Don't come near me...-- she cried.
Or what will you do? -- he raggedly said.
I said don't come close to me...-- she ag...
The whole Sharma family is busy, people relatives are roaming here and there, every person is making chaos in the whole mansion because today is Arti and Ardhansh's wedding. Decorators are busy with their work, and Mr. and Mrs. Kaushik Rajshree uncle auntie both are busy in welcoming the people, yes Rajshree father died years ago in an accident, and Rajshree mother died while giving birth to Rajshree that is why her aunt and uncle are doing these responsibilities because they are only elder in their whole family.
Rajshree goes and checks if Arti needs anything or not... -- her aunt said.
Yes Kaku (aunt) I'm going.. -- Rajshree said and headed towards her elder sister's room, she just came home and her Kaku said this.
Dii... Dii..... Where are you? Kaku is asking about you, Are you in the washroom dii ?? -- Rajshree shouted.
She searched her sister everywhere but she didn't find her sister, she checked the washroom, balcony, corridor everywhere but didn't find her...
Kaku... Arti di is not in her room... I searched her everywhere but she is nowhere to see... -- Rajshree said.
What are you talking about? Looked like she might be on the terrace or someone else room, go and ask to Niketan where is she... -- Kaku said.
Veerji...( Brother), where is Arti di... -- Rajshree asked to her elder brother.
What are you asking.. How can I know about her? She might be busy in her room.. -- Niketan said.
Yes, Rajshree why are you disturbing us... Niketan is busy... Everyone is busy please spare us for tonight... Go and you also get ready, Barat will come soon... -- Sona said while making a disgusting face.
But veer Ji she is not in her room, I searched her everywhere but she is nowhere to see... -- Rajshree said ignoring her Bhabhi ( sister in law) face.
you have your phone right then Used it... -- Niketan said coldly.
Rajshree gulped a lump after hearing his brother voice, she left from there and called her sister but her sister didn't pick up the call, she called her again but she didn't get any answer back rather than recording voice, she frustratingly threw her phone on the bed and lied there for taking rest, she is hell tired because of today photoshoot session and when she came back home she searched her sister but didn't find her.
Where are you dii... If you are with your friends then why you are not picking up my calls, everyone is busy with their own work but see I'm thinking about where are you....,-- Rajshree said in her inner mind.
Arti... Arti..... -- her Kaku came into her room while asking about her.
Rajshree what are you doing here? And where is Arti? -- Kaku asked after seeing her in arti room.
Kaku.. I searched everywhere but didn't find her, I even asked Veerji but he said that he doesn't know, I called her but she did not pick up my calls, maybe she is in the parlor for getting ready, you know nh. How much dii like to be prepared well in every way... -- Rajshree said casually.
Give me phone.. -- Kaku panickly said and take her phone and called her but she didn't pick up the call again.
Kaku why are you panicking... Di will come on time... -- Rajshree said.
You didn't understand beta why I'm calling .... Barat is here, whole Khanna's is here now what will I do...?? -- Kaku said.
What... They came.. But it's only 7 in the evening...-- Rajshree said unbelievably.
Yeah.. I know... But now what I'll do... What I'll say to them that arti is not here -- Kaku asked while feeling not so good.
Kaku... Drink this... And take a rest... And if dii will not come on time then we will tell them the truth and I'm sure dii will come soon. -- Rajshree said and made her drink water.
After sometime Sharma family people are not looking good at all, Mr. And Mrs. Kaushik face are filled with gloomy, Niketan is trying arti number and also he friends number to get to know about her, but her friends said that they don't know about her.
Sona is not at all involved in this better, she is busy in decorating herself.
Rajshree is also getting restless because of her sister, she is thinking why her sister is not here, somewhere her mind is saying that her sister ran away from her own wedding but again her mind denied this fact because her heart is saying that her sister is not like that who will run away from her own wedding, but what will happen if her thinking is right...? What will happen if everyone finds out that her sister really ran away from her own wedding?
Vikram Ji...-- Mr. Kaushik said and indicated him to come side for a talk.
Mr. Vikram smiled at him and nodded.
What happened Kaushik Ji... -- Vikram asked.
Vikram Ji .... Actually Arti is not there... --Kaushik said while lowering his head.
Means? -- Vikram asked confusingly.
I think she took drastic steps, I'm not able to think properly what she did or doing, we are calling her but she didn't pick up the call..., we called her numerous times but she didn't even give a message to us, -- Kaushik said while joining his hand in front of him,
Kaushik Ji.. If she is not here that doesn't mean she took any drastic steps, it's her own wedding and why she does these types of ridiculous things, she might be in traffic, wait I'm asking to Ardhansh about this... -- Vikram said and left from there, he believed on Arti very much, he asked about this to Ardhansh and he said that from morning to till now he didn't talked with her. Ardhansh didn't care about that because he know how his Arti is...
Rajshree is in her di room, she freshens up for getting ready and opened her dii wardrobe to take her Di one of dress which she wanted to wear, she liked that dress very much when her dii wore it at one of function and that day she asked her dii to give her just for once to wear it, and her di didn't denied for this and today is the day when she got a chance to wear her dii dress, While opening the wardrobe she saw a paper there, she takes that paper and unfold it, she started to read the paper and after reading the letter which is written by her sister is fallen down from her hand, she cried.. -- Kaku... Kaka....... Veer Ji.........
