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Chapter 8

Part Two: The Calm

Ebony's POV

I woke up and rolled over with my eyes closed, thinking about yesterday. I'd woken up at about three fifteen to find Lily missing. When I'd gone into the living room, I found her cuddled up against Loki's side and staring at him with wide eyes. He had been telling her a story. His story. I'd pressed myself against the wall and listened to it, knowing all the details already. But this time it was a little different. This time the story didn't end with his fall. It ended when he met me.

There was a lingering anger and sadness in his voice but I couldn't sense any hatred and the anger certainly wasn't severe enough to be called rage anymore. I smiled to myself, wondering if he was really coming to terms with all that had happened. About to step in and tell Lily she had to come to bed, I stopped upon hearing Loki's description of me. The bathroom door across the hall stood open and I looked inside at my reflection on the mirror. Raising a brow, I wondered just when he'd started thinking of me like that. I couldn't say I minded... I really did like him. And the way he got along with Lily had definitely raised my opinion of him.

I smiled to myself and paid attention to what Loki was saying. "After weeks of her company, the prince wondered if he had begun falling in love with the princess. But, here is where you must finish the story yourself. How should he find out if she could love him?" I blinked. Love? Sighing, I shook my head and told myself not to think too much of it. He'd get bored and move on. I would enjoy it while I could. Only this time, I wouldn't let him hurt me when he left. I wasn't the innocent girl I was a few years ago with my last boyfriend. I wouldn't let that happen again. I couldn't.

But I still found myself smiling as Lily figured out he was talking about me. She told him how to "woo" me and I heard his chuckle.

"Thank you for your advice, Detective Jones."

I turned to enter the room. A floorboard creaked and they spun around to look at me. I made sure to appear tired and cold, like I'd just gotten up. I'd put Lily back in bed and thanked Loki for taking care of her.

Now, the next morning, I was still lying in bed. Suddenly, I remembered Lily had to get to school. I opened my eyes to see from the clock that it was already eight. I felt the bed dip and I turned to find Lily hovering over me. She gave me a quizzical look.

"What are you happy about?"

I smiled. "I was thinking of the tall guy in the living room."

She grinned. "I like Loki! He's really nice. And he's kinda funny. And he likes you a lot. He like likes you. But don't tell him I told you, it's a secret." She put a finger to her lips. I chuckled and mimicked her, nodding my understanding. I looked down to find she was already dressed.

"When did you get up?"

"Loki woke me up. He was gonna take me to school."

I leapt up and grabbed my jeans. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Yeah." I turned to find her pulling her backpack onto her shoulders. The door opened and I found Loki leaning against the wall, munching on a piece of toast. He smiled a good morning to me.

"I could have taken her. She was quite keen on seeing how teleporting works." He murmured.

"Do you know where it is?"

"Ten minutes from the Bruster's, she said. We can walk the rest of the way." He closed the door in front of me. "Get dressed. We'll wait." He called.

I pulled on an emerald green t-shirt and black jacket, shoved my feet into some old leather hunting boots and pulled my hair back. It was naturally wavy and with the wind, would be a hot mess in no time. I didn't bother to brush it. I brushed my teeth quickly and then grabbed Lily's clothes bag. They were waiting for me in the living room. I smiled to see Loki holding her on his back. He held a hand out to me and I took it hesitantly. He shifted Lily higher on his back. His green eyes were hidden from me as he muttered something under his breath.

My hand tingled and I closed my eyes as my head started to spin. I felt different ground beneath my feet. My hearing had faded out and now it came back, bringing with it the sound of the highway. I looked around and heard a small gasp from Lily. Loki started walking as she directed him. He kept my hand in a firm grip. I tried to pull away but he gripped it tighter and gave me a strange look. I smiled finally, thinking how he looked like a father. He didn't seem to mind Lily at all and she adored him. She kept asking him questions and rambling on. He smirked and kept up with her the whole walk.

We reached the school in ten minutes and went to the office. I was allowed to leave Lily's clothes bag in the nurse's office. We called her dad and made sure her mom was okay. He promised she was home and waiting for Lily. He was going to pick her up early. When we hung up, Lily ran to Loki and hugged his waist. "Bye, Loki!"

