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VIII. Maximilian

We got into the elevator and with each floor, I felt my lungs slowly deflating. I tried to act tough, but I could feel that not only were my lungs deflating, but my arm was pulsating from the snake bite. We arrived at Tarus and as the doors opened, I felt like I was suffocating. I tried to take small breaths which helped slightly, but I was still gasping the whole way to the end of the Tarus ground. Penelope and I stayed aside, away from Hayden and Tatum. Hayden walked over to an empty plot of ground and suddenly his fingertips began to glow, just like Tatum’s had earlier when he was using the snake to steal the key. Slowly his body became absorbed by a black, fiery mist. Suddenly in the middle of the ground, a big pool of water opened, above it hung a large apple tree, with the finest, most beautiful apples. It didn’t sound like a bad punishment and it didn’t look it. Tatum scoffed as the guards began opening his cage.

“This is it? This is my punishment?” He laughed. Hayden smiled, allowing the guards to come closer to the water and walk Tatum into the middle of the pond where he was chained and imprisoned by a spell.

“Tatum. Born with incredible thirst and hunger. You shall stand in a pool of water. Below a tree that grows the juiciest and the largest apples, but you shall not swallow one bite of an apple or quench your thirst by a drop of water for an eternity. This is your punishment.” Hayden finally spoke Tatum’s punishment and my heart began to sink. I could use a drop of water. I felt my breathing lessen and my chest deflate further, till my chest was hardly rising and I felt myself falling.

I awoke the next morning in my room, in bed. I felt well-rested, but my head was aching. I looked at the clock and it was already 10 am. Shit, I’m late. I quickly got out of bed and ran into my bathroom. I washed my face and quickly got ready, leaving my room and jumping into an elevator. As I stepped out of the elevator, I could make out two figures in Hayden’s office. I am so going to get sent back to earth for this. I knocked and entered the room, only to be met by two concerned and shocked faces.

“Evelyn. What are you doing?” Penelope asked shocked and quickly came over to me and sat me down in a chair.

“I’m sorry, I overslept,” I replied. I always thought it was better, to be honest. It was just an honest mistake. I could see Hayden rise from his seat and walk over to us. My heart was pounding.

“Miss Lockwood. Do you remember what happened yesterday?” He asked kneeling in front of me and I stared into his beautiful, deep purple eyes.

“Umm…” I tried to make out how I got to my room, but I couldn’t remember.

“You collapsed in the Tarus. The snake bite you failed to mention is deadly to mortals. If we wouldn’t have brought you back up on time and began the healing process you could have died.” He grasped my hand in both of his and I could feel my mind wander and remember most of what happened the night before.

“Why wouldn’t you tell us you got bit? That’s dangerous Evelyn.” Penelope asked and I couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t make me look bad.

“I didn’t think. It didn’t seem like we had time to worry about something else. I just assumed we’d take care of it once we came back. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any inconvenience.” I replied bowing my head.

“Your wellbeing is at most important. It’s not an inconvenience.” Hayden replied with a smile. “Penelope, take Miss Lockwood back to her room please.”

“What? No, I’m fine.” I replied rising from my seat.

“You’re on bed rest until I say otherwise,” Hayden said in his deep, dominant tone. All I could do was sigh before Penelope walked me out of the office and back to my room. She assured me that she would come back and have lunch with me and went back to work. Insisting to do some work, I pulled up Hayden’s email, hacking into it with a system we have had installed on earth. Thousands of emails piled up and I tried to go through some to see if I could help with anything. I came across an email from Dorian, asking how things were going and Hayden’s vague reply of “well”. I went through some more and noticed a case number as the subject of one of the emails. I opened the email and began to read the case file. Some of the names had seemed familiar and I continued, wanting to find out more. As I scroll to the bottom of the statement, I notice a familiar name. Maximilian. What mischief has he got himself into this time? I read further and the email says he’s held in the dungeons for questioning. I sat back trying to collect my thoughts, before getting my entrance card, phone, and bag and leaving my room. I rush into an elevator and descend to the dungeons.

“Pass?” The guard at the entrance said and I quickly shuffled around grabbing my pass from my back pocket.

“I was sent by Hayden to question the suspect in cell 334.” I lied confidently. He looked me up and down and at my pass. I made it difficult for him to say no, I’m sure nobody wants to piss off the God of the Underworld.

“Straight. First, turn on your right.” He replied guiding me with his hand and I thanked him, walking over to the cell. My legs and hands were shaking. I hadn’t seen Max in years, and I wasn’t ready to see him held in the Underworld cells. I approached his cell and he got up from his seat, running to the bars and holding onto them as hard as he could. He looked like he was ready to break through them, just to hug me.

“Evelyn!” I stared at him, my eyes getting teary. I shook my head.

“I’m Agent Lockwood. I’m here to interview you on behalf of Hades.” I replied and he stared at me confused.

