"That's impossible!" Damian yells and I flinch back causing Lucien to glare at him while pulling me away from everyone.
"How about some food now?" he asks me and before I can respond, Beau steps towards us.
"Luce... we need to talk about this." he tells him.
"How about I take her to the kitchen and you guys can discuss this, Levi can fill me in after. Besides I'm the best cook." Salem says making his way over to Levi's dismay.
"Would you mind?" Lucien asks and Salem chuckles.
"Of course not. It would be my pleasure." he says before holding a hand out to come.
"Come on, Angel. I'll whip up whatever your heart pleases." he says making me blush at the name.
I look up at Lucien who nods his head before taking Salem's hand and letting him lead me out of the room.
He takes me down a hallway before entering large glass doors and stepping into a beautiful kitchen.
"Holy fuck! This is beautiful!" I exclaim running my fingers softly along the counter.
Salem chuckles as he steps behind it.
"Not as you beautiful as you, angel. I'm glad you like it. Now what would you like?" he asks, and I bite my lip.
"Hot chocolate with marshmallows?" I ask and he chuckles.
"Of course, but I meant food wise." he replies, and I let out a small sigh.
"I honestly don't have much of an appetite right now." I say and he gives me a small smile.
"How about I make some coconut cream pie then?" he asks, and I grin.
"Please! It's one of my favorites and I can't even remember the last time I had it." I say happily and he grins.
"It's my favorite to." he says as he turns around and starts to pull the things he needs out.
"You can sit wherever you like." he says without looking back.
"Wherever?" I ask and he laughs.
"Yes." he states, and I grin before gently hopping onto of the counter.
"Do all angels have this beautiful of a home?" I ask.
"If they choose to, yes. We all are able to create whatever home we would like. For instances, since a large group of us live here, there are lots of different styles around this house. The only thing we truly all agreed on for 100% was the location. Our house is perfectly hidden within the mountains, right next to a beautiful clear water lake." he replies, and I gasp.
"Really? Where is the lake?" I ask and he chuckles.
If you go through the dining room, there's a small balcony off of it, you can see the lake from there." he explains, and I grin.
"Perhaps you would be willing to take me to see it instead?" I suggest sweetly and he turns towards me with a smirk.
"Perhaps." he says before turning back.
After a few minutes he makes his way over with a little mermaid mug full of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows layering the top of it.
"Your hair reminded me of her." he explains setting it down beside me and I smile.
"It's my favorite Disney princess movie and she's my favorite Disney character. I always liked mermaids." I say and he grins.
"Looks like this mug was always destined for you then. We bought a whole Disney set a few weeks ago. This one has never be used yet and now i see why. It was waiting for you." he says, and I blush.
"Maybe... but that would also mean that I was destined to be here, right now." I say thoughtfully.
"You most likely were." he tells me, but I shake my head as he turns back towards the kitchen.
"No... because that would mean..." I begin to say but I stop myself.
He turns back around, stepping towards me with a frown.
"Would mean what, Angel?" he asks softly as he gently takes both of my hands in his.
I bite my lip before looking deep into his hazel eyes.
"That I was always meant to kill myself..." I murmur quietly and he instantly wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.
"I didn't even want to... I just wanted to celebrate my 19th birthday like a normal girl, and I go to leave my room, expecting a big birthday hug from my parents and instead I hear them fighting over killing me and admitting to having killed my own brother! They used to tell me he was imaginary friend I had and that I just had such a good imagination, come to find out my own mother threw him off that same cliff! So, when I stood on the roof, considering my options. I knew I didn't have an option. I either jumped, broken bones and she killed me, or I jumped into the ocean knowing I can't even swim and stood no chance and I figure... my brother didn't choose that death so fuck it, I will choose to die that same way and hopefully join him in heaven and instead I end up with Greek Gods! Three of them for that matter! I didn't even know they really existed, that angels were real and now here I am. If this was really destined... then that's just fucked up." I vent out, not even realizing the tears that had made its way down my face.
"I am so sorry, Angel. I know this is so much for you but listen to me." he tells me softly as he gently cups my cheeks and tilts my head up to meet his eyes.
"You have all of us now and I promise things will get better." he tells me with eyes so honest, I really felt like I could believe and trust him.
"Starting with this hot chocolate, some pie then a beautiful stroll to the lake and then we will end the night, doing exactly what should have been done." he tells me.