He smiled and hugged her back before prying her off him, and pushing her away. I chuckled and amended my observations. He liked her but still wasn't entirely comfortable. I had a feeling he didn't have much interaction with kids on Asgard. Lily hugged me quickly and then ran to class with her friends. Loki came and took my hand again, walking outside with me. I turned to him. "She didn't bother you too much." I said.

He shook his head. "No, I quite like her." He dragged me around a corner so no one would see us disappear this time.

"I should have been more careful last time." He said. His eyes were hidden from me again as he muttered that same indecipherable phrase. My head spun again and I found myself this time by the front door. I went in and turned on the computer, spinning in the chair as I waited for it to load.

"I gotta go in to the office today so you're on your own. Think you'll survive?"

He shot me a withering look. "I am quite capable to taking care of myself, thank you."

"Mmkay, if you say so. Don't burn the house down." I could make an attempt and dress up for the office. But let's be honest. Everyone there thought I was a hermit anyway, why not go in jeans? At least I looked presentable. As I was driving, I called Liv, preparing myself for my explanation.

"Creepy cutie is named after a Norse god." She started.

I laughed. "Hello to you too. Yes, that's important, remember it."

"Okay... First, who is Bakay? You stopped answering and I went out."

"My bad, got distracted. Mom said she met him in her group. He's been clean for two years."

"Is that the tall black guy I saw on her Instagram?"

"I guess? Who's Geena?" It was laughable that we were asking each other this instead of just bombarding mom with our questions.

"Her new workout buddy. Apparently they see each other at ShopRite all the time."

I sniffled a little. "Look at mom. Making friends and being social."

"Which is more than I can say about you." Liv laughed. I put the phone on speaker and dropped it into my lap as someone flashed their lights at me. Moments later, I passed the cop they signaled, parked on the side of the road.

"Nuh-uh! I made a friend!"

She hummed, unconvinced. "Right, the guy I don't trust. Do tell."

I took a deep breath. "Okay so... There's this crater a little ways into the woods by the house and I found him there and he's an alien prince that the myths are based on and I promise I'm not crazy, he has powers." I got it all out in a rush and waited for her response.

She was quiet for so long, I wondered if she'd hung up. "Liv?"

"Sorry, no, still processing alien prince. You understand I'm not calling you a liar but I am accusing you of lying."

I laughed. A knot in my stomach released and I knew she was at least listening even if she didn't believe me. "I'm so serious, you have no idea. That crazy guy in New Mexico, remember that?" She hummed. "That was his brother! Long story but he's actually an alien."

"That was Thor. I looked him up."


"Eb..." She sighed.

I was at a red light. I stared at it, thinking absently that it was a sign of her disbelief. "I'm not kidding! He proved it to me, I can send you a video later! He's the real deal, Liv! We're not alone in the universe."

The light turned green and she sighed again. "FaceTime me and prove it."

I grinned as I turned into the parking lot. "At the office today but will do! Love ya!"

Working in the office was always worse than working from home and I couldn't wait to get out. I had to stop myself from running to the truck. When I got home, I noticed the house was lit and the porch had been swept. It smelled of roasted chicken and herbs. I inhaled happily and went to the kitchen, expecting to find Loki using his powers to cook. But he was covered in herbs and juice and had oven mitts on his hands as he pulled the chicken out.

Leaning against the wall, I watched him with a smile. "Color me impressed."

He grinned and set the chicken down. "I wanted to surprise you."

Nodding slowly, I studied his somewhat overcooked potatoes and veggies and the golden brown chicken. There were even... Cookies? Really?

"You went all out." I spoke around a slightly dry chocolate chip cookie.

"Long day." He sighed. He ran a hand through his messy hair and went to change into cleaner clothes. "I missed you." He said when he came back. I was munching on another cookie.

I swallowed loudly, feeling it clunk into the bottom of my stomach. Missed me? That earnest, hesitant look in his eyes was heady stuff. I couldn't really think around it.

