She was so excited that day. She and her friends were going to a resort. No boyfriends and girlfriends allowed, only the six of them. It had been a few weeks since she last saw Nick. She found out through social media that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. She reached out to him via chat, and from then on, they had been chatting every night. That's why she was confident enough to follow through with their plan.
She really needed to do something to get his attention. She wasn't ugly, so she knew she had a good chance. She just had to take the initiative.
They were using the van owned by Nick's family, and Nick was the one driving. Sitting next to her was Brent, who was sleeping with his mouth open, his head resting on her shoulder. She kept glancing at the mirror just to see Nick's face. Sometimes he caught her staring, but instead of looking away, she smiled at him, and he smiled back.
Joe was singing loudly during the trip; even though he dressed like a girl, his voice was still very deep. Katrina and Eunice were busy talking to their boyfriends on the phone.
She looked at Brent again and, without realizing it, stared at his lips. Annoyed, she closed his mouth. He suddenly woke up from what she did.
"Are we there yet?" he asked sleepily.
"Just about an hour more, bro," Nick answered, looking at the rearview mirror to check on Brent.
"Okay, bro. Do you want me to drive now?" he asked.
"It's okay, we're almost there," Nick replied with a smile.
"Sit up properly. You're so heavy," she complained.
He just smiled and straightened up, putting his arm around her.
When they arrived at the resort, they immediately unpacked their things. It was already around 4 p.m. when they arrived.
After settling in, they ate and rested. By 5 p.m., they all went for a swim in the sea. They were the only ones there because it was an off-peak Sunday afternoon, so they could make noise without anyone complaining. When they got tired, they sat on the sand. It was getting dark, so they started a bonfire.
She started to feel nervous because their plan was about to happen. The four of them exchanged glances when Joe grabbed a bottle for their truth or dare game.
"Okay, guys, we're playing truth or dare. You all know the rules, so I won't explain," Joe said enthusiastically.
They sat in a circle in front of the bonfire. She was between Brent and Nick. She couldn't sit still, especially with Nick sitting right next to her.
"Okay, let's start," Joe said, spinning the bottle.
It stopped at Katrina.
"Truth or dare?" Joe asked.
"Truth!" Katrina answered with a smile.
"Oh, okay. How old were you when you had your first kiss?" Joe asked.
"Th-thirteen," Katrina admitted, blushing.
The guys started teasing her. She looked at her friend, who was smiling.
"Who was it with?" Eunice asked.
"D-dennis," she laughed.
"Really?!" they all asked in unison.
Dennis was the biggest bully in their class back in elementary school, and his favorite target was Katrina.
"It wasn't on purpose, guys. He was trying to tease me again, and when I turned around, his face was so close to mine because he was about to put something in my hair. And then! When I turned, our lips just met. Eww! I don't want to talk about it," Katrina said, laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever instead of being disgusted.
"That's why he stopped bullying you," Nick suddenly said.
Katrina laughed even harder.
"Actually, we were together for a month, then my mom found out, pinched Dennis's ear, and he never came near me again. I cried for a few days," she said, still laughing.
They all laughed because they knew how strict Katrina's mom was.
"Okay, next," Joe said when the laughter subsided.
The bottle spun again and landed on Eunice.
"Truth or dare?" Joe asked.
"Dare!" Eunice said with a grin.
"Okay, hmmm..." Joe said, thinking.
"Kiss Joe on the lips!" Nick suddenly said, laughing.
Everyone burst into laughter. Brent even gave a high five to Nick.
"Hey! That's unfair. It's Eunice's dare; why am I included?" Joe complained, his stomach hurting from laughing.
"Quiet! I'm going to kiss Joe!" Eunice yelled.
Joe quickly covered his mouth.
"Nooo!" he screamed as if he were disgusted.
They laughed even harder at their flamboyant friend's reaction. Eunice approached him, trying to pull his hands off his mouth.
"Please! Don't!" Joe screamed dramatically, as if he were being assaulted.
"Come on. It'll be quick. Don't resist," Eunice said, raising her voice as if she were a man forcing a woman.
They all fell silent when Eunice finally managed to remove Joe's hands from his mouth. They saw Joe's eyes widen. Eunice quickly kissed him on the lips.
When it was over, Joe screamed, grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and drunk from it.
They all laughed again. Next was Nick, who chose truth.
"Have you liked or are you liking anyone from our group?" Joe asked.
Her heart raced with the question, especially since Nick took a long time to answer. He laughed nervously.
"Y-yes," he finally answered.
Her friends, who knew her secret, exchanged glances.
"Who?" Brent asked.
Suddenly, there was a heavy silence as everyone waited for Nick's answer. It felt like a tense moment between just him and Brent.
