As Ana walked into the hall, her bestfriend, Camilla, waved at her "come over here Ana I saved you a sit"
Ana quickly walked over to her friend and hugged her before breathlessly sitting on the chair
Camilla looked at her friend "Are you okay, you look like a hot mess"
"Camilla tell me honestly do you believe in love at first sight?"Ana mumbled as she stared at Camilla with sparkly and starry eyes
"Yes Ana I do,what does that have to do with you being late and looking like you were hit by a fashion disaster?"Camilla looked at her friend puzzled
"Oh Cami ,I think I'm in love. I can feel and hear my heartbeat loudly and I've got butterflies flying in my stomach, is this what love feels like"Ana whispered to her friend
"Did you hit your head or bump hard into something? I'm sure your hearts beating fast cause you ran which explains why you're so sweaty and flushed as for the butterflies in your stomach you're probably hungry, what did you eat this morning?" Camilla answered
"Ohhh Camilla, it's not exactly that. But i did bump into my soulmate and i am in love with the handsome prince charming that saved me on my way here"
"Who are you? And what have you done with my bestie" Camilla sobbed as she gently smacked Ana's forehead "whoever you are get out of my friends body, out out this minute"
Ana couldn't help but giggle "oh Cami, stop being dramatic I'm fine"
As both girls giggled, the professor walked into the hall
"I'll give you the full tea later" Ana whispered
And Camilla's mouth curved up "Perfect, just try your best not to mess up your presentation with those googly eyes of yours"
Ana smiled "of cause I won't , my prince charming saved me so I have to do my best don't you think?"
"You're impossible Ana and a bit delulu" Camilla whispered
The professor stood at the podium and addressed the class "Good morning students, I reckon you are all prepared for today?, The judging panel are up at the gallery and they would be watching your presentation .
As you all know the judges panel are a mixture of CEOs, executives, and other high ranking members from different companies, if they like your work they would offer you a job opportunity where you work with them for a year."
Everybody nodded
The professor continued "Now if any student gets more than one offer, he or she is free to choose the company they would like to work for, Results will be given after everyone has finished presenting. As at this moment no one is allowed to enter or leave the hall.Any questions?"
They answered "No sir"
"And I hope Miss Anastasia Leon is here?" The professor sighed
Ana gulped "Yes Sir, I'm here"
The students all burst out laughing because everyone knew how tardy and clumsy Ana was, it was quite a surprise to them she made it in time for the presentation usually she'd be outside the class begging for the professor to open the locked door
"Quiet down" the professor shouted and everybody straightened up "Miss Ana you're up first, the stage is yours"
Ana nodded and walked up to the podium. As she began her presentation. She showcased her amazing vocal and intellectual ability as she beautifully explained her paperwork catching the attention of all the executives present
At the gallery, The kind stranger was calmly watching her. As she continued to enlighten the people present at the hall on her presentation topic, his gaze shifted from her to his hand where she had Shaked him and he couldn't help but smile again.
He took out his phone and sent a message to someone whose name was saved as -Annoying brat-
'I met a girl who made me smile'
AB--'yea and so'
'The girl held my hand without my permission and I didn't't feel the need to break her hand'
AB--'and how does that seem to affect me or be of concern to me?'
'I want to know why?'
AB--'what do I look like to you? Your conscience? Go ask her the reason. Please I'm busy quit disturbing me"
And the person went offline
The man stared at his phone a little longer before he sighed and finally put his phone back in his pocket as he continued listening and watching Ana's presentation.
When Anastasia was finally done with her presentation ,everyone was left in awe as they were all impressed by her performance
"OMG Ana, your presentation was so awesome I'm sure everyone at the judges table would be dying for you to work with them"
Camilla happily said as Ana sat down
Ana grinned from ear to ear "Thanks bestie, but I really just need one company to accept me so I can earn enough to get me through till our grad"
One after the other all the students were asked to present and when they were done the executives were ready to give their verdicts and choose who they wanted to work with.
"i made alot of errors during my presentation bestie, do you think I'd get an offer. Eissh my dad's gonna be so disappointed" Camilla whispered to Ana
"Of cause you'd get an offer, I mean it's normal to be tensed and make some errors during something like this" Ana consoled her friend
The few executives that addressed the students just applauded them on their wonderful performance and spoke about how their companies worked and how some of them would receive emails as to when to commence their Industrial training.
While the students were expecting that their names would be called out in the open , so a tang bit of disappointment hung in th eair
As the students whispered amongst themselves, A polished looking executive stepped up to the podium and the hall instantly became quiet again as everyone stared at the young, tall and handsome man that made his way to the center of the stage.
Ana froze as she saw the handsome kind stranger in the podium
"This is Mr Sebastian Blackwood, the CEO of Phoenix Empire" announced the professor
Ana thought to herself 'He is one of the recruiters, oh my goodness'
Camilla whispered to Ana "oh my God Ana , can you see what I'm seeing? Is he even human he looks like a demi god he is so outwardly handsome and oh dear so tall"
"Yes he is, but it's quite sad that he can't speak" Ana lamented
"Wait what??!! How do you know that? Do you know him? Damn it, that's awful"Camilla sadly looked at the handsome man
As the handsome man looked around the crowd, his eyes landed on the cute lady he had earlier seen. As they locked eyes, he pointed her
"I'd like Miss Anastasia, to work in my company"