“What are you talking about?” He asked. I placed my finger against my lips, pointing to the other side of the hall, where a guard was placed, listening to our conversation. He nodded understanding. We stayed quiet for a little while, waiting for the guards to switch stations, which would give us time to talk. I watched the guard slowly pace down to the entrance of the dungeon and finally it gave us a moment to speak.

“What the hell are you doing here Max?!” I asked frustrated.

“What are you doing here? You work for Hades?”

“Yes. Dorian sent me here to help him out with some paperwork. I can’t believe you, Max! I thought you were done with this shit. Going around with these Titans and stealing from the Gods. Zeus’s children of all. Didn’t you learn your lesson when we were attacked as children? When they murdered our parents and nearly both of us?!” I couldn’t stop the tears from running down my cheeks. I was so angry and frustrated. If Hayden found out about this, I would lose my job.

“I’m not. Do you think I’m stupid enough to help them after what they did to us?” He replied infuriated.

“What do you mean help them? Help them with what? Why were you seen with them in Apollo’s house? Stealing his artifacts.” I questioned him. I didn’t know whether I could trust him.

“I had to help them. I didn’t have a choice. I’m not working with them, but I needed information, and the only way to get it was to help them.”

“And take the fall for it? That’s the only reason they used you, to put the blame on you. I knew you were an idiot but come on Max?! If Hades decides to condemn you to Tarus, I won’t be able to stop him. What could be so important that you had to put your whole life on a line?!”

“There will be an attack on Olympus. The Titans, they’re preparing for war.” I clenched the bars harder.

“What are you talking about?”

“The Titans that attacked our family, they’re back. They want power and they won’t stop until they get it. That’s why I went with them because I needed to know what they had planned. I wanted to warn the Gods.” He looked desperate, which made him somewhat believable.

“Max. If you’re lying to me, I won’t be able to protect you. You know that.”

“I’m not lying. I swear. ask Hades he has our mother's necklace he knows about the attack. I know that we have always been taught that Titans are evil but just like humans there are the good and the bad. You need to find Star, she's one of them she can help you find proof and she can warn you before the first attack. Evelyn, you need to leave. There is no way of telling when the first attack will commence and if you stay you will get hurt.” My mind was overloaded with information. I knew I had to talk to Hayden about this.

“I can't just leave keeping the Olympus, Earth and the Underworld at peace is my job. I can't just leave them behind without a warning I need proof to be able to tell hades and he can prepare for the attack.” My phone began to ring, and Hayden’s name popped up on the screen. I could feel my chest tighten as I hung up the call.

“I need to go. Hades is looking for me if he finds out that I'm here I will lose my job. I will try and find Star and I will come to see you again whenever I can.” I turned around without a goodbye and made my way up to the elevator. The face of the Titan that attacked us when we were kids was buried in my brain, I couldn't even imagine what would happen if he found me again. Tearing down the Olympus with me in it would be the cherry on top of his cake. As the doors open Hayden is standing right in front of me. I quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket, hiding that I had it with me.

“Where have you been, I thought I told you, you weren't to leave your room until I said so.” His bossiness always made me want to retaliate with my stubbornness, but I’ve begun to find it flattering and cute. He cares.

“I decided to go for a walk, I feel perfectly fine. You don't need to worry, just let me come back to work.” I replied with a smile, but he continued to look serious.

“Miss Lockwood, you can't walk around without an escort I thought I made that clear when we signed the papers. Your wellbeing is at most important and you seem to keep finding ways to get yourself in danger. I would hate to break my promise to your uncle or see you get hurt.” He replied folding his arms over his chest.

“Like I said I feel perfectly fine can I please come back to work, I have nothing to do here. I was sent here to do work. Please Sir I promise I will stay out of trouble.” I begged, batting my eyelashes like a child. I could see his shoulders loosen up and he began to give into me.

“Fine. We have a new case to work on. Does Dorian keep all case files from previous Titan attacks?” Does he know? Max said he knew. Maybe he was right.

“Has there been an attack?!” I asked alarmed.

“No. there have been several sightings of Titans on Earth, Olympus, and Underworld breaking into God's houses and stealing their artifacts. This behaviour usually indicates that they are preparing for an attack. They use the artifacts to give their weaker Titans more power, so they are prepared for battle.” Hayden explained as we began to walk along towards my room.

“I can go back to earth and get all the documents that you need,” I replied. I’ve missed Dorian and his stubbornness. I missed seeing people.

“No. I want you to stay right here. I can't risk letting you go alone when Titans are roaming the Earth. I will get in contact with Dorian and ask him if he can send the files to my laptop. I will need you to look through them and find as much information on the new Titans and who they might be. Maybe if we find out who is behind this, we can predict their attack.” Hayden seemed determined to find who the Titans were and predict their moves, without any real evidence that they would attack. It felt like he had been in the room with Max and I, recanting our entire conversation.

“Okay, I will get my things and meet you in your office.” I replied, nodding along and making my way to my room.

“Thank you miss Lockwood.” I went back to my room and collected a bag with my laptop.

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