"This is Michael Anderson, Alpha of the Brainerd Pack, and his heir Matthew, son Nathan, and daughter Olivia." The greetings went quickly, except the boys lingered a little as they looked me up and down. I could see their disappointment that I wasn't theirs. The Alpha was younger, in his late thirties, and in good shape. They had time to find their mates, he wasn't going anywhere.
"Michael, where is your lovely Marie?" Emma was disappointed, she liked her and they kept in touch occasionally.
"She couldn't make the trip, Craig had a soccer tournament. Craig is Olivia's twin brother."
I embraced Olivia quickly, not missing the look I got from one of the other Alphas. "Are you going with us this afternoon?"
"Of course," she said, "I don't need to stick around for boring talks. Curtis said we could use their speedboat, we can get some skiing and tanning in." I nodded as we moved on.
The next Alpha was dressed sharply and was younger, in his early thirties, and alone. "May I introduce David Lewis, the Grand Forks Pack Alpha. David, this is Mitch, Emma and Ella Grey." He gave my wolf the creeps, she just wanted to move on. As we did, we overheard him telling Olivia that she was not to be on a boat with any unmated male. I shook my head, he was trying to control her already. We would definitely talk about this on the boat.
"Last but not least, the Alpha of the North Shore Pack, Scott Tanner, his mate Kayla, heir Stephen and mate Kim, sons Frank and David, and daughter Carol." We moved down the line of huge men, they looked like cartoon lumberjacks with their plaid shirts, barrel chests and rippling muscles. Scott was in his mid-forties, and had to go six foot six and two hundred sixty pounds. I shook his hand, his grip was just like him, strong and intimidating. His mate was Werewolf Barbie, all hair and nails and huge tits pushing out from the too tight dress. My wolf wasn't impressed. The heir and his mate were nice enough, he was a carbon copy of his father. Frank and David both seemed way to interested in me, and David was openly flirting as he took my hand.
"I hear you are going to college next fall, Ella? What are you planning to study?" The Alpha's voice was deep and powerful.
"Business, I plan to work in our Pack business after graduation sir."
"Excellent. You should consider the University of Minnesota-Duluth; it's a much better school for a werewolf, no huge city and close to our huge Pack lands." Frank smiled broadly. "I'm a junior there. I'd be happy to show you around if you like."
David cut in front of him. "Yes, but I'm a freshman there so I could introduce you to some friends more our age, and we have the best parties. Why don't we go out tomorrow, I'm sure your parents can spare you for a day."
My father pulled me towards his side. "Sorry, but we already have a full weekend planned and appointments at several universities."
I smiled weakly. "Yes, and Carol here has today booked solid." I hugged her as she approached. "You look great, girlfriend!"
She pressed her cheek to mine and then stepped back. "You too! Did you pack a suit?"
"Of course. When are we going?"
She looked back at the group that was now headed to the Pack House. "We have a big lunch get together, then us unimportant ones get to leave for the afternoon. We have to be back in time for dinner, though." She hooked her arm in mine and led me to the front door, her single older brothers were following us. I just ignored them.
We were led through the house to our rooms where our overnight bags had already been set. Mine was next to the other girls, away from the boys at least! It really didn't matter, we usually ended up in the biggest room and watching movies and talking boys half the night. Carol showed up at the door, pushing me to get ready. I freshened up quickly and we headed out back where the welcome barbecue was set up.
One thing about Packs, I thought, was that we knew how to barbecue. The smells of the meats were making my mouth water, and there was no shortage of food. I looked around, a little shocked at how much they had done. "All this for us?"
"Not just you, but yeah." Carol laughed as we stood in line, the Alphas having gone through first so the guests were next. "We usually get together one time in the spring and once in the fall, it's good for Pack relations that way. Having you guys visit was just a bonus, it's the first time you've joined us you know."
My father had explained why; we didn't really like the Alphas, and we were isolated enough that we didn't have borders to defend from other Packs. We did have decent relations with some Packs in South Dakota and Montana, but the distances were enough that it was easier. "Well, me going to school had something to do with it, I'm sure. My Dad would never let me attend without a friendly pack or two around."
Olivia nodded. "I know what you mean, Alpha Lewis is nervous enough about me going to school at the University of North Dakota, even though it's in our territory."
"And that is only after he's got you marked at mated," Carol said. "Until then he's going to be nervous and protective, and so is your father."
I looked at Olivia with a bit of pity. "Doesn't your Dad want you to find your mate?"
She got a frightened look on her face and immediately changed the subject. "Oh, I'm just happy to be mated. He'll be a good husband and father." Clearly, we needed to talk in private, and there was no privacy with other werewolves around. "So what schools are you looking at this weekend?"
"We're visiting the University of Minnesota, they have the Carlson School of Business which is very good. Then over in St. Paul, we're visiting St. Thomas University, they have a Top 100 business school as well."
Carol nodded, she knew both were good. "I'm surprised you didn't decide to go out east to some Ivy League school. You guys are loaded, right? It's not like you couldn't get in."