Its Truth. I saw it in my own eyes so don't try to be smart " He said with confidence.
Mira wiped her tear and asked " when...? With whom ....? " tears still paved the way through her cheek.
Advik look at her and went to take Mira's laptop and came back with it and opened her Facebook account which was login in and shown her message with a man named Vivek
Mira can't believe her eyes. She doesn't know any man named Vivek and here she is chatting with him as a proof
Mira took that in her hand and read those message.
" l love you Vivek "
" but you have married Mira"
"Oh with that stupid. He is a fool"
" what are you saying? Fool? "
" ya fool, then what will I say about him. I m cheating him by having affair with you then he will be fool right?"
" That means you don't love him ? "
" if I love him then I didn't have told you those three magical words "
"Advi believe me .its, not me who wrote this .its someone else "
"Is it your account?"
" Advi..."
"Answer me one it your account ?" His sound became loud.
" yes my ....but.."
" I'm leaving I don't want to live with you"
Advik was about to move. Mira holds his hand.
" No, Advi don't leave me. I love you I can't live without you "
" you love me..?... really ....then what the hell you are doing with that person "
" Advi....."
"Don't call me Advi, only those who love me call that ...."
"It was not me ..." Mira pleaded.
" Who knows your Fb account other than you ?"
" no one "
" so it clear. Leave my hand Mira, why are you still acting. I will go to my house and sent you divorce paper so you can enjoy your life with your new-found love ... your only love than with a fool like me "
He pushed her by saying that and left their house.
Mira came back to her sense when someone tapped her shoulder .it was Alia...
Teaser 2
Mira was walking towards her cabin busily checking some paper, suddenly someone dashed with her. Luckily she didn't fell but the paper all fell on the floor. She turns around to look that person .he was walking further without even saying a sorry
"Hey, you ....don't you have manners to say a sorry "Mira shout at him
He stopped his walking for a moment and turn back to face Mira. The shock was the only expression she got while seeing the person's face.
"it's not my fault alone " He shrugged his shoulder.
Mira was constantly looking at him. She couldn't believe her eyes. What is happening, when things seem to settle destiny is playing another plan with her.
" who ..are you? ...What is your... name ??.." Mira asked stammered.
He chuckled and with attitude " Kartik ....Kartik Malhotra "
He then turns and continued his walking phase.
" How can its been possible when I witnessed his corpus?" She asked her self.
Hope you guys like it
And don't forget to comment on how it is.
Bye guys