I watched as my husband put on a very expensive suit, the suit hugged his powerful frame. His dark hair had been slicked to the side he looked so handsome. He turned as if just sensing me and frowned.
“I didn’t call you Alice. Leave me alone” he growled and I almost smiled. Lately I was getting over my fear of his anger or callous behavior. Liam studied me his eyes undressed me and I blushed. I really liked it when he always looked at me that way.
“Would you like to take tea” I asked and he glared at me and I almost smirked. He kept staring at me, his dark eyes were so intense and scary that I looked away maybe I wasn’t totally free of fear. He nodded in satisfaction when I looked away. He walked to an in-built fridge and brought out a glass of brandy and poured for himself.
“I don’t drink tea” he said and I stared at him, trying to search his face. His eyes met mine and flared and I averted my gaze. It was hard staring into his deep dark eyes.
“I….I” I stopped, contemplating if I should tell him how I felt. For days now I have this having this heady feeling when I stared at him. I had even started to get use to his growls and snaps.
I love you.
“I love you” I blurted out and Liam turned sharply, his dark eyes looked so much darker, his fist tightened on the glass in his hands, he looked so surprised.
“You…you said…..why…..did” he choked and glared at me. Then fury filled his eyes so fast I backed away.
“Don’t. You. Ever say that” he said, he looked so angry but I needed to know why.
“Why did…..”
“QUIET!” He roared so loud that I flinched. He glared at me. “You tell me that again and I assure you that this marriage is over in an instant” he said menancingly and I nodded. He pivoted and chugged down the brandy, he slammed his fist on the table then on the wall repeatedly until it started bleeding I had to run to him and hold him still.
“Please” I begged, near tears at seeing him hurt. “Don’t hurt yourself, I won’t say that again” I added and he stopped and stared at me. His dark eyes softened and he relaxed, his hand was still bleeding so I tore a part of my dress and wrapped it around his hand. He watched me keenly as I did that. His eyes followed my every movement, but they observed me without their usual cynicism instead they were observing me curiously.
He pulled his hand away when I finished and nodded.
“Thank you” he said softly and I stared at him in surprise and beamed.
“It’s okay” I said overjoyed. If Liam was telling me thank you something was definitely up.
“I can’t go out like this” he raised his hand that was crudely wrapped with fabric by me.
“Then stay with me” I whispered softly, taking advantage of the moment. Liam dark eyes burned into mine then without warning he kissed me so hard and passionate that it surprised me then that’s when comprehension dawned on me.
He wanted me
He cared.
I replied by melting into him and he groaned and deepened the kiss. He moved lower biting my neck hard, I moaned and wrapped my hands around his neck I made to pull his suit but he held my hand a firmly.
“Please” I begged not sure what I was begging for but he ignored me and ripped my dress away with his bare hands, he tore the bra as well and cupped my breasts.
“You’re are mine” he said and I stared at him strangely, why did he keep on saying this? He suddenly stopped and I nearly screamed for him to continue
“Say it” he ordered and I stared at him confused.
“Say it!” He yelled and I nodded.
“I am yours” I answered and he nodded and kissed my jaw.
“Good” he rose off me and straightened his suit and I stared at him surprised. I was stark naked which was probably his fault since he tore my clothes and he was straightening his suit.
“You aren’t finishing this?” I asked and he frowned.
“Since when did you start craving sex” he asked I almost blurted ‘since when I fell for you’ but I wisely kept my mouth shut. He shook his head and grabbed a cigar and lit it.
“You used to be scared of sex. Remember?” He said and I blushed. Why must he cruelly remind me every time.
“Maybe because I have never done it before and you are scary when you want to be” I said and his lips twitched like he was trying hard not to smile.
“Fair point” he said then he smiled.
He smiled.
I instantly got dizzy by his smile. Liam was so handsome but his smile was mind-breaking he looked so at peace and handsome. He noticed me staring like a fish gulping for air and the smile left his face.
“Why are you staring at me like that” he asked and I shook my head, clearing the spell he had on me.
“Nothing” I lied and he smirked as if he just knew the reason why. He offered me the cigar and I stared at it.
“Come on” he said and I stared at it. I have never smoked in my life and was not sure what I was gonna do. I collected the cigar from his hand and blew it in like I have seen him do then I spluttered and coughed as the smoke went right into my head. I quickly handed it back to Liam who was smiling in satisfaction.
“You should know how to smoke. Every Turner lady does” he said and I stared at him in surprise. Did he mean that? I really hated smoke or smoking.
“I am kidding” he said with a grin and this time I nearly fainted. He stared at me in concern, something I have never seen in his eyes.
“Are you okay” he asked and I nodded.
“I am feeling a bit dizzy” I said and he flinched, he stared at me in fear.
“Hope you aren’t….you are not…..”
“Pregnant?” I finished for him and he nodded. I almost laughed at the expression on his face but held myself so as not to annoy him now that he was in a good mood.
“No I am not” I said and he nodded, relief evident on his face. Why was he scared of me getting pregnant? He put on his sunglasses and a golden watch and turned back to me.
“I’ll be leaving county in a week” he announced and I stared at him speechless.
“What?” I yelled and he raised a brow at my exclamation. “I mean you can’t leave me alone” I added and he frowned disapprovingly.
“I can damn do” he said in low dangerous tones and I quickly grabbed his hand to pacify him.
“Don’t leave me alone. I don’t know why please don’t do. Do all you want with me instead” I pleaded and he glanced at my face, then back at my breasts.
“All I want?” He asked and I nodded.
“Alright” he said in his deep voice and mounted me and covered his lips with mine.
But the next morning, after a night of hard sex. He was gone.
And I don’t know why but I sobbed.