Benjamin was delighted to have me as a strong addition, and I was willing to humble myself by coming to his house to tutor, so naturally, he welcomed me warmly. As I dragged my suitcase through the door, all the members of the Dyer family came out to greet me, except for Benjamin's eldest son, Jason. Jason, being the eldest and Benjamin's son from his first wife, should have been there to greet me, but only the Dyer family's second son and daughter appeared, as if they were the only family members.
I heard that Jason had fallen ill, was having outbursts at home, and even tried to harm William, leading Mrs. Dyer to lock him in a small, dark room. Standing next to Benjamin, I looked at the young and beautiful Mrs. Dyer, who reportedly married into the Dyer family while pregnant, a classic case of a mistress rising in status. Her name was Sonia。 At that moment, she stood at the front door with her son and daughter by her side.
It must be said, Sonia was indeed strikingly beautiful, with fair skin and gracefully arched eyebrows, her figure reminiscent of a classical beauty stepping out of a painting. Unfortunately, the disdainful look she gave me spoiled this beauty. A woman who had ascended from being the other woman, what right had she to look down on someone with genuine talent and knowledge?
It seemed my days at the Dyer family would be busy. "Madeleine is a tutor I specifically hired, and for convenience in teaching, she will be staying with us from now on," Benjamin announced as he entered the house.
"What a remarkably accomplished young woman! You’re not only beautiful but so capable. My children are lucky to have such a good tutor like you. We will be very obliged for your diligent care," Sonia said as she took my hand, her direct gaze making me uncomfortable.
But what was stranger was Wendy’s attitude. From the moment I entered, I felt her inexplicable hostility, as if she feared I might take something from her. She stared intently at my face, her thoughts unreadable.
It was understandable if Sonia feared I might seduce her husband, given her own history of stealing someone else's husband. Being cautious was only natural. But why was Wendy's gaze also so peculiar? I couldn't understand. Yet, in this world, not everyone could be liked by everyone else, so I attributed her behavior to jealousy of my beauty.