Song: Always by Yoon mi rae
Amelia POV
Seven years later
" I'll see you later mum, pray I get this job" I signed to my mother who waved as I walked out of the house. It has been six years since we've left the city and five months ago, we came back, and ever since then, it had not been easy. I had to work in four different places for us to eat, pay some bills, and rent.
My mother is not a lazy woman but ever since she lost her hearing, she shut herself from the world because she felt useless I wanted her to be happy so I did all I could to make sure we have our daily meal. After applying for jobs in different companies, I got called by one out of Ten. As I entered a taxi that morning, I silently prayed and hope they picked me for the job.
The taxi dropped me at the front of the company. The building was magnificent and I couldn't help but admire it.
I entered and pass through the security check, I walked to the receptionist who was putting her makeup on, I wonder if they are paying for this kind of person. Her face looks like it was baked and mixed with different flavors. She was still ugly with all those makeup.
" good morning"I greeted her and she nods. This girl is rude, is that how they are here I wondered. "Em, am here for the interview for the position of personal assistant, "I told her and she finally looks at me, she eyes me from my head down to my feet and gave me a disgusting look.
" Are you sure it is this company and not a company that suits your kind" she mocked.?
" my kind? What do you mean by that? "I asked getting angry because she was insulting my appearance and I hate when people look down on me.
"Yes your kind, anyways what's your name? "She asked and I told her. "35th floor, by the left side, that is where the interview is taking place" she explained and I thank her and turn to walk away when her next word stops me. "I hope you get the job or maybe you won't, your kind don't work here so if I lost all hope of ever getting picked". She smiled.
I walk toward her and threw her powder on the floor. " and if I were you I'll stop baking up my face to look pretty because you look hideous with all those makeup " I stated and walked away leaving her with her mouth open. I entered the elevator and pressed the 35th floor. This building is high to have all these floors. Once I reached the floor, I came out of the elevator and walk as directed by cake face. The hallway was filled with different girls, they look beautiful and dressed like they were there for business while I dressed like a high school girl going for her first class. I sat down and they all gave me a disgusting look.
"Is she also here for the job"one girl mumbled and I didn't bother looking up. "Even their kinds are given a job offer" she mocked and they all laughed.
I didn't bother to look up but I knew they were mocking me, it was something I'm used to. A lady came into the hallway and call a girl in, few minutes later the girl came out looking angry. I look up and saw it was the girl that mocked me. From her expression I could see she didn't get the job, she walked away angrily and I laughed silently. The lady continues to call in the girls and they walk out with the same expression until it got to my turn.
" Amelia brown! " she called and I raised my hand. She leads me to a door and I entered. It was an office, a large one. A mini meeting table was in the office and I figured it was used by the high officials or the CEO and some of the shareholders. I wonder who the CEO was. A voice cleared and I look up at the table. A man was engrossed in his computer, he was typing fast and I wonder if he was angry with the computer.
"Are you going to stand there like a fool or you are going to talk? "The man asked and I know he is one rude man but that voice sounded familiar, maybe it's just my imagination.
"Good morning sir, am Amelia brown, and am here for the job".
"Job? Don't you have anything else to say and what did you say your name was again? "He asked rudely.
"Amelia brown" I replied and the man finally raised his hand at me. Oh my word, I gasped and saw the man staring at me. He looks surprised and this man is Dylan Blackstone.
"Surprise to see me" he announced and I continue to stare at him. He looks different now, muscular, more handsome and he looks like a Greek god and a beautiful model.
"Hi" I greeted and he glared at me.
"are you going to continue staring at me or you are going to sit down Amelia?" he inquired and I sat down opposite him. He looked down and began to read my resume. "Top of the class, good but you attend a community college "he looked at me and I look down. "Look at me when am speaking to you Amelia" he stands up and walks toward me, he bent to my level and whisper to my ears sending shivers to my body.
"Why are you here Amy? "He whispered sending shivers to my body.
"For the job?"I replied more like asking a question. Dylan chuckled and touch my shoulders.
"And you couldn't get it anywhere, why Blackstone? You think I will see you and turn back to the hopeless college boy who was in love with you " he hissed and I face him which makes it look like I was about to kiss him. Our face was too close and I hope I don't end up kissing him.
"I didn't know it was your own Blackstone, I just needed this job" I snapped and turn my face away from him.
"Oh, really Amy? You didn't know that this company was my father's. You are such a terrible liar. After years of leaving me in agony, you came back to rub it in my face by coming to my company for a job? Or you came back for my money. What kind of person are you? You think I will take you back and kiss you like a lost puppy "he yelled. Getting angry at him I stand up and pointed a finger at him.
"Don't you dare insult me, Dylan, I didn't know it was your own Blackstone. If I had known I wouldn't have come here. And now that I know I'll take my leave" I said angrily and walk to the door but Dylan grabs me and pushes me to the wall. "Let me go, Dylan"
"Same old Amelia, always running away from problems. I am not a bad person so I'll give you the job if you go out at lunch with me"
"I rather look for a job elsewhere than work for you! " I shouted but he only laughs.
"And go where Amy, I'll make sure no one employs you. Don't test me you don't know what am capable of doing" he threatened and I kicked him.
"Go fuck yourself, "I told him but he only laughs.
"Don't test me now Amy, I own the city and nobody will employ you if I told them not to" he said in a deadly voice, and for the first time, I was scared of him.
"Fine you win asshole" I cursed and he laughed.
"We should set some rules Amy, am not the boy you left years ago so don't curse in front of me. Now let go for our lunch"
"Now? "I groaned in anger and he nodded. He shut his computer and walk out with me. The hallways were cleared off when I was out and I wondered where the girls were.
"Don't worry I have sent them away "he pointed out and I wonder when and how. We took his private elevator to the ground floor and walk outside together. When the receptionist saw me she stare in disbelief and I smirked at her. I got the job bitch.