"Ok, so I'm not dreaming…"
Siel spoke to her smiling reflection in the mirror.
Her two children jumped and ran around excitedly in their casual outdoor clothes. They were now all ready for the "date" and were just waiting for their ride to arrive.
Her smile widened as Nella entered her bedroom with a large baby backpack filled with James and Rose's snacks, toys, and extra clothes for this evening's outing. She wasn't even aware of where V planned to take them, but she couldn't help but be thrilled that the man agreed to what she wanted.
* * *
"If you really want to take me out tonight, I have to insist on bringing my twins along. I hardly spend any time with them, and I haven't been able to earn enough to even bring them to the local amusement park. Besides, I promised myself that if I'll ever start dating again, it has to be with someone who will accept and love my kids."
"Done! And I know exactly where we'll go tonight. Make sure you all wear casual outfits. I promise that your babies will love it."
He had her at the word "babies," so it was very easy for her to say "yes."
If she only knew how thrilled he was when he heard her agree to the date…
As a matter of fact, Vince was so excited that the minute she had already driven off, he immediately called his younger sister to reveal his amazing news.
"Lena, I've found my mate!"
Vince's heightened senses picked up his sister's gasp of surprise and delight. Of course, knowing her, she would recover at once and start teasing him.
"Are you sure? May I remind you that it's Christmas time and not April Fool's?"
"Haha, very funny, Lena. But I'm not joking this time. This time, it's for real and for keeps."
"Really now? What makes this one so special?" she answered with a challenging note to her tone.
"You have very similar names, Roth is crazy over her scent, and she has kids."
Suddenly, the line is filled with awkward silence.
"V, she's human? And with her own children too?"
"They'll be mine If she chooses me."
"IF, brother? Oh, my Goddess, Vince, she doesn't know…" Lena gasped, unable to hide the shock in her voice.
"You worry too much, sister. You'll love her, I'm sure of it."
"How can you be so sure? Vincent, what if she finds out what you are and she…"
"We're visiting your business tonight, with her kids. It will be our first date."
"Oh my gosh, V! Don't tell me you want us to be there too?" and now the shock has turned to slight dismay.
"If you want to meet her, you will!" he challenged.
"I hate you for this, Vincent!" she replied, pretending to be angry but failing.
V chuckled before answering her, "And I love you too, Lena. See you tonight."
After the call, Vince knew he should be resting in preparation for the night ahead. But he found himself in his grand penthouse condo, just staring at the wood-paneled ceiling while trying to catch some Zs on his luxurious California King.
"Roth, you really don't mind her being human?" he asked aloud after half an hour of tossing and turning.
Nope, answered the now cheery but still growling voice in his head.
"And it's alright that she has her own kids?"
Does that bother you? I know that many in the pack would be if they aren't already.
"I don't care about what they think. But your opinion matters because she's, our mate."
A low chuckle echoed in his mind, that’s all that matters to me. That she's yours and mine.
"Mine," V whispered as he closed his eyes.
He tried to force himself to sleep by keeping his eyes closed, but all he could see in the dark was her. She was shining so bright that he couldn't sleep at all. He ended up just basking in her warmth and enjoying the sight of her playing with her two children…
Wait… am I connecting with her mind? I have never seen her children since all I've read are written reports about them. Is this actually happening now, or is this just my imagination?
So since even Roth was not sure of his answers, V finally decided to just take a shower and a quick trim of his beard and gelled his longish hair back. He chose to wear black signature jeans, a matching black collared shirt, low-cut leather boots, a platinum sports watch, and his beloved Silvercrest signet ring.
As soon as he was dressed, he took his wallet from his formal pants that were hanging inside his walk-in closet. He was just about to squeeze it into his back pocket when he noticed a piece of paper sticking out from it…
The angels! Almost forgot…
He took them out one at a time, placed them on the bedside table, and reads the notes. After smiling at the "happy mommy" drawing, he whipped out his mobile phone and opened an online shopping app…
It took him two hours to finally be contented with his purchases. He immediately chose rush delivery as an option.
He smiled widely as his credit card payments got approved.
I will sweep you off your feet, my dearest mate. Just you wait and see…
* * *
And so, the special night began…
"Siel, there's a limo parking right in front of your house!"
"Oh my gosh… Uhhh… Nella, do I look ok? I mean, it's just jeans, a jacket, and a green shirt but you know… And are both kids ready? Shoot, I've not done this for so long…"
"Relax, girl, come on. It's supposed to be a date. Which means you should enjoy it."
"Oh my gosh, the doorbell. Please, can you get James, and I'll carry Rose?"
You sure you don't want me along? I'm in casuals right now."
"Nella, that's sweet of you, but I know you need to finish your thesis draft tonight. So please, enjoy your stay here and just work until you need to go. Just make sure you've locked up tight before you leave, ok?" instructed Siel as she bounced Rose on her hip while brisk walking towards the door.
The nanny, because she was carrying the humongous backpack, trailed behind with little baby James, toddling beside her as she held his hand, "Ok, but you have my number. Just call me when you need me, and I'll get a cab to wherever he plans to take you."
Siel looked over her shoulder and smiled sweetly at her concerned babysitter. She then reached out to open the door.
