He blinked, moving his eyes away from her beautiful face. “I was eight when my parents died… They were killed... right in front of me.”
She gasped softly. “That’s awful,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Me, too. It was horrible. I was terrified. I didn’t know who it was. All I can remember is the smell of death. Whoever it was, he smelled like death.” His dark eyes stared into nothingness.
Her hand started to rise to touch his arm but she stopped midway, realizing what she was about to do. “I-I’m sorry,” she said instead. “But who would do that to your parents? Was that person caught?”
He let out a deep sigh. His eyes caressed her face once again. “It wasn’t a person that killed my parents. It was a werewolf.”
Her jaw hung open, blinking slowly and brows furrowing. “W-what?”
“You heard me right. I have no idea until to this day why that murderer killed my parents. I never understood it. We… we’re the same.”
Her eyebrow shot up toward the sky. “You? You’re like the murderer?”
He sighed again. “I was only seven when I started to change. I never really understood it. It was very painful.” He shook his head. “My parents helped me in my transformation, saying it is my birthright and that I’ll get used to it. At first, the transformation was only every full moon. Later on, I managed to do it at will. It took me like a year to perfect it with my father’s constant watch.” He chuckled bitterly. “I never knew it would come in handy. One night, I heard someone come to visit our home. I was in my playroom. After some minutes, there was a loud crash and growling. I rushed downstairs to my father’s study. My mother came out, with bloody face and hands. She told me not to come any closer. I was crying. She told me to change and run away. Then, I saw a huge black werewolf attack her, biting her neck. It was like he was as bigger than two lions combined. My father tried to help my mother. The werewolf let go of my mother at last, but she was already lifeless. I was shocked, couldn’t move. I was just f*cking frozen there!
“He turned to look at me, trying to get near me and ignoring my father on his back. My father transformed, biting his hind leg. They fought for a while. I then transformed to help my father, but my father pleaded me to get away. His neck was removed from his shoulders. I… I was really scared and shocked. But I ran away. Finally.
“I didn’t have any idea where to go, but I just ran and ran. Crossing the border from Idaho to Wyoming, I met a pack. They came after me. I did my best to evade them. I fought for my life that night. When I think about it now, it was plainly luck that I managed to kill their alpha. An eight-year-old werewolf killed an alpha!” He sniggered smugly and continued, “I realized he was in his twenties when he changed into his human form when he died. But I didn’t know anything about that thing—the rules. So I left, rushing to the loud crash of a car.” His eyes penetrated hers. “It was your car. I pulled you and your mom out of the blazing car. I wanted to help your father, but it was already too late. The car blew up. I felt so bad. I lost my parents that night… and you… you lost your father. I cried, howling for some time.”
Laken’s mouth was open. She could not believe her ears. She just realized that her cheeks were already wet. When she touched it, her tears just would not stop running. As she swayed, Bleidd caught her by the shoulders and looked deep into her tear-blurred eyes.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t save your father.” Bleidd’s eyes were misty.
“Oh, God!” she cried, her hands clutched at his shirt.
Slowly, she felt his arms come around to envelop her in a gentle embrace. Her heart paused a beat before it kicked faster and harder that she could literally hear it thudding against her ribcage. But she hid her face against his muscled chest, afraid to know that he could hear her every strong heartbeat.
She could feel his warmth emanating against the cottony fabric of his shirt. Her senses were filled of him—his scent, his warmth, his gentleness, his rock-hard body against hers, his strong arms and strength.
When her tears subsided some minutes later, she slowly pushed him back. He let her go, watching her face with those penetrating globes of his that seemed to drown her. She sucked some air deep into her lungs to steady her breathing. He reached out his hand to touch her face and it was this moment that she understood that time could stand still…