"You're about to graduate from college. You're a neurologist. Are you a doctor or a nurse?" What is that Roseanne! That's probably your stupidest move. You already know the doctor. You will ask more.
"Doctor .." The contraction he actually replied. I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Is he really like that? He seemed unconcerned and seemed lazy to answer.
I just didn’t ask. I feel like he doesn't want anyone talking to him that he doesn't know or is close to. The thickness of my face, eh. I choose to be close to someone again. I just finished the contents of my glass.
"You?" He suddenly asked.
"Ha ?! Me? A-I don't want a neurologist. I want to be a cardiologist doctor." I answer here.
He laughed at my answer. Is anything funny? Did I say a joke? He is annoying. Laughing at what I say. Is he insulting me?
"Ahh, of course. The other day I saw you there at the LS hospital. Why were you there? Did you do your duty there?" I will ask. Say Roseanne. Push to be a stupid woman.
"Hmmm yup ..."
"Are you family doctors?"
"Nope ..." I nodded.
"What's their job? Then." I ask here.
"My parents are both business management,"
"Ahhh! Are you their only child?"
"Wow! You're alone. It's good that you're allowed to be a doctor? Because you're the only one who will inherit your parents' business, eh." I asked him. He immediately averted his eyes from me when I asked him that. And I saw the irritate pass on his face.
Ahmm. I may have asked him something very private. I did not mean. It's your babbling, Ysa. Yan tuloy. He looks angry.
Huhuhu I didn't mean to ask that. Sorry! Don't be mad at me babe. The thickness of my face really.
"Do you have a social media accounts?" He asked as the silence between us broke out.
"Why?" I ask back here. Why is he asking? Will he add me? Or will he install me? Halah! Does he like me too?
"Will you install me? When I say the name of my social media account?" I asked him. He laughed. What's funny?
"I don't like to use a social media account." Eh ?! Is he a joke? E why is he asking?
"Then why are you asking if I have a social media account?" I can answer the question here.
"Why is it bad?" He asked coming back.
"Not really. But you asked ..." I promised but I didn't finish what I was going to say. He is annoying. I thought he would add me. I still assume.
"But what is your name?"
"My name is Roseanne Margaret Sachiko Buenaventura but if you're long on my name you can call me babe." I laughed and winked at him and smiled sweetly. My toy really. My gosh!
"Nice." Praise him.
"Nice? Which is my name or the one you'll call me babe?" He raised an eyebrow at me because of my question to him. How does he do that? He still beat me. He just shook his head and played with the glass he was holding that was only a little empty.
"What shall I call you?"
"Whatever you want to call me. It could be Roseanne, Margaret, Sachiko, Rose, Anne or maybe Babe that's a better name for me." I promise to laugh here.
His eyebrows rose even higher and I even saw him stare at me for what I said. At once he drained the contents of his glass. Did he think I was joking? So seriously what I say. I think the alcohol I was drinking had hit me. I'm flirting, eh.
"Just a joke Rose. Just call me Rose." He then nodded. "It's you. What shall I call you? And what's your name?" I ask here. Of course I personally want her beautiful and cool name to come out of her mouth.
"Kalix James Dela Vega Just call me whatever you want," he said once he turned his back on me and left me here alone. I smiled as I thought of what I would call him KJ just maybe or maybe babe.
I had nothing to do here so I just went in. I saw them sitting properly. And obviously there are right ones. And my two friends are also missing. I was just shaken that Aaliyah and Franchesca were gone.
"Why did you ask?" He asked seriously.
"H-ha ?! No-nothing."
"I don't know."
"Huh ?? Why don't you know?"
"It depends on my university where I may be assigned to duty." It all depends on where you will be sent to the hospital. Because we are still students, we are assigned to which hospital.
Hey, I don't know but I miss him right now. We won't be much but I will miss him.
Monday came, and I was in a hurry to go to SMH hospital. After my duty and my class. I was so stressed about what I was going to do and then I was in a hurry to go to the SMH hospital. I even forgot to pass the medical chart to a doctor there who was my professor.
I was almost paralyzed in the hills I was wearing. I'm only so tall that I'm going to stumble. I know it's messy when I tie my hair. But I haven't paid attention to it yet. I took a jeep to get there and catch up with my professor.
I would be resentful if I didn’t pass the medical chart to my professor. When I arrived at the SHM hospital I immediately ran inside. Unexpectedly I collided with something. So the ending dropped the books I was carrying and the medical chart. Son of a bitch! What the heck!
When you are in a hurry, you will still encounter bad luck. I looked up at it and was ready to be scolded for stopping. Shit! Why now? I'm still ugly today.
"Hi!" I feel good here. I even got to flirt with the person I liked.
"Are you okay?" Question it.
tss don't now. I have something to pass on. Huhu I might not be able to pass medicine. When I don't pass it now.
"Yes, let's flirt later because I still need to submit a medical chart," I promised here. Shit! What am I saying. I no longer knew what I was saying because I was so stressed.
"Ahhh jo-just a joke .. I'll be the first." I saw how he bit the edge of her lip to suppress her little smile. Shit! Why does he even know more about a bite? He's hot so look there.
"Okay," he replied and without saying a word turned his back on me.
When I finished passing the medical chart. I immediately went down and simply looked around. I'm hoping to see KJ. Where is he now? Is he still here?
