When two worlds collide, Investigative journalist Elaine Monroe is torn between her investigation of a gruesome string o...
####Chapter One
I was there again. My cheeks flushed as I stared at myself in the mirror. I was running late for work, but that was the last thing I cared about. Just at the nape of my neck, behind my raven black hair, was a red bite mark. I had been given a hickey—in my dreams.
I leaned forward and closed my eyes, gripping the edge of the wash basin tightly. I remembered it all too vividly. His touch, the way he kissed me. It was too real. But then it was far from real.
"This can't be, I'm being delusional right now," I gasped.
It had started when I turned fifteen, but that was ten years ago now. It had become more intense, too real to deny.
I remembered telling my best friend about it, but Suzy had shrugged it off, claiming I had denied myself the pleasure for too long and it came to me in my dreams. But I wasn't near deprived of that kind of pleasure.
The man in my dreams was ecstatic. He drove me to the edge but would never let me fall. His lips, his eyes, the words he spoke to me. It was the most breathtaking thing in the world. Thinking about it, I suddenly felt moist between my legs. I had been tormented, and I hated it as much as I loved it.
"I can't do this now, I'm going to be late," I said, and walked out of the bathroom.
When I reached the office, it was chaotic as usual. I feared that one day, one of the journalists would return from their work trip mad. That morning, the main center of the chaos was Richard.
"I tell you, I can't do this anymore," he said and ruffled his hair. My boss was standing in front of him, looking helpless. The workers in the office gathered around him.
"It's not just the name that is creepy, why won't you believe me? There are actual werewolves out there," Richard's voice sounded strained. He slumped back on the chair and threw his hands up.
"Fine, but you need to back it up with evidence. We are reporters after all," My boss, Mr. Steve, said.
"Everything disappeared, mysteriously. I mean, we are all following supernatural stories, but how can you not believe me when I say there are actual werewolves there?"
I shook my head and smiled. "Because Richard, if we believe everything without proof, everyone here might likely come up with false stories…who knows? Maybe I might see a Lycan next," I said, and everyone turned to me.
Richard looked at me, a scowl on his face. "You were the one meant to go to Raven Hollow. If it were you, you might have lost it by now," he said, and I nodded, amused.
"Yeah right."
"Proof…yes, I have proof. It's a single picture, but it's okay."
When Richard brought out the picture, I didn't bother looking but smiled when someone made a statement that it was just a normal human male.
"He isn't. The killings in Raven Hollow are obviously tied to him."
I sighed. I'd been following a case that had loose ends, and I just wanted to work quietly. "Let me see," I decided. If I agreed with Richard, maybe he would stop his ranting.
I took the picture from his hand. "Yes, he definitely looks…" I paused as I stared at the picture. It wasn't clear; it was the back of a man. But not just the back of any man. The man.
My silence urged Richard to continue. "There's something spooky about this, isn't there?" he asked.
"There is," I said almost hypnotically. My mind was reeling. The picture didn't show his face, just his back, just his shoulders. But that was all I needed.
He wasn't a stranger to me. I knew the way his silk hair was stylishly pinned at the back, and each time he came to me, the way it fell to his face when he leaned over me. I knew him. He was part of me. This was the man from my dreams.
"Are you sure you saw this man?" I asked, my eyes suddenly stinging. I was clouded with emotions that I couldn't understand. Fear gripped me at the thought of it. I couldn't believe it. My hands shook as I held the picture. If this was real…then I was obviously going to find out.
"It's in the photo, you can see it for yourself," Richard said.
"But it looks like Elaine knows this man, are you sure you're not mistaken, Richard?" Mr. Steve asked in a mocking tone.
"Whatever, I'm not going back there," Richard stood up and walked out of the office.
When I snapped out of oblivion, it was already two hours later. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe that I was not being delusional after all.
I stood up and went towards my boss's office. I knocked on the door before I entered. "Send me to Raven Hollow," I said once inside. He looked at me, perplexed.
"Elaine, nobody wants to go there. We've closed that case," he said, but he was a bit tempted to send me. Honestly, he'd been actually marvelled by the thought of the existence of werewolves.
"You only closed it because no one wants to go. I volunteer."
"Have you finished working on the haunted house case?" He asked and cleared his throat.
"Werewolves or ghosts?" I pressed. This was the only way to solve my lifelong mystery. Honestly, that's why I had joined The Beacon Chronicles as an investigative journalist.
"Fine, you can go. But you have just one month," he said finally, and I burst out in happiness.
"You don't have to worry. I'm leaving today."
"Hey, you can't leave today, you still have to…" his voice was drained in the series of thoughts going through my mind as I stepped out of the office.
By sunset, I was halfway through Raven Hollow. The town indeed was mysterious, and I hadn't seen a single soul. I couldn't contain the anxiety I felt as I drove in my truck…what if I had been wrong? What if he was a totally different stranger? What if I got stuck in Raven Hollow for nothing?
But what if I was right? What would I do if I found out he was truly the man from my dreams? Would it be likely that he didn't even know me?
As the thoughts went through my mind, I didn't notice the pothole by the edge of the road and fell right into it. The car roared out of control, falling off the track and drove into the forest. I shut my eyes close as I screamed at the top of my lungs.
The car hit a tree trunk and stopped. The force made me hit my head on the steering wheel, and blood spilled from the side of my head.
I remained still for some time, trying to collect my thoughts. I winced as the pain shot through my head.
Slowly I lifted myself up, trying to open the doors of the car, but they were slammed shut.
"Oh no…no no no no no," the first round of panic hit me, as I slammed my hand on the door, trying to get it open. It was becoming dark, and I could be stuck in the forest.
Just then I heard sounds of footsteps. My fear increased. Was it…werewolves?
"Don't be ridiculous, Elaine…it's just a stranger who might possibly help you," I said to myself shakily.
"You need help." It was a male voice, smooth as silk. I breathed out in relief. Indeed, someone had come to save me.
"Yes I…"
My voice stopped short when I met the eyes of the strange man. My eyes widened, and I recoiled back instinctively.
Standing just outside the window was the man from my dreams.