My first day at work was not so bad, considering the fact that I knew so little about the environment. And the position especially. Besides, I had no plans of resuming the same day. But was asked to get started immediately as there was no receptionist at all present at the hotel. That came as a surprise to me, with mixed feelings. Nervous, uncertain, excited, and bankrupt, I unwittingly accepted the offer.
After I was shown around the hotel, I couldn't help but admit that it was a beautiful and luxurious place to be in. But I was an absolute introvert who hated to be with so many people and was already feeling irritated seeing the many people who I walked past while the tour went on.
After the brief tour, I was seated behind the PC waiting to face the countless annoying faces that would walk through the door with a smile.
If I wasn't going to do it for anything, I was going to do it because Steph was so sweet and polite. Besides, the pay was enticing and worth it.
Judging based on common knowledge, I knew I would be able to figure most things out on my own, while I anticipated the orientation after today.
An hour into the Job, I was doing just fine until Frankie placed a phone call asking me to report to her office immediately. At first, I was nervous. I had already spoken with her, and she had asked me to get started. But then she beeped at me a few minutes ago. In her own words, she had information that could not wait for later.
Trudging into her office with uncertainty, I greeted her, and then waited for what it was that she had to say."Good afternoon ma." It was already past noon. A few minutes ago, I was eager to get a job, and here I was already very tired of the job.
"Hello, darling." She returned the smile with the same charisma I eluded. "Please sit." She pointed to the uncomfortable armchair that was opposite her.
"I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier, but it escaped my mind. There's so much you need to know about this job." I settled down calmly, still wearing the plastic smile.
"How do you like it here, so far?" She said with a spanking big grin, struggling to peep at me under her glasses, through her heavily mascaraed eyes.
"So far, I love it." I lied. "This is exactly what I wanted, and I got it." For a start, I never considered working in a hotel. Besides, I didn't know much about being a receptionist. But all the same, I did want a high-paying job and I have one now.
"Ahh," she nodded. Stroking her strawberry blonde hair unethically. "Good to know that." Now shifting her gaze from me to the file open in front of her, she continued. "you know, dear. This isn't my hotel." I knew that already. She was too casual for the position of the CEO, she just wasn't CEO material.
I stared calmly at her when she said that, still unable to determine where exactly she was driving. I didn't know what to expect when she said that, and neither did I know what it meant. I waited for her to speak. To explain what she started. To clear my doubts and answer my questions.
She took her time. Swallowing hard as if there were some deep secrets about to be revealed, and then pausing to flip through the pages of the file like that was where it would be read from.
I finally gave a response, bored of the uncomfortable silence that lingered. "What does that mean, ma'am?"
She adjusted her glasses. One would assume she was thinking of what to say. "Well, dear." She started, biting her lips and subconsciously swallowing some of the crimson red lipstick she had on. "We have an event coming up." She paused to let me absorb all that she just said and continued with a hushed tone. "It's a big one and it means the world to the CEO."
I nodded to indicate that I was following, gazing calmly at her for her response. "If you can give it your best, you'll get into his good book. And believe me, that's a good thing."
I sighed lightly, finally realizing how important this event was. I knew so little about being a receptionist, I had a bad temper and got clumsy when stressed. "I have this under control, ma'am." I lied again. "I have all the skills needed for whatever task it is you might have in relation to the event ma'am.'
"That's beautiful." She blinked her blond lashes.
"You need to get back to work then." She seemed satisfied. "I'll beep you after it's closing time, and relay every other necessary information then. For now, get back to those amazing customers out there."
"Okay, ma." I was relieved to finally leave her droning voice behind, but not in the least excited that I was going back to meet tons of new faces.
"Remember, dear. This is a five-star hotel." She took a quick pause to let that sink into my head before speaking on. "A lot of eyes are on us, and we have a lot of competitions. You have the image of the hotel in your hands, please don't do anything that would dent it." That phrase resonated and stuck with me. "I had the image of the hotel in my hands."
"You have my word." I retorted casually, slightly perplexed that she might have noticed the little energy my voice had. All I wanted was to get paid and not to meet the many crazy people outside the solace of her office.
"And I'll take your word for it." I was almost at the door when she called me for the third time. Which was more irritating than tiring now. If she wanted me in her office, she shouldn't have bothered asking me to go back to the reception hall. But asking me to leave, and calling me back often was so unnecessary. "About the event." Her eyes locked in mine, and I held my breath. Waiting for her to conclude her sentence. "It's a gala." She finally said, pausing for my response.
She had looked up from the file and was now glaring at me. "That sounds fun." I managed to say, waiting for her to either conclude or keep going.
"I'll see you later by 5:30. Get going, dear." I genuflected subconsciously and pushed the door open.
Without realizing it, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding all along. And then I set out for the reception hall, feeling like I have been here my whole life.
Surprising how I was able to find my way back to the reception despite the many turns.
"Where have you been? A customer has been waiting for hours." I didn't know the name of the chubby stout woman who asked, and I gave her no response.
I was gone for barely a few minutes but didn't feel like arguing with someone who has been working in the hotel longer than I have.
"I'm sorry." I retorted, when I noticed that she was waiting for a response. And strode to my desk, lowering my butt to my position.
"Please come closer sir." My eyes scanned through the hall, over thirty others were waiting for me as well. Some were standing and others sitting.
But it seemed like this particular man was a VIP.
"Uhm" I racked my brain for the first question a receptionist would ask a customer. "How may I help you?" I started, glad that something was finally coming to my heart.
"I need the keys to my bedroom." Wasn't it obvious to him that this was an entirely different person? "What's your room number?" I finally asked. Still irritated at how much people assumed I should know.
"322" he was growing impatient, his voice and tone acted like I was the cause of their frustration.
Where the hell was I supposed to look for a key? I gave the customer a smile that was meant to encourage him to be patient.
"Give me a few minutes, please," I said confidently, my mind still blank on what to do next. "I'll find your keys in no time." I stood from the comfortable chair and attempted to find where the keys were kept. Suddenly wishing I had asked the secretary while I was back at her office.
"How much longer would it take you?" The calmness in his voice sent a warning, causing me to take a closer look at him. Only then did it dawn on me what the tag around his neck was.
I was with a delegate from the national sweatstake bureau. A body in the government that was responsible for checking how good and standard a brand was.