The first thing she saw was a couple of medium-sized teddy bears, one female, one male. They seemingly carried a large bouquet of cotton candy flowers. Underneath all that was a pair of black jeans, and the rest of V was hidden from view.
Both babies squealed with delight upon seeing the toys and sweets.
So did she…
V smiled as he heard them, even if he couldn't see them. He then felt a warm pair of feminine hands taking his presents from his fingers.
Immediately upon contact, Vince felt a sparkly jolt that spread throughout his arms, shoulders, and torso. Soon he was feeling this warm tingling throughout his whole body, and he wished it would stay there forever.
"Sir… I mean, V… You can let go now…"
Reluctantly, he let her take the bouquets. Just in time too…
Vince could already feel both children trying to climb up his legs to reach the goodies he was carrying. Besides, he wanted to see his mate and not just feel her touch.
"There you are! I can finally see you," she laughed as she took away his fluffy, delicious and colorful cover. "Oh my gosh, V, they can't eat all of this!"
"No worries, Elena, we can help them," he said, laughing at the sight of her trying to figure out which cotton candy flower she's supposed to give to each child. "And you must be James and Rose…"
V froze as he looked down at the two toddlers holding on to each of his firm and muscular legs. He could feel himself slightly tremble…
They're the same children in that vision I saw when my eyes were closed. Black hair, brown eyes… chubby cheeks! Even their outfits are exactly as I saw them!
As their mother gave each child a paper stick of cotton candy, they started gobbling the sweets without thinking about how sticky they'll eventually get. V, now over his momentary shock, found himself chuckling as they looked at him with delight as if they were thanking him silently for these yummy treats.
"You do know they'll need to be wiped down and changed again, Sir?"
Vince raised an eyebrow at her, "Elena…"
"Alright, V. Sorry," She giggled.
He chuckled with her, and as if on cue, the babies also started to laugh their cute little baby laughter, with sticky faces, fingers, and all.
Siel couldn't hide her joy at seeing her children so animated and reactive. And they've only met V for only a few minutes.
"Let them enjoy the treats, Elena. The night is young. I'll help you and your babysitter clean them up later before we go. If that's alright with you…"
The single mom couldn't help but melt a little at what she heard. Meanwhile, V was secretly enjoying that jolt of electricity climbing up his spine at his mate's tender and thankful smile.
Nella found herself whispering at Siel as she passed on Rose to her, "Elena, huh? And V? Didn't you say he's the CEO of your company?"
Siel made a face at her babysitter which was her way of saying, Shut up girl, he's right behind us!
Both girls giggled, not knowing that V had overheard their conversation quite easily with his wolf senses. He himself wanted to chuckle along but thought better of it.
In less than an hour, they had said goodbye to Nella, were already in the limo with both babies clean and excitedly exploring the passenger area. In just a few more minutes, they finally reached their destination.
The mom and the children were in awe at the colored lights, the play booths, the food stalls, the multiple rides, and the huge Ferris Wheel. V once again felt warm and tingly inside as he watched their amazement, which quickly turned into excitement…
"Welcome to my sister's amusement park!"
"Your sister's? Really?"
Each of them was carrying one child. James, and the backpack, was with Vince while Siel had Rose in her arms. They entered the wide single-floor walled area without paying at the entrance.
The guards took one look at V and let them all in.
They met Lena and her husband Sergei, along with their two sons, Lucas and Darien. All four kids somehow connected and were soon playing together in the ball pit and the preschoolers' merry-go-round, and were soon feasting on corndogs, popcorn, and other munchies.
Meanwhile, the parents - and the single V - were always nearby. They drank cola and fruit juices while chatting, or taking pictures of their children and each other.
And yes, as V predicted, Lena and his Elena swiftly warmed up to each other. Even before the evening ended, the two were already exchanging social media details and phone numbers, along with toddler tips and shopping plans.
All in all, the whole evening was a success!
V and Siel brought home two exhausted but happy slumbering babies. Together they wiped them down, changed them into their jammies, and tucked them to bed with the teddy bears Vince had gifted them. They even had time to talk over cups of cocoa on the couch.
"I better go," V finally said as he looked at his watch's neon hands.
His words were the total opposite of how he really felt, but what can he do? They both have work tomorrow, and he happened to be her new boss.
You can both have the day off tomorrow and still keep talking… well, more than talk… Roth temptingly suggested.
V didn't even justify that with an answer. He was going to be a gentleman and woo her properly. That's final.
Siel's voice was a little wistful, "Yeah, it is getting late. And your limo driver might be sleeping already. You didn't even ask him to come in."
"No need. I've got my car already parked outside. Someone else drove it here so it would be ready when I needed to go home."
"Oh wow, I wish I was that organized in mapping out my day."
"Thank Myron for that. You'll get to talk to him more tomorrow. I mean, later, since it's already early morning."
V then rose and strode to the door. She followed, opened the door for him, and stayed at the doorway, watching him walk towards his Roadster. Amazingly, the luxury car had not been disturbed in any way.
Before he sat in the driver's seat, he looked back at her and smiled.
She smiled back and waved.
For a moment, he almost felt like she was reluctant to see him go. But maybe, that's just his imagination.
As soon as he drove away, several huge shadows hiding in the darkness silently and stealthily moved away from the house, leaving only one to guard the family inside.