“You look so peaceful.”
I could feel someone on the bed with me. I didn’t open my eyes, but immediately knew it was her. She smelled exotic, like everything I love, combined into one alluring scent. Her body heat warmed me up, making my cheeks flush and my heart beat faster. Not again.
I stirred a little. What day was it? I searched my foggy brain. That’s right, it has been two days after the twins and I went to the mall. I wasn’t feeling well after, so I told everyone I would rest for a few days.
“Why are you here?” I finally asked. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting beside me on the bed, looking as Godly as ever. I blinked a few times. She was wearing dark tight jeans, a white form-fitting v-neck, a leather jacket, and her knee-high boots. Why must she look so sexy? I groaned softly.
She gave me that half-smile of hers. “I told you I’ll be back.”
This again? Wasn’t she tired of playing this game? Fine! She was a freaking vampire, but what did she want from me? I’m so not in the mood for this, though she looks too yummy too eat, my brain taunted.
“You’re not invited here. Just go.”
She stared at me for a long time, not moving from the bed.
“Would you like me to throw you out, or do you want me to throw things at you?” I moved to a sitting position and smiled sweetly at her, rolling my eyes for added sarcasm.
A small frown formed on her face. “I don’t understand why you hate me so much.” Emiri got up from the bed and moved to the window. Her head turned my way. “It doesn’t matter though,” she continued. “I’ll come back every time until you get sick of me.”
She jumped outside like she did the first night.
A few minutes after she left, my heart began to burn. The pain was too unbearable, so I clutched helplessly at my chest. I let out a moan of pain, fearing the worst. God, make it stop! It hurts so much that I couldn’t even call out to my mom and the twins.
I fell from the bed and stayed as still as possible, hoping things would be over soon. Wave after wave of pain raked my body, and I squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what else to do. Right then, I felt someone touch my cheek. I pushed my head toward the hand, grateful for the contact. Another hand gently rubbed my back, comforting me, gliding up and down softly, and calming my weak body. We stayed that way a couple of minutes more, until the pain subsided.
“Are you okay now?” Emiri spoke beside me, worry etched in her voice.
“Why did you come back?” I tried to get up, but my body felt like it was made out of stone. I felt slightly ashamed that she came back to comfort me, even after I forced her to leave.
“Don’t move!” Emiri took my head and positioned it on her lap. I didn’t know whether I should be embarrassed or grateful, so I just stayed silent.
“I was still around, so I came over when I heard you,” she whispered, her voice rasping a little.
“You heard me?”
“Yes, I’m a vampire remember?”
“This time I’m glad you are. Thank you,” I whispered.
I didn’t see her smile, but somehow I knew she was. Despite my earlier embarrassment, I snuggled closer, savoring her warmth, softness, and great scent. Could I trust her? I thought she was an evil bloodsucker, but somehow this creature was able to comfort me, so I should be grateful.
It seemed that I fell asleep after that conversation because the next thing I knew, it was already morning. Emiri was not in the room when I opened my eyes.
She came again the next night, and the night after that. Each time she would tell me that she wanted to drink my blood, and every time she did, I would say no. It became like a game to us, a question and answer portion that always lead to my refusal. On the second week after I first met her, she visited my room as usual. I was prepared to tell her off when I saw her hesitating.
“I’ll ask you one last time. . .” she began. “Do you not wish for me to drink your blood?” I could see her blue-silver eyes in the dark.
“I don’t want that,” I said with resolve. I wanted to spend time with my family. I couldn’t die yet, even in her hands.
“I will respect your decision. But please do me a favor.” She walked towards the edge of the bed and looked uncomfortable and nervous. She ran her hand to her silky black hair, probably deliberating how to break her news to me.
“What is it?” I asked curiously.
“Umm,” she hesitated. “Can we be friends? Can I still come over and talk to you, until such time that I can’t anymore?”
I wondered about her last question. “Sure. I’ll be happy to be your friend.” That’s better than wanting to eat me right? I thought to myself.
The next time she came in through the window, I was ready for her. Today she was wearing her usual jeans, boots, and shirt combo.
“Hi!” I greeted her. “I’ve been waiting for you.” I patted the bed, coaxing her to sit with me.
“You did?” she said, surprise evident in her face.
“Uh huh.”
Her eyes glinted while she walked steadily, taking her time towards the bed. She sat beside me and I caught a whiff of her delicious smell. I stared at her intently.
“You said you wanted to talk and be friends. So what do you want to know?” I gave her a smile.
I could see her thinking hard before replying, “I want to learn more about you.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Me? What do you want to know about me? I’m nobody. I’m just a human. I’m sure you have better things to do than getting to know me.”
Emiri smiled, her fangs showing. “You shouldn’t belittle yourself like that. You’re very interesting Clover. Come on; please tell me everything about you,” she urged. She looked too cute to resist. A sigh escaped my lips.
“Like what?”
“Like your family for example.”
“Well. . . I have a mom, her name is Grace. She’s a business woman. Her husband is a businessman too, though he’s always away. I have a twin brother and sister. They’re 16. Pretty boring right?”
“You said your mom’s husband. What does that mean? Where’s your father?”
I giggled. “Father? You’re so formal. Well, my dad left when I was a baby, and I have no idea where he is now.”
“I see. . . How about your friends?”