But I was disappointed. Even his shadow I did not see. I think he has already left. Because when we clashed, he did not wear the laboratory coat that doctors always wear. I was frustrated. Honey
I just sighed and admitted that I would never see him again today. It's annoying because. If only I didn’t really need to pass the medical chart. We could have talked now.
I stopped opposite the kwek kwek seller and chill. I bought non and was about to walk back when someone shouted loudly.
"Hey!" I turned to see someone shouting at me. I saw my boyfriend here outside the SHM hospital Karl. Why is it here? Is he here on duty? He is also a medicine student like me in case he is a neurologist.
"Why are you here? You're here on duty?" I will ask. We haven't seen this mukong in a long time.
"Yes, you are. Why are you here? Are you okay? Your hair is messy and you're obviously stressed out, ah. What else is there?" He next asked me.
"Ano sa tin-" I couldn't finish what I was about to say when suddenly Karl took a kwek kwek and handed me the cooler I bought. Sometimes your friend who is spoiling your food tastes good.
Son of a bitch! I haven’t even cut down on the cooler and quack quack I bought. Then he would go ahead of me. He happily ate the kwek kwek I bought and drank my cold. The evil I think of him. Does he have no money? As far as I know, it's even more flush than me.
Please visit! Your stomach would have hurt if you had been beaten.
"You're stupid, Karl!" I screamed in annoyance at this. But he just laughed at me foolishly.
Those who saw us kept looking at us. He is still being harassed by other women. Because my friend is supposed to be cute. How cute was this friend of mine? E, its ugly ugly. It seems that their vision is blurred and they need to wear glasses.
Just charot! I can't deny that this friend of mine is cute. Gwapo pa. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people like him. Smart, handsome, kind, rich, where else are you? He is a total package after all. The sweater of the woman who will love this mukong. Case buraot and just goofy.
"Hey! Are you already in love and can you look at me like that? Maybe I'll melt because you're staring so hard at my very handsome face." And windy too. The kingina!
"Mainlove !? Hey! Your thickness. Weh dinga? You're ashamed of what you're saying. Your wind is too Karl. He's handsome?"
"Are your eyes blurred?" He asked.
"No," I replied here.
"Hey, why can't you see my value and my very handsome face?" His wind really is!
"Hey, do you have a problem? Why are you saying that?" I asked in astonishment.
"Nothing ... All I'm saying is that your eyes are blurred and you can't see my very handsome face ... You're a numb woman," he said in a whisper, the last thing he said. What is going on here?
"Thick! You're not handsome and you're not cute noh. Don't believe what you hear. Those are liars." I'm teasing here.
"Ah, so you're saying you're a liar," he said.
"What did you say? I'm a liar? How long have I been lying?" I annoyed question here.
"Just now," he promised.
"And how can you say I'm lying." I challenge you here.
"You just told me not to believe those who say I'm handsome and cute. Eh, you're the one who said no since we met and you'll stare at my very handsome face," he said with a wink. Yuck! The air really of this man. The kingina is pretty handsome in itself. Is it really okay my friend? Why do I seem to be changing what he wants?
"Oh you it's just like kwek kwek and cool you're like that. I can't even support that I'm handsome." He broke his promise.
"Tss you that I might die early from your saliva if I still drink jan." I sigh here.
"Luh, you're serious. Are you really a friend? It hurts you to speak, ah. And you're a woman. Your art." He ignored me for what I said and even pretended that he was hurt. Jusko po! I hope it's okay my friend.
"Are you done with your duty and you're here in front of me and talking?" I asked him.
"No, I just went out to eat in case I saw you and I seem to have lost my hunger." I stared at him even more at what he said. What is going on here with my boyfriend?
"Are you on drugs boy? The strength of your right e."
"Luh no ah. I think I'm a good boy. I'm really strong when I come to you." He smiled at the promise.
"It's just that you're hungry, Karl. You've already eaten. You're going hungry so you're like that. Do you want me to take you to a mental hospital? I think you have something wrong with your brain."
"Ayieee, Dra. Buenaventura is concerned about me who will soon be my wife. You are really harsh to me, my Sachiko." He laughed.
"Karl get out of my sight before I kill you." I keep my promise here.
"Don't even marry me, eh." I was about to strangle him when he evaded and ran inside the SHM hospital.
I was happy because I was pissed again. Let's just meet once and then the visitor will tease. I really miss my friend teasing me. It was nice to beat that man.
I just stared and continued walking. No more e. I have lost the urge to buy kwek kwek again and cool. It's just a joke because I don't have the money to buy it.
I need to save money. My food is as bad as Karl's. He has a lot to buy, he's still struggling. That's my lunch.
I continued walking. Case after just a few minutes I get tired of walking all over SHM hospital. I'm really hoping he's still here to see him.
Case seems like he's really gone. I've been around here before. When I got tired I just walked out again and sat in a waiting shed..
I just fixed myself. Looks like I can't really see him anymore. I frowned as I watched the car pass by.
While I was waiting for my ride home. Am I really going home? What if he was just sitting next to me and I just didn't notice?
Haysss take care. I'll just wait for my babe and I to cross paths again. Charot! Rose ?!"
I immediately raised my head to hear the very familiar voice. Is that him? I can’t believe he’s by my side right now.
He just called me Rose. Even my friends and my mom don’t call me Rose. Only him. They often called me Roseanne or Margaret.