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He’s My BOSS!!

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Naomi’s POV

It's been a whole month after graduation. I graduated with a nursing degree, a paediatric nurse to be exact. But I didn’t rush my way into working in the hospital so quick.

I took a year off wanting to focus on myself and work somewhere with a good pay but my parents didn't want that for me. Once they heard that they did like that and said things like “what’s the point when you can make more at the hospital!? Why waiste time like that?”

I just wasn’t ready to work in a hospital. Nervousness we could say I had. Not only did I wanted to take a year off but I wanted to move out off my home country, Canada and live in New York. I told them I'm working in a new hospital here in New York. Far away from home I know but I’ve dreamt of living here since I knew what New York was.

Only way my parents let me go to New York and stopped complaint was because “my new nursing job” was waiting for me there. Which wasn’t a lie but it was waiting for me once I finish taking my year off. I actually applied to be someone’s assistant.

It was Friday night it was time to part ways with my family.

Now Saturday morning, after parting ways with my family and friends and wiping the lines tears I’ve finally landed in New York: my new home. Being stranded at the airport lost for about 20 minutes I got a cab to drive me to my new place. Once in front of the building I waking inside and it really hit me that I no longer live at home with my siblings and parents. Shaking that sad feeling away I go up to my place and start unpack.

Exhausted from cleaning and moving things around to make my new place feel like home and decide it’s all for tonight and I’ll finish everything in the morning. All my things had been shipped out to me and into my new apartment but my bed which was coming in the morning. I slept on my couch and told myself I would finish what I had left tomorrow and get ready for work Monday morning.


Sunday morning

I woke up to my phone ringing and hoped it wasn't my mom. I know I know but I love her but wasn’t ready for her this morning. It was actually But Stephanie the receptionist from Moretti Ink & Co. I immediately got up and picked up and tried not to sound like I just woke up but failed.

"Hello, Good morning Stephanie how are you!” I was expecting her call but not early this morning and not so soon too.

This job paid well and when I said well it’s well with benefits and all. This Morretti cares for his staff. It was enough to pay rent here in New York and rent here in the upper east side was expensive. Thankfully my parents offered to pay for the first 3 months because they were happy of me working “at the hospital".

"Good morning to you too Naomi. This is Naomi Owens right?" She asked and I giggled. "Yes it is. You have the right number." She then proceeded to tell me I needed to be there tomorrow at 8:30 am so we could go over somethings. I’m assuming I got the job!! Let’s not celebrate just yet. Why so early I thought.

Once we hung up I felt so happy but also scared. I didn’t want to jinx me getting the job but I hope I get it. Getting out of bed I get dressed and start my day and continue unpacking for the rest of it. The delivery men came and installed my bed for me for free since I didn’t want to do it and they offered so why not.

It was now like 8:30pm and I was almost done with unpacking my things. My kitchen, living room which I know will barely be in, my room will be the room where I’ll spend all my time in if you know what I mean. *wink wink* *also says the virgin bitch* smh but my office was done. I still had my room to complete and I’ll be done.

The office was originally supposed to be a guest room but it has the most beautiful view of New York so it’s now a tiny office for work. Not only did I make it an office but I know myself and I’d probably never have people over. Checking the time I see that the closest grocery store near me closes at 10. I rush out my house and into a cab and buy what I need.

Now I’m like really, like really tired. It was almost 12. After putting everything away and putting a load of laundry to wash I realized that I was finally done with everything but my room which would be done in due time.

I walk to my room and get ready for the night. Removing my layer of makeup, braid my hair down from its fro and wear a bonnet.

Finally settled in my bed with shorts and a tank top I receive a call from and unknown number and I pick up having a feeling it might be work.

"Naomi Owens, how may I help you?" I ask rather questioning then a regular hi.

"This is The Naomi Owens. Yeah?" The Italian accent is heard through the phone. "Yes it is she, why, who's calling." I'm kinda of annoyed cause I just said my name, wasn't he not listening. "Someone's a little moody may I ask why." The voice laughs

"Ok who is this." I ask in a calm voice not trying to ruin my night. I look at the clock and it's 45 almost 2 am now I'm lowkey mad.

"I don't know you tell me." He laughs then I heard what I think I heard, a moan. HE WAS MOANING ON THE FUCKING PHONE!!! WHO IS THIS GUY AND WHAT DOES HE WANT!! UUURRGGH IM IRRITATED. "Mhmmm... baby you like that." I hear a girl say in I think a seductive voice but failed miserably.

"What the actual FUCK. I have work in the morning and I don't have time to hear you being sucked off by some woman. FUCK YOU SIR AND GOODFUCKINGNIGHT." I said with pure anger and dislike to the person on the other end of the line.

"See YOU in the morning Miss Owens." The voice said and hung up.

After he hung up I dropped my phone and I felt like it shattered just like my heart did in that moment.


Please Lord please save me from him and don't let him take this job away from me. Amen. I prayed scared for tomorrow morning.

What a great first impression with your one and only potential boss. FML:(


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