I smiled softly and stretched up to kiss his cheek. "Same. Thank you for cooking! This is amazing. I didn't think you had it in you, mister. But I suspect you used your powers a little bit."

He smiled and shrugged. "Yes well, I wanted to show you that I'm worth the trouble."

Way worth it, I mean he cooked a chicken! Which reminded me, where had he gotten the chicken? I turned to him, raising my brows. "You really wanna date me, huh?"

His unusually bright eyes studied me in a long silence before he nodded once.

I felt my heart kick up and my cheeks warm. I swallowed and nodded slowly. "Right well... Okay then. Yes. Sure. Fine." This was nice. I could do this, I could try it out.

He grinned. "Wonderful." He leaned away and I took a steadying breath.

"I want to go away." He continued. "The weather is warm, the leaves are changing. I heard the mountains are at their peak this weekend."

I raised a brow as I fixed myself a plate. "Did you now. What interested you in the mountains?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I may have dug through your mind a little. Asheville?" We sat down and he fell quiet as I took a bite of the chicken. I gave him a suspicious glare.

"Who taught you to cook?" I mumbled, taking another bite.

He grinned and wiggled his fingers. "I didn't cook it."

"You pulled it out of the oven!"

He laughed. "I heard you coming. Just for effect."

I laughed and shook my head. "Little liar. Yeah, okay, Asheville."

He told me that he had found some hiking trails and events going on this weekend. When I asked if it would be a day trip, he sheepishly mentioned that he had found a cabin we could rent. I couldn't be mad since he had at least waited to tell me before booking it.

"I thought that if you had yet to accept me, I would simply have to garner your affections there." He smiled. His hand waved in the air and a bottle of wine materialized on the table. He poured me a glass.

"That's not my wine." I pointed to it.

"Magic fingers." He sang playfully, laughing at me. "So, is my idea acceptable?"

I sat back, nibbling on the tongs of my fork and sipping the wine. "Tell me about the cabin." He stood and pulled me to my feet, taking me to the computer where he went to a getaway site.

Asheville, North Carolina was a beautiful city up in the Appalachian Mountains. Apparently we were going to stay in a small town called Cashiers, a little out of the way. Loki pulled up virtual tours of a cabin for rent.

I scrolled through the pictures. It was a wood cabin, probably twice the size of my house. It was a little rustic and cozy and simple. Old brown leather chairs sat facing a giant stone fireplace. There were two bedrooms and a full kitchen, perfect for having a really special dinner. A deck overlooked gorgeously green forest views with mountains on the horizon. I smiled and went to the amenities.

"Well?" Loki said.

I smiled and raised a brow. "Why this one?"

"It fits my plan." He said. "And it's the cheapest cabin I could find that wasn't in complete shambles."

Smiling wider, I picked up the phone. "That one it is." It was only eighty dollars a night per person, a really great deal for all that. They had a sale for the long weekend.

"Tyler Allen." Answered a voice over the phone.

"Hi! My name's Ebony. My boyfriend and I were looking to rent your cabin for three days? Saturday through Monday night."

"Hi! Yeah, the cabin's free this weekend."

I smiled and sat back, organizing the payment and check-in. Satisfied, Loki started cleaning up. I snatched my cell phone up and FaceTimed Liv. She answered and since I was still talking, I held a finger to my lips and turned the camera to face Loki. He was putting food away while a clone washed dishes. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked at the oven and stove. With a shimmer of green and gold, another clone appeared and began cleaning the counters and appliances. The real Loki stopped, poured a glass of wine, and brought it over to me. He paused at seeing the phone, raising a brow.

"Eb's proving you're an alien so I don't send her to the crazy house." Liv explained. Loki shrugged, handed over the wine and turned back to Liv.

"Then I should mention I am taking her away for the weekend to win her heart. Do I have your blessing?"

Rolling my eyes, I handed the phone over and turned to the computer. "Yeah, I can do that." I replied to Tyler.

When I hung up, Liv had as well but there was a text on my phone.


Laughing, I shook my head. "Sorry, another human took him already."


