Feisty, that one," Paxis stated in their native tongue, when the two had gone.
"It would seem so," the commander said, giving a secretive smile. "And it"s too bad she"ll have to learn things the hard way. The last thing I ever wanted to do was punish her."
"Well, she"ll understand eventually."
"I hope so. But right now, I don"t think she likes me very much."
"But why the suspension chamber, Ziros? Why not her quarters?"
The commander gazed at the large view screen, at the stars fleeting past them.
"We are nearing the void," he said. "I need everyone at their posts so no problems occur. The girl would only cause more and interfere with our efficiency."
"Of course," the physician agreed, nodding at this wisdom.
Sighing, the larger man returned to his seat on the command platform.
"Starting off to a bad relationship wasn"t part of my initial plan, but I"ll just have to deal with the repercussions as they arise." He eased back into his seat and rubbed his face again, aware now of what he was up against.
Casina moaned like a contented feline and gave a leisurely stretch. Opening her eyes, she was startled to find herself alone in a very large bed with cool, clean sheets.
But where? she wondered as she recalled her last conscious moments aboard the alien vessel.
A state of panic enveloped her.
Bolting upright, she pulled the satiny coverlet up against her chin and looked about, eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.
The room was much too big for one so small, she noted. It was entirely too grand and laid out like a rich man"s palace.
"Where am I?" she whispered, still apprehensive.
She lowered the coverlet and pushed it away so she could move her feet to the floor. Wrinkling her toes in the plush carpeting, she giggled, not expecting this. Standing, she stared down at her bare toes, and at the slinky nightie she was now wearing. Long and shimmering gold. It was an amazing choice of sleepwear. "Hm," she murmured, perplexed. This certainly wasn"t what she had expected to find upon awakening.
Perhaps she"d been returned to Earth after all.
She tiptoed to the opposite side of the room, to the glass doors outlined behind gauzy white curtains. She pushed them aside and peered up at the cloudless blue sky with awe.
It was sunny and a bit breezy. She could tell by the tops of the tall, swaying trees visible outside her room.
"Oh, thank God," she said, glad she was no longer on the spaceship.
That receptacle they had put her in had been terrifying but only temporary, fortunately, and with no apparent lasting or negative effects that she could discern.
A wonderful floral fragrance assailed her as she pushed open the sliding doors and stepped onto the stone balcony.
She paused at the balustrade, closed her eyes, and breathed in the heady fragrance of the flowers. It was so warm, and the sun felt good upon her face.
It amazed her, too, how normal she felt, as if all the drugs she had been given at the institute had somehow been erased from her body.
She opened her eyes to gaze about, surprised by the size and beauty of the massive garden below.
In the distance, she spied a waterfall, paved walkways, and fountains, as well as a large, serpentine wall that appeared to border the garden"s entirety.
As before, she couldn"t believe her good fortune. After all she had been through, she was still alive. She smiled to herself. What had Jenny Tompkins once called her? A survivor?
With an even wider grin and a cry of delight, she scampered down the adjoining steps and into the garden.
The excitement she felt was overwhelming, and she momentarily forgot all of her past pain and fear.
Skipping like a child along the walk, she danced happily, whirling about with carefree abandon, with eyes closed and arms spread wide toward the sky, giving no thought to anything else. It wasn"t until she collided with someone who was coming around a bend in the walk that she remembered herself.
She turned with a quick apology, only to halt in horror at sight of the alien commander.
He had halted and was just standing there now, with an inscrutable expression on his face. "I"m...I"m so sorry," she managed, her hands flying to her cheeks in embarrassment. "I didn"t see you." Faith, how could she have been so stupid?
He stared mutely down at her, raking his dark gaze over her with disapproval.
"Where you come from," he began after a moment, "is it proper for a young woman to be outside in her nightclothes?"
Casina gaped at him and dropped her hands, wringing them against her breast in consternation. She could feel the hot blush staining her cheeks.
"Uh, n-no," she stammered. "I just...sort of...forgot myself." And all you...aliens! It was clear now that she had not been returned to Earth, as she had hoped.
"It"s not that I don"t find you rather attractive in that outfit. But in future, I would prefer you abide by our protocols.
Is that clear?"
She gave a nervous nod and slowly backed away from him. Then, without another word, she turned and scooted back to her room. For the second time since meeting the alien, he had managed to knock the joy right out of her.
The older woman who greeted Casina upon her return was frowning at her. She stood at least a head taller than Casina, was dark-skinned, yet she had a young-looking, chubby face. She wore an elegant, sheer-sleeved, sari-type, calf-length gown with a bright, unusual pattern on it, making her appear more round than she probably was. Her hair was black with streaks of gray in it.
This was caught back in an attractive chignon, circled by a peculiar, sparkling purple hair ornament.
But what drew Casina"s attention were her incredible black eyes, tilted and with her lids attractively decorated with tiny purple-and-gold speckles, like jewels of uncommon origin.
"It is not proper for you to go outside like that, Mees Don"sen," the woman said in a stern voice of reproval, ignoring Casina"s curious inspection.
"So I"ve been told," Casina commented, feeling thoroughly rebuked as her gaze slid down to focus on the queer sandals the woman was wearing.
"I am Mrovia.
I have been instructed to assist you."
"Assist me with what?" Casina asked, meeting her gaze, feeling her old attitude returning like a thorn in her side.
Faith, why did the aliens seem to bring out the worst in her? she wondered. "All of your needs."
"Such as?"
"Your bath, for one." As she spoke, she dropped the linen she was holding onto the bed and moved to begin disrobing her young charge. Shocked, Casina slapped her hands away.
"Stop!" she ordered. "I can undress myself. Leave me alone."
"No," Mrovia replied in a firm, adamant tone.
"It is my duty to assist you...with everything."
"By whose order?"
"The Kaanig"s."
"Who"s that?"
Mrovia pursed her lips, folding her hands patiently across her large stomach as she explained the situation.
"Kaanig Altair is in charge of Jupitar...and of everything and everyone in it," she said. "He instructed me to take care of you. Whatever you require, you have but to ask me, and I will see what can be done to accommodate you, mistress."
Casina shook her head, believing the whole thing ludicrous. "What? Do you mean that this man has the authority to tell me what to do? I didn"t ask to be brought here, wherever that might be.
And what exactly is this...Jupitar?"
But the older woman wasn"t put off by Casina"s resistance.
"Jupitar is the galaxy we are in, Mees Don"sen. Konatha is the planet we are on. And you are now at TrCasinaar, the home of Kaanig Altair, the one man who rules it all." Casina took a step back, almost sneering.
"Yeah, right. As if that were possible."
But she could tell by the unwavering expression on the woman"s face that she certainly believed
"Okay, then," she continued. "So, let"s say that what you tell me is true. What then am I supposed to do? I never asked to be brought here, nor do I intend to stay here against my will.
Whoever this Kaanig is, he can just go fly a kite, for all I care." Feeling smug at having said this, Casina crossed her arms and took a haughty pose.
"Remove your clothes, mistress. Then go enjoy your bath. I have no time for your nonsense.
You have no choice in the matter, believe me."
Taken aback at this, Casina uncrossed her arms and studied her a second. Finally, after