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Hi, my name is Jessy. I live with my mom in New Jersey in a small town called Paterson. My mom's name is Hope Jenkins. My dad is no longer with us. He passed away but something tells me he's alive just hiding and waiting for the right time to come out. 

My dad's name is James Jenkins. He is a Mafia king and a family man. He would do anything to keep us safe from his enemies. Mom and I work at a nightclub called sexy kitties. No, it's not a strip club but the clothes we wear say otherwise. 

Tonight, I have to wear my favorite color Kittie costume black and blue tail and ears with a black tank top and blue mini skirt. They call me Lil demon because I can be nice, but I can be mean like a demon. My mom's favorite color is black and red and she's wearing her black devil horns with her red tail and a black crop top with red leather jeans. 

They call her a sexy devil. Some of the other girls love to show more skin than they have to, but I think because they want attention from Dean and David matches. Dean and David are the owners of this club and we used to go to college together. 

Dean Matches is my best friend but one thing he doesn't know is that I'm in love with him. I want to tell him my feelings, but I always chicken out or he has company in his office which kills me all the time because he's mine and I will tell him soon or later. I might tell him tonight how I feel about him because a man like Dean will not stay single long. I won't miss my chance with him.

“Jessy do you have to work tonight?” mom asked

“Yeah, mom. Do you have to work too?” I asked

“Yeah, the boss man wants to talk to us.” mom said

“I wonder what we did this time or which one of the girls reported us?” I asked

“Me too, kiddo.” mom said

“Hopefully, we get a raise,”  I said

“Right? All the hours we've been working I think it would be nice. We will see when we get there.” mom said

We walked in and said hi to everyone. We made it to work as always on time and the other girls hated that. They try their hardest to get us fired. I just laugh because I think it's childish. It's not our fault that we come in and do our jobs and not throw ourselves out there to every man that we see. But there's one girl named Jen Asher. She's pretty cool. We became close since we've been working together. Jen is the only friend that I can trust, and she always has my back.

“Let's go see the big man himself, shall we?” mom asked

“Yes, we shall,” I said

We walked to our boss's office which is down the hall on the left side of the club. sounds like he's busy with his flavor of the night. It is funny how half of the girls he has some fun with look like barbies on crack. 

The girl he probably is with right now may look worse than the others and she thinks she's better than everyone here. But I proved her wrong and put her in her place like a kid.

“We will come back later.” mom said

As soon as we walked away of course the flavor of the night came out and started talking smack. I would do anything to punch her in the face for one good time because I'm so tired of having to put her in her place when it comes to Dean. he doesn't even like her. 

She's just his one flavor of the night and then he chunks them. Dean is a good man, but he is also a dangerous man when he has to be. When it comes to me and my mom, he always protects us like we are his family. That's what I love about Dean; he's a family man and will do anything to protect the ones he loves.

"What are you looking at?" Barbie asked

“Nothing but a barbie that can't keep a man satisfied,"  I said 

“Bossman, when are you going to let a real woman rock your world? I mean come on, these Barbies can't be doing the job right if you're hard again, am I wrong?” I asked

“Jessy, if you only knew I have my eyes on someone, but I don't know how to approach her. Because she is the most beautiful person that a man can ask to be in their lives.”  Dean said

“Hmm, do I know this person?”  I asked

“Yes, Jessy,” Dean said

“I can help you out by just giving me her name and number before I go home,” I said

“Okay, sweetheart,” Dean said

“So, I heard you wanted to see me and my mom?” I asked

“Yeah, that's true,” Dean said

“What's up?” I asked

“Well, we have guests coming tomorrow night. I need you and your mom here early, like 7 pm.”  Dean said

“Okay, this must be big?” mom asked 

“Yes, they are the new co-owners. You and your mom are the only ones I trust doing this for me.”  Dean said

"Okay, no worries. We got this,”  they said

“Thank you, ladies, for doing this tomorrow. I know it's y'all's day off. I appreciate it and you both get a raise."  Dean said

“Thanks, boss,” they said

“You two can get to work now and then you two can leave early as well.” dean said

As soon as we were done talking with the Dean about our guest coming tomorrow night mom and I got back to work until mom had to be nosey and wanted to talk to Dean.