Friday saw us out to dinner on our first official date. I came home from food shopping to find him dressed in his new suit - which he had gotten tailored at some point - and waiting patiently for me. Raising a brow as I set the groceries down, I waited.

"I've chosen a dress for you." He murmured. He waved his hand and the food began putting itself away. "You'd look radiant in a royal blue. Despite purple being your favorite color."

"Blue's my new favorite color as of last week." I shrugged and went into my room, expecting it to be one of my old dresses. But instead of one of my relatively nice dresses, I found a breathtaking royal blue a-line laid out on the mattress. My mouth fell open, closing and opening again three times before I got any sound out.


"Is it not to your liking?" I turned to see Loki leaning in the doorway, his brows furrowed and his eyes worried. "Your sister told me you quite like that style."

"You asked my sister?" I whispered. He nodded slowly.

"Your mother tells me you prefer white wine and Italian. I've chosen accordingly."

Oh god, he called Mom? He was being perfect. Why was he being perfect? My cheeks were hot, my hair was a wreck from the wind outside, I was in my ugliest sweats and sweater and here he was dressed to the nines and being so god damned perfect! I swallowed in a dry throat and nodded.

"Okay. Okay, cool. I'll um... I'll get dressed?"

He shook his head and began to gather the dress into his arms. "No, don't wear it if you don't like it. We don't have to-" I snatched the dress back and stepped out of reach.

"No I want it. I just... I didn't know what to say."

He smiled slowly, opened his mouth to say something I was pretty sure was going to be sarcastic but then thought better of it. Nodding, he left the room.

A dress this perfect required a shower and makeup and effort. So I quickly washed up and dolled up, listening to a playlist Spotify called Flawless to hype myself up. Finally, I slipped into the dress. It was thin and smooth like silk, falling over my skin in whispering touches. I grinned to myself, spinning in the mirror.

The back was just as soft and translucent, with silver embroidery that resembled frost. I knew Loki had chosen this himself, just by that one little detail. Black heels and a little black clutch seemed to complete the look but when I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, I knew something was missing.

Loki came in and stopped behind me. There was a cold touch on my neck and then a silver chain with an onyx pendant that I had bought some years ago lowered to rest between my breasts. Loki clasped it quietly before resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Perfect." I couldn't meet his eyes in the mirror but I smiled for him at least. "A vision worthy of the court of Asgard."

If this was what it was like to date an Asgardian, I couldn't ever go back to humans.

Loki offered his arm and I took it with only a second of hesitance.

Perfect was the word of the day. Dinner was a dream come true and Loki was the epitome of a gentleman. For the first time in what few relationships I'd had, I allowed myself to smile with pride when I caught women, and even our waiter, watching him.

As for me, well, I felt beautiful. It wasn't a word I associated with myself. I was pretty enough and friendly and I supposed that was all fine and good. But tonight, leaning close in quiet conversation with Loki and knowing that he couldn't take his eyes off me, I just felt different.

It was a combination of the dress and the dinner and the temporary dream-like quality of it all. This was a once in a lifetime adventure for me and if it was bound to end in him going home, I was determined to get the most out of it now.

Loki stopped me on the doorstep of our house with a gentle hand on my elbow. Turning to face him, I smiled in the dim lights of my porch. He searched my eyes, looking for the answer to something.

"I can say all the cliches you want," I laughed, "but there's no other way to describe tonight."

His gaze softened and his lip twitched. His hand came to rest under my chin. "And I would make an attempt to be poetic but I feel this would be a better answer." Leaning down, he pressed a slow, lingering kiss to my lips. It wasn't demanding and it wasn't sloppy, nor was it confusingly full of desire. It was just a good night.

I couldn't stop smiling. Fumbling for my keys, I finally unlocked the door and stepped into the warmth, only to fall back into Loki's arms.

A man stood in my living room, holding up one of Loki's shirts. He ran a hand through his blond hair, bringing his narrowed brown eyes up to me. His smile was slow coming, cold and threatening. Loki's grip on my arms tightened.

"Hey, Eb?" My ex-boyfriend smiled. "Who the hell is this?"

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