HB 4
Khushi's pov
It was as usual embarrassing for me to be having my lunch with Vijay he has never missed to have lunch with me since 2 years I wonder how he manages to be so calm and cool as though nothing has happen between us.
It was Friday and I had only option to go to his home after what Naksh did to me. I only thought about Vijay that time so i was standing infront of his house it was a big mansion I loved his house.. I always told him that he was very lucky to have such huge house and he just smiled and nodded.
I went inside without greeting the security guards... they knew me very well I never had problem entering Vijay's home as he had clearly instructed all his guards that no matter what no one would stop me from entering the mansion.As soon I entered the house I saw Ms.Marry..she worked in the mansion she was shocked to see me in that condition.
"Oh dear what is wrong.. did anything happen.. are you alright" she asked with concern.
"Where is Vijay?"
"He is in the study dear..but tell me what's wrong you look so odd what happen my child, you can tell me what is bothering you"
"Nothing Marry im fine I just wanted to see vijay... and don't worry nothing serious"
I ran to study I pushed the door open and went where Vijay was sitting .
"He ditched me viji, you were right he had a affair with that bitch.. I'm sorry I should have believed you I'm very sorry.. I should have listen to you when you told me... I'm sorry " I was not able to speek any more.
"Shh... khushi first stop crying" he consoled me by hugging me.
I was an idiot not to listen to him when he told that Naksh was not a good guy I ignored viji infact I scolded him and asked him to stay away from my personal life and my choices.
"Its Oki khushi don't waste your tears to someone who never deserve it" he said taking me to the couch.
"I told you he was not a good guy look what he is done now."
I was just sitting there looking at the ground I could not utter a word as I knew it was my mistake. Viji then sat next to me and spoke softly.
" I'm sorry I dint mean to scare you it's just that.....I care for you more than anything I did not wanted this for you, you deserve more happiness you deserve more than this." He took a deep breath and told something I never expected from him.
" I love you khushi I love you more than anything I can't see you hurt like this.. I have loved you since I first saw you..since we were in 10th grade.. I'm not asking you for any answer nor I'm asking you to accept my love I just wanted you to know it and that's all and don't worry we will find you a better guy..."
I was stunned I could not move a nerve how can he or how can anyone be so casual after confessing their love. Later that day viji dropped be back to home and promised that he was there for me all the time and requested me to have lunch with him everyday...
And so here we are having our lunch. We didn't talk about that matter till this date it's been 2 complete years but he never spoke anything about it nor asked any answer from me.
"Kush....(short for khushi... yeah that's what he calls me). Are you alright what are you thinking about?
"How is everything at the office?"
"Everything is fine viji" I said.
"Then what is bothering you, you look upset"
"I'm fine don't worry" was all I could say.
He left soon as he had a meeting to attain. And I was alone in the house thinking about him all the time. I want to tell him that I too love him but something is holding me back and I can't figure out what.
All I have to tell now is I love you too viji I really do..
Thank you for reading