"Thank you, Dean." they said

"No problem, ladies." dean said

"Now back to work we have a slow day."  dean said

My mom asked to talk to Dean about something. I hope she doesn't ask him about what I said. It was a harmless joke, not really, I meant what I said because I want to be with him. 

"Hey Jake, what did my mom have to talk to Dean about? " i asked

"Hey sweetie I'm not sure Hun." jake said

"There's a guy that wants to talk to you." jake said

"Okay, thanks, Jake."  i said

I walked over to the guy on the other side of the club, and he grabbed me and dragged me out the back of the club into the dark alley. He started hitting me. I couldn't move or scream for help. 

I thought I was going to die. As tears rolled down my face from the pain and how scared I was I tried to say help me, but nobody heard me. I remember there was a camera out there. 

I tried to get in the camera's view and hope someone sees me. I'm cold and I feel myself slipping but I have to stay awake, but I can't. I was too weak. I closed my eyes and I needed rest. That's when everything went black. 

When I went looking out the back of my club, I saw a form of a body. I walked a little closer to the person and said “Hey are you okay?” But I didn't get an answer from the person. 

I needed to get closer and that's when I found Jessy barely breathing and bleeding out fast. Who would do this to her? My heart was breaking because of what I'm seeing in front of me. I told Hope to call for help. I found Jessy and she's not responding.

“I called for help on their way!!” hope said

“Hope you stay there; you don't want to see what I'm seeing.”  dean said


“Hope we will have to drive her to the hospital. She's bleeding out fast.”  dean said

“Okay just get us there fast in one piece.” hope said

When we pulled up to the hospital I stayed inside the car with Jessy. I was covered in blood that was Jessy's from me trying to slow down her bleeding. Hope to tell them your daughter needs help if we move her the bleeding will start again.

"HELP ME PLEASE MY DAUGHTER GOT SHOT!" hope yelled in tears

The doctor came out and saw how bad Jessy was hurt and told his workers to get Jessy to the O.R. fast she was losing too much blood. 

"Ma'am, what happened to your daughter?" the dr said

"We were at work and one of the workers said someone wanted to talk to my daughter. I asked him if he got the person's name and he said no. That's when I went to get my boss and he found me in the dark alley." hope said

When the doctor was done talking to Hope and me we went to the waiting room to hear if Jessy will make it or not.

That was the scariest thing I had to go through in my life and watch the woman I love slip away to nothing. I have to find James because his brother is back and he's out for blood.

"Hope I'm going to find James will you be okay while I'm gone?" dean said

"Yes Dean, thank you for helping me and Jessy." hope said

"You're welcome Keep me updated on my girl." dean said

"Okay, I will Dean make sure you find James." hope said

When I was about to leave the doctor came out. I hope that Jessy made it. I'm not a man that would pray but tonight I did. I prayed so much that Jessy would pull through and she did. Now I know I have a chance. Thank you, God.

I headed out the door and I heard my phone. I looked at it and it was a text from Hope letting me know Jessy pulled through and she's resting. I smiled to myself knowing my little fighter of a woman I love will be okay. Now I can go find James and bring him to his wife and daughter. I hope he will let me be with Jessy because she's my end game and I can't lose her.

"She's going to be okay Dean, just breathe." hope said

"I know David. It's just hard knowing the girl you love is fighting for her life and I can't do anything about it but be there for her." dean said

"I know it's hard bro, but you have to be strong for her." david said

"David I can't lose her man." dean said

"You won't lose her, Jessy, is a strong Mafia princess, will soon be your queen." david said

"True, let's go find James and the person that did this to her." dean said

I and my brother David and I went looking for James and we hope to God that we are not too late. We made it to our office to see if we could find where exactly he was. But no luck so far on finding James.

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