Bianca's POV
"I said suck it, you fucking slut!" Steve growled and flashed the knife at my face as if to say, "I'm not bluffing!"
I could sense he wasn't bluffing. The guy was a demented asswipe. It was just my bad luck that I got involved with a scumbag like him.
I shut my eyes tight and opened my mouth to take his thick fuck-pipe in. My tongue tentatively grazed over the foreskin of his cock and encircled around the crown. My nostrils were engulfed with his musky, manly scent and I shuddered as he pushed his shaft deep into my mouth.
I could not believe this was happening!
Steve groaned and grabbed my hair in a coarse manner. I winced and mumbled against his cock but it came out as nothing but a muffled sound. He pumped his meat deeper and more desperately with vicious urgency. I choked and gagged, seemingly running out of breath but he didn't seem to care.
He was on a mission to impale me with his pipe and all I did was lay helplessly, accommodating it. A grunt came ripping out of his lips as he forced me to suck his flesh faster and faster.
Tears nudged at the corner of me eyes as Steve whipped in his cock in my mouth and buried it for a few seconds before thrusting again more vigorously. I felt it hit the back of my throat and I was already breathless, I thought I would die as a result yet he relentlessly carried on.
I saw my life flash before my eyes. There was still so much I had to accomplish. I couldn't believe that I was going to die from being forcefully mouthfucked. I thought about how the headlines would read tomorrow, 'Supermodel and actress Bianca Davies impaled to death as bodyguard forced her to fellate him in her bedroom'.
How fucked up was that? It sucked!
Steve flashed his knife at me again and roared, "Well? Suck my cock!’"
Then I realized I had been lost in my own imagination. I hadn't sucked the son of a stupid bitch yet.
But he was going to make me do it anyway and I recoiled in disgust at the thought. He nudged the tip of his unwelcomed dick at my lips and I opened my mouth slightly, preparing to meet my doom.
Steve was suddenly jerked away roughly from atop me and thrown to the floor. I sat up straight and behold was my knight in shining armour, Sky. He was here to rescue me, the damsel in distress from the vile clutches of the evil monster, Steve.
I watched as Steve swung his knife at Sky but he evaded and lunged back at the fool. Steve wasn't quick to dodge or counter so Sky's heavy blow successfully landed on his jaw. It was somewhat comical seeing a stark naked man battle against a fully clothed one. Steve's jewels danced in the air as he fought with Sky.
My housekeeper rushed over to me on the bed and covered me up with my towel. Steve's face was all bruised up at this point and his knife had been knocked off his hand. Seeing he was losing the fight and would be taken to jail, he tactfully scrammed. Sky chased after him and after a while only he returned, catching his breath.
"He got away," he announced. "Are you okay, ma'am?"
"I'm fine, all thanks to you," I said to Sky and I meant it.
Had it not been for him jumping in to save me, who knew how it would have ended? I didn't think that sick fool would have stopped even after having his way with me. He seemed like he was out for my blood. And I felt it in my guts that this was not going to be the last of him.
"How did you know I needed help? And how come you were still around?" I asked Sky with all curiosity.
"I left my phone in your car and hence, I came back for it."
"I saw Steve when he headed towards your bedroom but I didn't think it was suspicious you know, since he was your bodyguard and it wasn't strange that your bodyguards entered your room and that late too...," Diana, my housekeeper spoke, her voice trailing off. She was probably fumbling inwardly for the right words so as to not annoy me. "And I heard you screaming for help later on," she continued. "I was about to go call the security guards when Sky came in. Thank goodness! I told him everything and that's when he rushed up the stairs to save you."
"I guess I should thank you as well then," I told Diana. "Thank you."
"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just glad you're safe and that Sky got here just in time."
"I wouldn't say just in time but he wasn't really late." I stood up from the bed and exhaled sharply.
"I apologize for that, ma'am," Sky said in a low tone with regret ringing in his voice.
"It's fine. You saved me and it's not like you were supposed to be here anyway. Thank you."
"I have to stay here tonight just in case Steve comes back."
"I doubt he will but you're welcome to spend the night here." I turned to Diana. "Please show him one of the guestrooms..."
Sky objected, "I'd rather stay downstairs in the living room."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes, ma'am." He nodded and I agreed.
I took a shower again that night, washing thoroughly every part that filthy bastard had touched. After I plopped down on my king-sized bed, I had a hard time falling asleep. I tumbled and turned, back and forth for an hour or so before I finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, I narrated my ordeal to Harriet and she rained abuses on Steve. "I'm really glad the asshole didn't succeed but it's a shame he got away. What if he comes back?"
"I need more guards at the gate. Please see to it that about three more are employed. They have to be trained professionals please, skilled in karate or whatever and weapon handling."
"No problem, Miss Davies."
"Oh and I need a replacement for Steve. Please run a good background check on whoever it is you're going to hire. He'll be guarding me 24/7 and would only have the weekends to himself. I trust you know how I like my bodyguards."
"Good-looking, well-built, tall, smart and skilled in combat?"
Harriet understood the assignment quite well because only a few days after, she brought the replacement I'd asked for. And boy, he was a package perfectly put together! I could have sworn the angels settled down and took their time to make this one cos damn!
"Good day, Miss Davies," the new bodyguard greeted me in a sexy, thick British accent. His voice was very deep yet soothing and symphonious.
"Good day," I replied as though I was mesmerized, staring into his grey eyes.
My, oh, my! I looked forward to having him by my side 24/7.