Her voice didn't reach in their ears because of music and band bajas... She reached in the hall and again cried -- Kaku... Kaka.....
Rajshree... Why are you shouting... Have you gone mad? Relatives are here.. Behave... -- Niketan said coldly while grabbing her hand.
What happened Rajshree... -- Kaka asked to her.
Kaka... -- she said and forwarded the letter which she read it.
Kaka take that letter and started to read it. Her kaka fallen down on the floor with a thud, everyone saw this and Niketan took him into the room quickly.
Ardhansh and his whole family and relatives get shocked because now they are understanding that something is fishy... Mr.Vikram and his wife with Ardhansh headed towards the room to get to know that what happened with him why he fell down all of sudden.
Kaushik Ji.. What happened... Are you not feeling well? Can we take you to the hospital? -- Vikram asked concern fully.
Vikram Ji... Hume maf kr dijiye.... ( please forgive us...) -- Kaushik said while joining his hand in front of him.
What are you doing... And tell me what happened? -- Vikram asked.
Vikram Ji......... -- Kaushik lowly said and forwarded him the letter.
Vikram is taking the letter when Ardhansh quickly grabbed it and looked it.
Dear Ardhansh,
I'm sorry for doing this... But I have no choice accept this, I know I'm doing the wrong thing but what will I do when I didn't love you, I love another guy, I know I understand this thing very late but it's not that much late, I feel suffocated in this relationship and somewhere I feel that I'm doing all things in pressure that's why I took this decision, I'm really sorry for what I did with you, and I hope you will forgive me one day...
Don't try to search for me because I'm going very far away from where I will live with my love...
Once again sorry.......
Your childhood friend
Ardhansh is shocked, his heart shattered into million pieces, he is not believing that his childhood friend did this with him, he is feeling betrayed, his all dreams which he created with her is all shattered, he removed his Pagri ( Indian groom attire) and fallen with a thud on the floor, his father saw this and he took the letter from his hand and read it, he also feels the same which Ardhansh feel right now...
What happened Ji.... -- Sita his wife asked.
Arti ran away from her wedding because she loved another guy.... -- Vikram said while forwarding the letter to her.
Sita placed both hands on her mouth in shock.
What we will do Ji? Every people is here, media is here, what we will answer them? -- Sita asked while crying.
I'm also thinking the same, if they will get to know about it then our family name will get tarnished in few seconds... -- Vikram said and sit on the sofa while thinking what to do...
Rajshree is in her room while sitting on a window seat, she is not believing that her sister did this... In her whole house she is very close to her sister, and Arti is the one who loves her very much because Niketan and Sona hate her to the core of their heart, Arti know about it but she didn't decrease her love for her sister, and also Rajshree loves her sister very much, she didn't get a mother love in her life but she gets a sister love in her life very much...
Why dii.. Why you did this... Kaka is in shock, Ardhansh is in not believing that you betrayed him, if you love another guy then why you didn't tell him and me or anyone else in this house, why you ran away from your own wedding... You didn't even think about the ardhansh family that what his family will feel when they got to know about that, his family loves you so much still you did this to him... Why di.. Why dii.... -- Rajshree cried.
Dad let's go from here... I don't want to stay here for a second,... -- Ardhansh said in angry mode, he is betrayed by her and now he has no feelings in his heart which is called love.
What are you saying.. Do you even know what will happen if we will leave from here like this... People will throw ink in our faces... Do you even care about that? -- Vikram said while controlling his anger.
Then what we will do that? Should I ask a girl to marry me at that instant? Or should I go and find Arti -- Ardhansh also spatted at him back.
Vikram kept mum but Ardhansh saying things strike on his mind and he said -- Kaushik Ji... Can you give your Rajshree hand for my son?
Kaushik didn't understand what he is trying to say and he asked. -- Vikram Ji what are you trying to say?
Dad... No..... Are you mad? I will not marry her... And it's my final decision, do you even know how is she? - Ardhansh denied at that instant...
Kaushik Ji... Make Rajshree ready for this marriage... Because of this marriage will not happen then we will lose our reputation, name, and fame... Please agree to this..... Or our both family names will fall in the mud... --- Vikram said while joining his both hands in front of him.
Dad no..... Are you gone insane? Make another girl ready for this marriage... But not she...., you know I don't like her at all, and marry with her no way...... -- Ardhansh said adamantly.
Ardhansh.. For the sake of our family and reputation marry her... Son... -- Sita said sadly.
OK.. I'll marry her... But I'll give divorce to her after happening this marriage... -- Ardhansh said.
OK... -- Vikram said while thinking something in her mind.
What are you saying... Are you out of your mind... Think about Rajshree... After the divorce what she will do? Vikram Ji thinks about both sides... -- Sita said and tried to put some sense in his mind.
Sita.. I'll answer this later, but for now, believe me... -- Vikram said.
Kaushik ji... Are you agreeing to this -- Vikram asked.
First I want to talk with Rajshree, her decision is my decision because I don't want to pressurize her in this... -- Kaushik said.
OK... Then talk to her, we will also talk to her -- Vikram said.
After sometimes...
Rajshree is in bridal attire, she has no emotions in her eyes because everything is happening with the flow, she gets ready for this marriage just because of her family and his family. She didn't want to tarnish anyone's family name just because of her sister, she is repenting her dii things.
No doubt she is looking deadly gorgeous but without a smile, she looking like an incomplete bride.