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Alex becomes momentarily speechless as his eyes widen with disbelief. “Pregnant? How, exactly?

As Ann tries to find the perfect words, her heart thumps heavily in her chest. "It was from that one night…you know when we were together. Alex's face pale as realization dawns on him. He stood up, his mind was buzzing with ideas and doubts as he was pacing back and forth in the room. Having a child out of wedlock would ruin his prestige, He halts suddenly and clenches his hands in exasperation.

"What do I do? He poses this question to himself. With a worried expression on his face, he strokes his hair. He pauses pacing abruptly in an attempt to collect his thoughts.

"Well,... Until the child's paternity is confirmed, I believe it would be best if you moved in with me. He said breaking the silence.

Ann's eyes widened with surprise at Alex's suggestions. It had not occurred to her that he would propose it this way.

"Move in with you?

Alex nods, speaking firmly. Yes, without a doubt. If the child truly belongs to me, I'll determine my next course of action.

“OK, Alex, I'll move in with you.

Now that we have an agreement, I'll send my driver to pick you up later.

Later that day Alex couldn't get his head off the news Ann had revealed earlier. He couldn't believe she was pregnant, he didn't plan to be a dad, at least not yet. He paces to and forth in his study room. With a tumbler of whisky in hand, he settles into a soft armchair in the dimly lit room that is only illuminated by a crackling fireplace. He is lost in meditation as he looks into the flames.

(thinking quietly to himself) * Ann is expecting a child. The scorching liquid burns on his tongue as he takes a sip of his drink. Anxiety, worry, and uncertainty are all racing through his mind. His phone beeps on the side table as though it were meant to. "Mom" is glowing on the screen when he takes it up. He responds with a sigh of sorrow.

“Hello, mother.”

“It has been a very long time since you visited, Alex, my sweetheart. Are you trying to avoid me?

With guilt pressing down on him, Alex moves in his seat uneasily."No, Mom, I have been busy."

"Always busy? Too preoccupied to see your mother? Alex, you have to schedule time for your family. We miss you.

Alex feels the weight of his mother's words as his eyes return to the flames. "I understand, Mom. I'll make an effort to stop by soon.

“ You say that all the time. Alex, don't make commitments you can't fulfil.” The line goes silent as his mother hangs up, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Alex says to himself in a whisper. With a single gulp, he finishes his drink, the burning feeling in his throat reflecting the chaos in his head. He prepares himself for the uncertain future that lies ahead with a sorrowful heart.


It has been days since Ann visited Mr Alex Bennett at his office, Ann stood in the centre of her apartment, surrounded by cardboard boxes and a whirlwind of emotions. Packing up her belongings felt like unravelling the tapestry of her life, each item she carefully wrapped holding memories of moments shared in this space.

As she folded her clothes and placed them into boxes, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of starting this new chapter with Alex. The excitement of moving into Mr Alex's manor outweighed any apprehension she might have felt about leaving her old life behind.

Finally, as the last box was packed and labelled, as she had neatly arranged her essentials in it, satisfied with what she had packed Ann closed the suitcase with a click, and she was ready to leave. Her doorbell rang just in time. She was sure that must be Mr Alex's driver, he had promised to send his driver. She walked to the door, stopping to take one last look at her apartment she was going to miss her comfort zone and then she opened the door.

“Good morning ma’am, he greeted with a smile. Let me help you with that, he offered to help her carry her luggage to the car. They both entered and drove off.

We arrived at the largest, most magnificent manor I had ever seen, encircled by acres of verdant gardens and towering trees. I was in awe of the manor's magnificence as I watched, its ancient stone façade sparkling with the warm glow of the setting sun's golden hues. The air filled with the delightful aroma of blooming flowers, and birdsong came in from the distance, adding to the enchanted atmosphere.

As we drew near the massive front gates, I was astounded by their intricately designed wrought ironwork. As they swung open with a soft creak, we stepped onto the cobblestone driveway. As I stepped out of the limo sent to pick me up, The maids were already there to welcome me. I felt like a princess. I followed them into the manor, and there I stopped in my tracks. My eyes widened while my neck directed my head from left to right, my brain trying to snap pictures of every single detail of the manor. The sun streamed through the stained glass windowsill, bringing bright hues and an appealing, airy warmth into the room. The air was filled with the subtle scent of freshly cut flowers and polished wood, creating a calm and elegant atmosphere. I stood there, eyes wide with awe, taking in all the lovely details around me, and I was overcome with astonishment. It was like stepping into a scene out of a fairy tale—a wonderful land of beauty and wonder that I had only ever imagined.

“ I had the exact reaction when I first came here, the lady spoke next to me.

“Sorry, it's just beautiful, I see places like this only in movies and pictures.

“I know, let me show you to your room.”

An hour later I was already settled in, the maids helped me to unpack and made sure I was comfortable before they left. Soon it was announced it was time for dinner. Picking a blouse and a pair of jeans, I was ready for dinner, I wanted to look lovely, it was my first dinner with Mr Alex. I got downstairs it seemed I was early nobody was there yet, and dragging a seat in the luxurious dining area I sat down. I heard the sound of the front door opening, followed by the familiar footsteps of Alex entering the room. My heart fluttered with anticipation as I turned to greet him, my smile widening as I saw him standing there, with a bouquet in hand. Just then, the doorbell rang, and the maid standing close by hurried to answer it,

"Hey, Kat," Alex said, his eyes sparkling with affection as he crossed the room to embrace her. "I brought these for you."

Hey, dear, “l hope I'm not late, Katherine said giving Alex a quick hug." Thank you, Alex” They’re beautiful.

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