“I have a best friend named Marley. She lives a couple of blocks from here, but I haven’t seen her for a while because she visited her relatives in another country. Her boyfriend Max is also a good friend, but we haven’t chilled since Marley left because I was busy.”
Busy dying, I thought; though I didn’t tell her that.
Emiri nodded thoughtfully. “How about a boyfriend?”
I chuckled and patted her hand. “I won’t be talking to you right now if I have one.”
“What about a girlfriend?”
I felt my face heat up. “W-what?”
Her eyes glinted. “You said you didn’t have a boyfriend, so does that mean that you’re for the other side?”
“I- I don’t know what. . .” I stammered and couldn’t continue the sentence. I wasn’t a lesbian; though I found her absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I just never thought of myself that way.
Emiri ran her right hand through her hair. “It’s just that when I’m near you, your heart beats faster. Your face is flushed too. Your breath is fast, and you stare at me like you want to eat me up. It turns me on.”
My heart pounded faster in response to what she said. Small drops of sweat appeared on my forehead.
“It’s not like that. You got it wrong,” I said a little too forcefully.
“Oh? Let’s test that theory,” she said with a wicked smile. In a second, she was on top of me on the bed, her hands pinning me down. I didn’t push her away and stared at her nervously.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I said you turned me on, so I’m going to show you a good time.” She touched my face and leaned in. “You find me sexy right? I find you fucking hot too. I’ve been holding back because I thought you hated me, but since it ended up this way, let’s continue.”
I tried to push her away meekly, but she didn’t budge. “Tell me Clover, do I turn you on too?” she said in a husky voice.
“You. . . You. . . I. . .” I just closed my eyes, not sure how to answer. Was I turned on by her? As if on cue, my heart drummed against my chest. My breathing got shallow, and I was pretty sure that dampness down there wasn’t pee. Shit! How could this be? She was a woman! I gulped loudly.
Laughter burst from Emiri’s lips and I just stared at her dumbly.
“I’m so sorry,” she chuckled. “It’s just that you looked so serious so I wanted to tease you. I’m sorry.” She laughed hard, her body trembling slightly by the intensity of it.
I pushed her away from me and she fell to my side laughing and clutching her stomach. How dare she toy with me? She really got me going for a second there. Well two could play this game, I decided.
I raised myself and quickly straddled her before she realized what I was up to.
“Clover?” she asked, completely surprised by my action. Her pupils dilated and she licked her lips nervously.
With trembling fingers, I started to unbutton my purple blouse slowly, enjoying the small gasps that she made. I dipped my chest low, making her stare hard, her mouth hanging open.
“You turned me on too,” I said with an unwavering voice. I rocked my hips a little, making sure that she felt every movement I made and felt her freeze underneath me. “You like me right?” I continued. “I’ve never done this before, so make sure you pleasure me well.”
I leaned near her ears and gently blew on it before whispering seductively, “Make me scream baby.”
Emiri’s face turned completely pale like a ghosts.
I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. “Pfftt. . .Ha! Ha Ha! Got you!”
She mirrored my dumbstruck face earlier. I got up and sat on her side.
She took a deep breath and tried to regain composure, realizing that I was kidding. “Alright you got me,” she finally admitted.
I nodded and smiled sweetly at her. “Now tell me about you?”
“What about me?”
“I want to know everything. I’m curious about you too.”
After a while, she cleared her throat and said, “I’m Emiri, and I’m a vampire.”
I hit her with a pillow in protest. “C’mon, be serious. How did you become a vampire? What about your family?”
She stood up and examined my desk, running her hands on the bulletin board filled with pictures. It took a couple of minutes before she replied. “I didn’t become a vampire. I was born one.”
That startled me. “I always thought you have to be bitten to become a vamp.”
I thought back to the books that I’ve read before about them. Most of the novels and info on the net referred to turning as if it was a disease. I frowned at that.
Emiri walked to the window. She stared at something I couldn’t see. “There are two types of vampires- one who was bitten, and a natural born like me,” she hurriedly said the last part. “I won’t go into details when it comes to the vampires who were turned, but in my case. . .” she trailed.
“You’re killing me here,” was all I could reply. I grabbed the pillow next to me and braced myself for the story.
Emiri’s head turned to me. “You see, when a daddy vampire and a mommy vampire are in love, the stork will deliver a baby vampire,” she smirked.
I threw the pillow at her which she just caught and held against her. I rolled my eyes at her. “Alright I get the picture. But tell me more about your family.” I cocked my head to the side.
Emiri plopped down on the floor, leaned against the wall, and hugged the pillow tightly. “I didn’t want to talk about this, but my parents died about a year ago. My mother went first, then my father,” she whispered as if talking to herself. Her eyes had that faraway look, like she was totally in another place and another time.
My chest ached for her. I couldn’t imagine losing my mom. She must have had a tough time dealing with it and had no one to talk to. Why else would she visit me every night? She must be as lonely as me. I didn’t know that vampires could die, but I didn’t question her about it. Instead, I got up from the bed and sat beside her on the floor.
No one spoke for a long time. I guess vampires feel sad too. I rested my head on her shoulder, completely comfortable with her presence, like I’ve known her for a long time instead of the few weeks that we’ve shared together. I closed my eyes and fell into a strange dream- one where the two of us kissed.