Arms crossed over his chest, Noah waited for the man to notice him. His lips thinned when Jackson stopped short, forcing Shea to walk right into him, almost sending both Doms to the floor.
“I didn’t know he was purposefully losing fights. And he’s a grown man, Noah.” Jackson held up his hands as if through by some force Noah could strike him down from the other end of the bar. “It was a light scene. I didn’t leave a fucking mark on him.”
“What in God’s name are you going on…” The man wasn’t talking about Jamie. Noah’s jaw hardened. “Reed.”
Shea stepped to Jackson’s side. His dark eyes level, the navy SEAL whose presence was rare, but always got the subs excited, didn’t look the least bit apologetic. “Yes. Reed. Who’s a member here last I checked.”
Noah nodded slowly and let his expression relax. Kept his tone conversational. “He is. Strange how you both waited until neither Curtis or I were around to challenge him.” He crossed the bar, glancing at Shea as he walked past him, amused at the way the man turned, tracking his every movement. “Did you enjoy taking him? He’s always been... So. Fucking. Tempting.”
“It was one scene.” The certainty faded from Shea’s tone. His eye twitched. “If he’d been interested in more…”
Noah cocked his head. “Continue.”
“He’s a good sub even if he’s a handful. One any Dom would be proud to have.” Shea lowered his gaze. “I wasn’t using him. Neither was Jackson. Others may have and I’m sorry he went through that shit, but I would’ve made him my own if he’d let me.”
Well then…
As satisfying as breaking a few of the new stools he fucking hated with their skulls would be, he believed the man. Reed might be an adult, but Noah wouldn’t tolerate him being treated like a toy to be passed around. Which hadn’t been either of these Doms’ intentions.
At the visible relief in Shea’s eyes, Noah gave him a dry look. “I wouldn’t have let you keep him.” He glanced over at Jackson. “Your concern should be on another sub at the moment.”
“I…” Jackson blinked. Looked to the bar. “Shit, Jamie, I’m sorry I’m late.” He started forward, then slowed. “My boss was riding my ass and…” His brow furrowed. “Jamie?”
Behind the bar, Jamie had gone still, holding his lollipop and staring at Wren.
Wren bit his bottom lip and shook his head.
Both subs remained silent.
“He does not have permission to speak.” Noah leaned close to Jackson, speaking low. “When one is careless with their pets, they lose them.”
Jackson’s lips parted. “But—”
“The bar isn’t open yet, but you may avail yourself of the gym and exercise equipment.” Noah cast one last, cold glance at the man. “Go.”
To his credit, Jackson didn’t argue, but he did shoot Jamie a concerned look before Shea’s firm hand on his shoulder propelled him forward. The men disappeared behind the double doors which led to the ring. Lawson had unlocked them before heading back upstairs, presumably to fetch his sub.
Who Noah was eager to meet, if only for the fact that Lawson seemed to be staking a few claims. His submissive must be not only tolerant, but exemplary. Otherwise, the man was stretching himself much too thin.
He wants to question who’s really in charge here?
Noah had no problem pushing him until he snapped.
But one problem at a time. He considered the two subs behind the bar. Wren, he didn’t have to worry about. The sub had a way of disappearing in any room, eager to please but never demanding attention. He’d been vulnerable in prison, which was why Noah had Rhodey secure his release, rather than worry about his own. He still stirred all of Noah’s protective instincts, but he’d no longer use him to satisfy his lust. A sub like Wren would be too easy to break and Noah didn’t have the light touch the man needed.
Or anyone needs.
There was no way to spend almost two years in prison and come out without some rough edges. Noah had plenty of them before he went in, thanks to his uncle. He’d always be grateful, but he had no illusions about who he was. Too fucking hard and cold to claim any man for more than a few nights of pleasure. A man who would submit to him and expect nothing.
All he had to offer was protection, which he’d given his wards for six years so far. And his other ‘strays’ for longer. Wren could be counted as the latter, though he wouldn’t need the same hardcore level of training, he’d benefit from the control.
Another project would be a dangerous distraction. Jamie was a member. A submissive. Jackson had been reckless with him, so Noah would find someone else to take him on. He was new. Responsive. Easy enough to mold into the ideal sub with some time and patience.
But there was some desperation to him that made him vulnerable. If he’d planned to go home with Jackson after his night at the club, where did that leave him now?
Noah stepped up to the bar and folded his forearms on the edge. “Where are you staying, little cat?”
Pulling the lollipop from his lips with a soft slurp, Jamie ducked his head. “I...there’s a motel on the edge of Anniston Falls I was—”
“No.” Noah had half a mind to go after Jackson and smash his skull in. Nevermind not caring for his potential submissive, his friendship clearly had no value. That goddamn motel was a well-known gang hangout. He was going to get this soft boy killed. “You’ll stay with me. Wren, show him to my loft. Bring his bag.”
“” Jamie’s mouth popped open as he stood, resisting Wren’s tug on his arm. “You live here?”
Noah tapped his finger under Jamie’s chin to close his mouth. “This is my club.”
Jamie swallowed hard. “Jackson told me about two of the owners… Are you Curtis? Lawson?”
“But the other owner—”
“Just got out of prison.” No need to bullshit the man. He’d hear it eventually, but from his expression, the knowledge might scare him enough to make accommodations unnecessary. Which might be best. Lips slit into an icy smile, he curved his hand under the sub’s jaw. Leaned in, his tone soft. “Ready to run now, little cat?”