She held her breath, waiting for Nick's answer. Her heart was pounding.
Nick's face became serious before he finally spoke. He stared at Brent before answering.
"You," he said, still looking at Brent without smiling.
A moment later, he laughed.
"You're annoying, Nick!" Joe shouted, splashing alcohol on him.
They all laughed except for Brent and her. She thought he would say her name.
She didn't know why, but she really had hoped for it. She just smiled faintly. She saw Brent grab another bottle of alcohol and drink from it.
The bottle spun again, landing on Brent. Since the bottle would keep spinning until it landed on someone who hadn't played yet, everyone knew it was Brent's turn.
Brent was ready for his turn.
"Truth!" he answered immediately before Joe could even ask.
"Hey, excited!" Joe teased.
"Okay, hmmm..." Joe started thinking about a question.
"Did I like anyone from our group?" Brent asked, volunteering his own question.
"No, you can't repeat questions," Eunice said.
"Why not?" Brent complained.
"Nah, Brent, you don't need to ask; we already know," Joe cut in.
She saw Nick laugh quietly, glancing at her before grabbing some alcohol and drinking it.
She stared at the bonfire, still disappointed by Nick's earlier answer.
"Okay, how about this... When are you going to ask the person you like out?" Joe asked Brent.
She looked at her friend. They were close, but she was the last to know the news.
"Later," Brent answered, finishing his bottle of alcohol.
"Aww, so cute," Eunice squealed.
How could it be later when they wouldn't even leave until tomorrow? They were staying the night there.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she realized she was next. The plan was about to unfold. She exchanged meaningful glances with the four of them who knew their plan.
They didn't spin the bottle again since she hadn't played yet. Joe already considered himself done because of Eunice's dare earlier.
"So, Zy, truth or dare?" Joe asked.
"Dare," she answered softly, feeling nervous.
Eunice and Katrina exchanged secret smiles.
"Okay, Zyline, do you see that big tree over there?" Joe pointed to a tree in the distance.
Everyone looked in that direction. It was already getting dark, and the light from the bonfire was the only source of illumination, so the tree was hard to see.
"Yeah," she answered.
"Go set up your tent over there, but... don't worry, we're going to draw names to decide who will join you," Joe explained.
Of course, she had to act surprised, even though she already knew the dare because she was the one who came up with it.
"What? How?" she asked, unsure if she was overacting.
"I have prepared our names. Here, look!" Joe showed the names written on pieces of paper.
"Okay, game!" she said, confident that Nick's name would be drawn, knowing Joe had already prepared the paper with Nick's name.
"Alright!" Joe cheered.
He mixed up the names, and she saw him hesitate as he reached into his pocket. He seemed to be searching for something. Their eyes met, and they seemed to be communicating silently. Joe shook his head.
Eunice and Katrina, who knew the plan, exchanged knowing glances.
Joe finally pulled out the paper, and her heart sank. Was their plan going to fail?
Please, Lord, let it be Nick, she silently prayed.
Joe dramatically opened the paper. Everyone stared at him, except for Brent, who was still drinking his beer.
She saw Joe read the name and smile sweetly before looking at her. She smiled back.
Yes! Thank you, Lord! It was almost like she wanted to look up at the sky.
"The person you'll share the tent with is none other than..." Joe said, teasing.
Once again, she held her breath while staring at her gay friend.
"Brent!" she yelled loudly, even pointing at her friend with an open palm as he was busy sipping beer.
Brent looked at her while still drinking. The smile on her face almost disappeared in disappointment for the second time. But she kept it there, especially since the guy was watching her.
"Y-yay!" She raised one hand, pretending to be overjoyed.
She wasn't sure, but she probably looked foolish. Brent's face showed no trace of a smile.
"Hey! Why do you look like you're not happy, huh?" she teased him, pretending to sulk.
He put down the bottle he was holding, stood up, and approached her. She was startled when he made her stand, suddenly lifted her up, and spun her around in the air.
"Yay! I'm so excited to sleep next to the most restless one in bed!" he shouted as they spun.
"Put me down, Brent! I'm getting dizzy. You're crazy!" she exclaimed, lightly hitting his arm.
Their other friends burst out laughing while watching them. When he finally put her down, she playfully punched him lightly on the chest.
"You're really crazy!" she said, annoyed.
He just laughed.
"Alright, let's eat over there in the cottage, guys. My stomach's been rumbling for a while now," Joe said.
They quickly headed to the cottage. Brent put his arm around her shoulders, and they walked there together. She noticed Nick lagging behind, still sipping beer.
It was over. Their plan was officially ruined.
Better luck next time, Zyline!