Ever since I moved to New York City, my life has been all about parties, research, and more parties, well let’s just say that aside from research, my life evolves around parties all thanks to Rebecca.
I wore a spaghetti string silk mini dress, it has a slit in front, the back was open and it revealed the boobs area, I wore matching red heels to go with it, I straightened my hair so it will reach my back and fall right above my breast. I applied a little bit of mascara, eyeshadow, concealer, and thick red lipstick and I took my purse.
"You better be ready, Rebecca," I shout while walking to her room. And as I got there I wasn’t surprised to see that she isn’t in the room, she is probably taking a shower.
"Rebecca, you have to get your ass ready right now." I knock on the bathroom door but there was no response. "Rebecca," I say knocking on the door again.
"You called my name" I hear her huskily say from behind.
My jaw dropped at the sight of her, she wore a short leather skirt with a tiny top that only covered her boobs area. Her hair was curled and she had high heel boots on.
"One word, bitchin!" I say chuckling. She looked really hot. One thing I like the most about Rebecca is that she never gets too sad to attend a party. Even after breaking up with her so-called boyfriend, Rebecca never gets too sad.
"If John sees me in this I bet he’s gonna cry his way back to me."
"You’re crazy." I say chuckling
"I’m not, he is but whatever." She says rolling her eyes "I’ll go grab the keys, I’m driving tonight."
"I hope you aren’t drunk." I say questionably
"I took a bottle of beer earlier but I’m good."
We got into the car and no sooner did we arrive. Rebecca parks the car and we step outside of it. We showed the security our IDs and got in.
I remember the time when Rebecca and I use to go to adult clubs with fake IDs. By the way, I was totally against it but Rebecca forced me into coming with her, and thankfully we never got caught, because if we did, we would be spending the night in kid's jail or worse, be kicked out of the orphanage.
When we entered the club, we went straight to the long bar, which had blue and red lighting. The club was packed with both men and women, some were already doing their thing while others were basically half-naked, dancing to the music. I turned around and looked at the dance floor, but I didn't feel like joining in on the dancing. Instead, I decided to just relax and enjoy the atmosphere.
I brought out my phone to check on the update, I only came here for Richie Maranzano so I gotta know if he is coming or not.
"Come on, chill. Switch your fucking phone off and let’s enjoy the night." Rebecca says dragging my phone from my hand.
"Hey, why did you do that?"
"Because I can. Now stop worrying about Richie. We get it, you hate him but you don’t have to be all about him." She says; her voice quite loud presumably because she’s drunk.
This is the main reason why I can’t tell Rebecca about Richie, she blabbers too much and now everyone around me knows that I hate Richie. This is great, isn’t it?
"Rebecca I need my phone, it’s really important." I say
"No it’s not important and I’m not going to give you the phone." She says switching my phone off
"Why are you switching it off?" I grab the phone from her hand
"Because I have to. Come on, you need to enjoy yourself, stop caring about Richie Maranzano, you have a life before knowing about him so just chill."
She making it sound like I’m crushing on him or something like that. But seriously, Rebecca is right, I have a life aside from my mission to end Richie Maranzano. I gotta enjoy myself.
"I guess you’re right," I tell her
"Yeah, that’s my girl." She turns to the bartender and says "Ten shots please."
"Make it twenty." A deep pitch voice says from behind me. I turn to look at him, he is tall, fair in complexion, with peach plump lips, blue eyes, and blond temple fade style hair, he has a star tattoo on his wrist. He wore black leather pants a plain ash t-shirt and a black leather jacket.
"Sorry about that ladies, I hope you don’t mind me changing your orders."
"No, we don’t." Rebecca says twirling her hair into her finger
I can see she has plans for him. "I’m Jacob." He sat on the stool next to Rebecca
As they began talking, the bartender walked up with our orders. I turned around and squint my gaze around hoping I will see Richie Maranzano but didn’t. Sighing I gulp down a shot. I turn around again, looking all over the place but no sign of him.
This is getting really frustrating. I take another shot and gulp it. Before I knew it, I was down to only one shot. Right now, I feel very mad at myself. I feel like I am wasting my time, I came here to keep an eye on Richie but that bloody bastard isn’t here and I’m starting to think he isn’t gonna come.
I turn to see Rebecca kissing Jacob; her tongue drools into him and I feel like throwing up.
God! Someone needs a room.
Jacob whispers something into her ear and she chuckles.
"Can we just get out of here already?" I say cutting off their little mingle. I am extremely bored, the only reason I came here in the first place was to find out more about Richie Maranzano, but now that he isn’t here, I feel like leaving.
"Girl, you need to chill okay, Richie is gonna be here," Rebecca says.
"Wait a minute, are you guys talking The Richie Maranzano," Jacob ask
"Yeah so?" I groaned already annoyed with what he might be thinking, I’m sure he thinks that I have a crush on Richie.
"Do you-"
"No, I don’t" I instantly cut him off. Why do people think that way? Do I need to crush on someone before I know everything about that person?
"Ohh, then why were you talking about him?" He asks
"I don’t know, maybe I find him interesting but I don’t have a crush on him."
Jacob looks like he is about to speak but before he could, Rebecca speaks "You wanna go have some fun?"
"Sure, I like fun." He smirks
She smiles, turns her gaze to me, and says "We will be somewhere around,"
"Sure take your time." I say
I have been writing and searching about the Maranzano family. I have gone through different techniques to get their heads cut off but they just seem to get away with every plan of mine.
I call on the bartender and I and a stranger say in sync "Five shots please."
He turns to look at me and smirks "I’m Matt." He introduces
"What? I can’t hear you" I shout so he could hear me.
He walks closer to me and whispers in my ear "I am Matt."
"Nice to meet you, Matt. I’m Rachel." I introduced
"Nice. You look worried Rachel, is everything okay?" He asked
I sigh and nodded "I’m good, I just need some vodka" Once the bartender walked up with shots, I gulped them immediately. Nonstop.
"Get more" I yelled
"Are you sure?" Matt asks; sounding very concerned
"Yeah, I need to release the stress in my body"
"Two more shots," Matt says to the bartender
"Five more shots" I corrected
"Is it five or two?" The bartender asked
"You heard the lady, five more shots"
As he brought the shots I glued them in all at once. I was extremely hyped, I want to enjoy myself, enough of sad Rachel, I need to get a kick out of enjoyment. I instantly grabbed Matt’s hand and dragged him to the dance floor.
"Let’s dance," I say almost loading balance of myself.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just excited" I grabbed his hand as I walked to the dance floor
I had no idea what I was doing, I didn’t know how to dance but I don’t care. I don’t need to know how to dance before I can dance right? I dragged Matt to the center of the dance floor and I started tweaking.
"Oh yeah," Matt says placing his hand on the sides of my butt.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, dancing for a while before I took a slow turn and bounced back up to face him.
"Matt?" I ask; my vision was quite blurry probably because I gulped twenty shots.
"Matt, are arm feels more muscular than I remember." I say to him.
I rub my eyes with the back of my hand to have a clear view of him.
"You smell different Matt, I like your perfume," I say unable to stand on my feet.
"I will take you home." He says and with that; he lifts me off the ground and carries me with one arm supporting my back and the other supporting my legs. He turns around and says something and whispers to the man next to him. "Prepara la macchina"