Did you ever feel someone staring at you while you were talking to someone else?
Well, that's how I felt whilst introducing myself to Aaron's mom. I felt his questioning glance burning into the side of my head, but I carried on smiling at his mom.
His mom gave me the same tight smile in response, before clearing her throat with a cough.
"Forgive me, Alexis. I wish I was better prepared, I didn't make anything." She said apologetically and I let out a small laugh.
"Oh, don't worry about it, part of the fun of food is making it. I can help." I offered to which his mom raised an eyebrow. Nevertheless, she shook her head gently.
"No, I would hate to put that work on you." She started and I let out a small laugh, shaking my head.
"It's no work at all, I would love to help. Plus, I cook a mean pasta." I joked to which his mom wordlessly gestured to the kitchen, an indecipherable look on her face. I nodded in thanks before making my way over. I heard the sound of Aaron's mom behind me and looked around in awe as I entered the furnished kitchen. It looked so amazing and I eyed the marble countertops in fascination.
"Only if you're sure, Alexis, I could just order something." She said and I turned on my heels as I placed my phone on the kitchen counter.
I grinned widely, watching as Aaron entered from behind, a curious look on his face.
"Oh, nothing beats a home-cooked meal." I joked again and Aaron's mom gave me a once-over. It made me cower into myself slightly, but I stayed with a smile on my face.
"You cook as well as go to school? However do you stay on top of your work?" She questioned, a curious look on her face and I felt as though I had entered a job interview.
I gave her a wave of dismissal before looking around to familiarise myself with the utensils and ingredients.
"A lot of daily tiresome work. It's not easy but I think I'm managing" to which Aaron's mom let out a laugh.
"Just managing? You're getting A's left, right and centre." Aaron scoffed out and I looked towards him, not expecting the interruption. His eyes glimmered, but gave nothing away and I coughed awkwardly before turning away towards the stove.
"Can cook and a straight A student? What else can I say except for, where do you want me to lend a hand?' Aaron's mom spoke, giving me her first genuine smile and I pointed towards the fridge.
"Well, I could use some help cleaning and cutting some chicken, if you have any, Miss Walker." I said in a bright tone.
Aaron's mom rolled up her sleeves before giving me a large grin.
"You can call me Sam."
Sam's laughter emanated through the kitchen and I slapped her arm playfully before adding some mushrooms to the pasta mix.
"I can't believe you did that when you were younger." I laughed out ungracefully and I almost felt mindful to Aaron who stayed rooted to his spot near the dishwasher. He had only moved to put a shirt on, but had come back in under a minute, resuming his position and watching intently. It made me feel conscious of what I was doing, but I did my best to ignore him. I knew he had questions, some of which I had no answer to.
It had been nearly 45 minutes since we were in the kitchen and I think Sam had warmed up to me. I looked in her direction as she laughed and thought back to a while ago when she looked dull. I smiled knowing I was a partial cause for her happiness.
"Oh, that's nothing! There was another time, wh- wher-" She didn't finish off her conversation, but instead began to laugh profusely.
"Mom, stay calm." Aaron interrupted, but his eyes were focused on me. His face gave nothing away.
Sam stopped in her word vomit, turning beet red.
"Sorry I guess I'm just a little bit hyper" She said laughing, her tone sounding a little flustered. With that, she excused herself to the bathroom with a smile and I nodded, taking over what she had been doing.
I could feel his stare through the side of my head as though he was asking me to turn, but I ignored it, busying myself with cooking.
Aaron's voice rang out into the silence.
"Why'd you come back?" He said, his voice devoid of emotion.
I looked at him. He was looking off into the direction his mom went, his face as emotionless as his voice.
I smiled. Even though, he was distant right now, I could tell he was happy. The promise to his mom was being fulfilled. I spoke, my voice tight with emotion, but I shrugged almost non-committally.
"I did it for you mom. I had promised you I would hear your reasoning out and, on that basis, I want to help. Whatever happened between us during the day is irrelevant" I spoke with a levelled tone, sparing him a glance as he nodded almost robotically.
Who said we had to get along for this to work?